Monday, January 2, 2017

Mayor ARTY... takes Office... PEACEFUL Transition of PAWer fur Blogville.

   ....  Is this THINGY ON????     Can you Hear me Now?

GOOD DAY Fellow Blogvillians....  
     TODAY we are gathered to INAUGRATE our NEW MAYOR...   Hizzonor   ARTY.

Hey Honorable ARTY is one in a LONG (that's a Dachshund Pun) line of Blogville Mayorz.
   I was the Furst...  followed by Mayoress MADIson and most recently Mayorz Murphy and Stanley.
 Today we pass the Pawsition on To ARTY... who was duly elected by the Citizens of Blogville.
      I would like to tell YOU and Arty what Being Blogville's Mayor meant to ME...     I was Blogville's FURST Mayor... and as such It fell on ME to NAME our "TOWN"... which has now grown into a Full Blown CITY...    I chose BLOGVILLE since it sort of EXPLAINED (IF THAT IS PAWSIBLE) What our COMMUNITY is all about.    
       WE are SPECIAL and our COMMUNITY is SPECIAL.     WE are NOT like any other place in the ENTIRE Slice Earth.      
    As MAYOR of Blogville...  I had FUN...  I had RESPONSIBILITY...   I had HELP...  and I had a BLAST.    My Term was the BEST Time Of MY LIFE....
       All of the residents who held Cabinet Pawsions Did their Jobs with Great Pawfessionalism.     Arty, you can expect the Same...      THEY will have your Back, Jack.   
    ALL the Residents of Blogville will be Ready and Willing to lend Paws, Claws, Wings, and Creativity to HELP you make your Administration one that will Do US PROUD.   
      I am SURE that All of Blogville joins me in saying.....  


                       THE CROWD GOES BALL  ISTIC...

Pee S.... this is a Blog Hop thingy...     you can        CLICK HERE  to  find the rest.


WFT Nobby said...

Well said Frankie. Appaws, appaws!

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Yep, we're all in there working together to make Blogville wonderful for EVERYONE!

Kinley Westie said...

Pawsome speech!

Duke said...

What a great speech!

My Mind's Eye said...

Frankie and for sure your vision for Blogville has come full circle!!!
Thank goodness the snow freaks didn't try to take charge either all because of your savvy long stretching experience!!
Hugs madi your bfff

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Oh yes, well said Frankie. From little things, big things grow.
Must love you and leave you - tomorrow I set off on that trip which means no comments from me for a while - but you know I have an 'eye in the sky', so will catch up with you again e'er long... &*> hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

My GBGV Life said...

Beautiful speech! Enjoy all the festivities today!

Scooter said...

Arty will do a fabulous job! And he has great leadership support from you and Madi and the Doods. Great event today.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, police commish

Kismet said...

What's with all this nonsense? I thought I was voting for a pARTY.

Millie and Walter said...

We are looking forward to Arty's term as Mayor of Blogville and agree it is the best place on earth.

Mara said...

Hear Hear!

Mara, Brom and Miss Oswin from Norway

C.L.W.STEP said...

Hooray! Good speech!

Murphy said...

Great speech Frankie! No wonder you were the furst, you do well in front of a crowd! (BTW, the photo doesn't appear.)

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley
Mayorz Emeritus

Robin + Christmas said...

Pawsome speech!

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

APPAWS...APPAWS!!!! You are such a great speaker Frankie, and I am going to do my best to keep Blogville the pawsome place you, Madi and Murphy and Stanley have made it!!

M. K. Clinton said...

Pawfect speech, Frankie! We have added the inauguration info on the news.

Idaho PugRanch said...

thanks to you Frankie - Blogville is what it is today. ARty and I take this responsibility to heart and will make you proud
Vice Mayor Mabel

Scooter said...

How exciting. Blogville has a great Mayor


lexitheschnauzer said...

Great speech, guys. I don't know why the picture didn't show up for me, though. It must be the snow freaks' fault. ~Amy

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Ver well stated indeed!!! We look forward to a great year in Blogville with Arty as our Mayor.

Woos - Lightning and Misty

sprinkles said...

Well said, Frankie! Lots of exciting changes happening in Blogville this year.

Charliedownunder said...

Crikey Frankie and Ernie ..... You sure got that speech thing down to a fine art, aye?? Arty is going to make a great mayor alright. We are in good hands again. A new mayor .... How exciting!!

Leigh said...

Great speech and looking forward to a new year in Blogville with a new Mayor. Nose licks and love from Moth xx

Matilda the Boxer said...

BRAVO! We owe a lot to you, our first Mayor. Now you can rest safe knowing that Blogville is in good paws!

Jans Funny Farm said...

Great speech, Frankie. We can see you are a politician at heart. We hope you will still by Blogville's judge.