Thursday, March 9, 2017

3,000 th Post

Here is is...   our   3,000 post...     THAT makes us feel really OLD.       We thought we should have Special Pictures fur you.... from the Past..
     ME at the Sculpture Studio
 ME driving MY Pontoon Boat... (which we no longer have)      I was Cap'n Frankie.
 Cruise on the Lake...
 One day... we saw a Squirrel Swimmin Way out in the MIDDLE of the Lake.
 THESE are the baby bunnies that I found one summer... and helped the Mom rabbit raise.
 I LOVE THEM....    and was really gentle.      Butt SADLY they grew too fast and all ran away to the woods.
when I Furst became a JUDGE

 Me as Cap'n Underpants..

 Hey... are you my Brother???     Wait fur ME...
 Our CUSSINS...   FRANcine ERNESTine.
 Clownin' around

Snow  FREAKS.....
Another Freaky thingy..

 We gotta tell you....    these 3,000 post have been  a   WILD RIDE
Just Sayin'.


easyweimaraner said...

Happy 30000!!!!!! And oh to see some of your adventures was so fabulous... it's un-pee-lievable how much things happened between post aone and post 3000.... now we look forward to the 10K... your can make it... I'm sure...

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

Looking forward to another 3000 posts! Congrats on your achievement. You are an inspiration!

Unknown said...

Congratulations on your most momentous occasion of your 3000st post. Wishing you another 3000!

My Mind's Eye said...

WOOOOOOOOHOOOO WILD AND FUN AND FUNNY AND OMCs the things you have taught us and got to meet you all in the furs...last year. Tighty whiteies still crack mom up
Happy HAppy 3000th!!
Hugs madi your bfff and mom

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
O....M....D.... You are stalwarts of Blogville and are a key part of why this part of the etherwebs is such FANTABYOULUSH place to play in!!! THANK YOU so much for your furiendship, your fun and games and laughter and Love, for just being you!!! Here's to the next 3000. Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

My GBGV Life said...

Congratulations! Love you boys, and we look forward to your next 3000 posts!

ZOOLATRY said...

Wonderful photos and memories! Thanks for sharing, so enjoyed (and giggled a bit!) seeing them all ... and many congratulations on your 3000th time with us all ... a big paws up to ALL of you and a tail wag, too!
Love from Zoolatry ~ Ann, Dougie Dog and Zoey

Julie said...

WOOHOO!!!! And many many congratulations on your 3000th post....that sure is an amazing number (as is 87, a number you introduced me to as well, hehe)
Loves and licky kisses
Princess Leah xxx
PeeS We should all be raising our Ruby's margarita filled glasses to the next 3000 posts!

Sweet William The Scot said...

A lot of good friendship can happen in 3,000 post!
We are so blessed that we got to meet you in the furs.
Thanks for being a friend
Sweet William The Scot

Kismet said...

You ruined the whole thing by letting a squirrel "post bomb".

Matilda the Boxer said...

Wowza, 3000 posts!! Who'd've thought you could do it, especially facing such hazards as a swimming tree rat! Here's to 3000 more!

Two French Bulldogs said...

Congratulations baby that's a lot of words
Lily & Edward

Robin + Christmas said...


Mara said...

Happy 3000! We love the photos and think it was very fitting! Here's to 3000 more!!

Mara, Brom and Miss Oswin from Norway

My Mind's Eye said...

FnE if you come here come today !!!don't come here after tomorrow. they are predicting 2" of snow here between Sat night and Sunday afternoon.
Hugs madi your bfff

WFT Nobby said...

Congratulations Frankie and Ernie. We absolutely adore your blog and hope there will be 3000 more posts. All the pictures are great, but it's hard to beat the tighty whities...
Toodle pip!
Bertie (and Gail).

The Life of Riley said...

Well done guys. Writing 3000 posts is amazing!!!
Love and woofs
Riley & Enzo

The Ladies of Beaglebratz Manor said...


3000 postiez - where haz the time gone? It seemz like just yestaday me an'my angel bruther Shiloh wuz gettin'2 know ya. Now we can say we knew ya when. Ya gotta lot of great pikchurez there - so many fun mem'riez. So F'n E - whatcha got under your pawz fer ya next big accomplishement - the White House?
Lady Shasta
(I'm still tryin'2 lite a fire under my peep an'git bak 2 my blog - any suggestchonz?)

Sully said...

You know I'm here to claim my prize, just kidding. Loved all y'alls photos. I'm not allowed to EVER get that close to a bunny, ya know because of that one incident when I killed one. Mom is still very pissed about it. I think my favorite photo is of baby Ernie flying off the porch it made me laugh.

Aroo to you,

The Army of Four said...

Happy, HAPPY 3000th post to you!!! That is quite the accomplishment!

Poodle At Play said...

Happy 3,000 post guys! That is quite an awesome accomplishment!

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

WAHOOVIES!!!! Congrats on 3000 pawsome posts!! We sure do miss Francine and all should have them over to visit soon!!

Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

Duke said...

Congratulations on 3,000 posts! We just LOVE your blog, Frankie and Ernie♥

Idaho PugRanch said...

OhMyDOG!!!!! 3000 posts is just amazing! We are so glad that we found your blog when we first got started! Here is to many many more of your fun and shennigans!!!
Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

M. K. Clinton said...

Let the bells ring out and the banners wave!!! Congratulations on your 3,000 post! That is amazing. We are so happy for y'all ♥

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Mega Congratulations on #3,000!!!!!!! That is just amazing!!! We have many wonderful memories of so many of your posts. Thanks for sharing some of them today. Now on to another 3,000.

Woos - Lightning and Misty

stellaroselong said...

Wowzer, wowzer 3000 posts..wowzer, we just loved those picturs so very much, but my mom is now wondering one thing, those two girl cuz...well she actually has always thought you had girl cuz's in your life but now she is wondering if perhaps well........are they you two? stella rose
yep that is my mom

Millie and Walter said...

Congrats on your 3000th post! We always leave with a smile on our faces whenever we visit. It looks like you took our advice and stayed away from our recent post. Our mom wanted your mom to make sure she saw it though.

Scooter said...

Hey FnE!
Wow, what a wonderful trip down memory lane! We've had an amazing time in Blogville. Congrats on your 3,000 th post and wishing you 3,000 more.
Sarge and Shelldon & Beach nut

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Finally gots a WEAK Inner Nut signal to I could wish ya'll a very Hap-Pee 3000! Since we's kinda MIA in Blogville right now 'cause of da stoopid InnerNut, we don't want to join the contest. Just wishin you Congrats on 3000th is plenty fur little 'ole me!


Murphy said...

Happy 3k!! Those are some wonderful photos of your memory lane too! We are proud to call you Pals!

Your Pals,

Murphy and Stanley

Charliedownunder said...

Crikey ..... what an achievement. 3,000 posts????? That's heaps, aye? Well done AND Mum and I loved the trip down memory lane.

Linda said...

Happy 3000 post and what a adventure it was
looking back on all the fun times here.

Astro and Mom

Ruby said...

HOLY CRAP!!!! WOOOHOOOOO! 3000 is TOTALLY PAWSOME DUDES!!!! And I thinks my fav pic is baby Ernie following you Frankie! SOOOOO adorables! What? What's that??? You pharted in his FACE??! BOL!!! Wells, he HAD to learn what he was gettin' into, rights??! BOL
CONGRATS BOYS!!!! I lift my margarita (pitcher) to you!!!! Here's to another 3000!!
Ruby ♥

Anonymous said...

A CRAZY wild ride! Congratulations, boys! Ernie's first day is killing me! You 2 are perfect together!

Love and licks,

Leigh said...

Congratulations on your 3,000th post! Wow that is an amazing score. Loved seeing your past photos too - thank you for sharing them. Nose licks and love from Moth xx

Jans Funny Farm said...

Aw, we're late, as usual, but we always love your posts. Congrats on #3000. That's so neat you "helped" raise baby rabbits.

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

We remember most of those! Congrats on 3000. We've just reached half of that!

Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

Congrats on number 3000. They have all been first rate. I am sure the next 3000 will be too.

Unknown said...

Congratulations on your huge mile stone!! It does look like it's been an incredible ride for sure. Thank you for sharing your life and adventures with us as we do so enjoy seeing them.

Molly and my Mom @The Fast and The Furriest

C.L.W.STEP said...

Hooray! Congratulations!

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello frankie and ernie its dennis the vizsla dog hay three thowsand posts!!! that is so verry menny posts it is like twennywun thowsand posts in dog posts or sumthing!!! kongratchoolayshuns and i am lukking forward to three thowsand mor!!! ok bye

The Daily Pip said...

I'm a wee bit late, but wanted to congratulate you on 3000 amazing posts! Quite a remarkable achievement! So many memories in these photos. Of course, Captain Underpants will always be among my favorites!!