Thursday, December 29, 2016

Christmas 2016 Cont.

Snow Freaks #28

 BUTT THIS is a GOOD One...     We gotted this card the other day.... NOT fur CHRSTMAS CARD COUNTING.... butt fur   HELPING us outta this HORROR we have been Living with...  
     CHECK IT OUT.....
It is from our GOOD Furends....   LILY and EDWARD   (aka... BIG ED)
THIS is a Card we can REALLY appreciate...     and TRUST us we DO appreciate it Lily and Edward.      THANKS  87 Bazillion.
      NOW fur our Christmas Over at Sarge's house....  we gotted our Pressies in a Dishes Pan... which MIGHT have been insulting... IF we hadn't liked it so much...  I (Frankie Furter) Climbed INTO the PAN and started Shredding Papers.... right away...  ERNIE was askeered he would get in trouble fur getting into the pan....  NOT TRUE Frankie....   NOPE not True at all...  I just thought that Pan looked a LOT like our ... Muddy Paw Washing Pan... and I did NOT want to have MY paws stuck in FREEZING water... when there was SNOW on the Ground INSTEAD of Mushy Mud.
   YEAH, RIGHT.. Ern... sure you did...
 I think it was beclaws you are askeered and LAZY, too.

 HEY look what WE Gots...

 YOU are just JELLY, Ernie.
 OPENING Packages is....
 HARD work, we tell ya.

We gotted Ribbons and Bows stuck in our Furs...
 Hey let's look and see if we can find Anythingy ELSE to open.
 I THINK Santa Claws gotted Stuck Head furst in the Chimney Frankie...
BUTT..... THIS is the Bestest thingy Sarge Gave Us...    a Woofie Cushion....   and   SNIFF   LOOK at what I did....

 I made a Woofie PHART.....          Just fur ERNIE.;..
I'm TELLIN' MOM on YOU...     you old PHARTer, you.   


easyweimaraner said...

oooh the woofie cusion IS THE HIT! and I love the card... it makes me hap-pee too... on the floor.... think we live in a yellow venice soon :O)

My GBGV Life said...

That card is pawsome! My sister Bailie has a Woofie Cushion! She just loves it, but it stopped farting a long time ago.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Crikey you guys scored top stuff!!! Glad you had such fun. Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

Linda said...

Winner Winner you got lots of good stuff.
The card from E & L is BOL funny.

Matilda the Boxer said...

BOL, grreat card, Lily & Edward!

Kismet said...

I suppose that it comes with the small also.

Two French Bulldogs said...

BOL we knew you would like that one!!! A woofer cushion! Cool
Lily & Edward

My Mind's Eye said...

Oh that is a classic card. Now you can save it to use next year after the snow freak=ness is over. Pressies in a pan...that has a right to it like Elf on a Shelf! WooHoo
We saw a funny cartoon over on YaYa's blog it was a big dog telling the little dog all about Christmas big dog told the little dog not to sit near Grandma because he would be accused of Pharting.

TELL the Hands we love her carpet pattern
Hugs madi your bfff

Millie and Walter said...

That looked like a great box of pressies and that card is perfect for you.

C.L.W.STEP said...

Hooray for presents!

Murphy said...

Wow, looks like you two really cashed in! And that was the pawfect card for Big Ed to send you!

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Bwahaahaa! WOW! you guys got loads of stuff(ies). We don't shred papers. We'll have to try it!

SHE's having a coffee and biting the head right off one of those shortbread scotties!

Idaho PugRanch said...

That is a great card and a Whoofie Cushion!! Fun!
Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

BOLBOLBOL!!! What a fun Christmas!! We just love that woofie cushion..BOL...and that card from Lily and Edward is just pawsome!!
Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

Kinley Westie said...

Dat card made me BOL!

Robin + Christmas said...

Looks like a pawsome Christmas you two had!

LBJ said...

The woofie cushion is awesome and we love the Snow Freak card! Wags and Hugs

Abby Lab

Louis the Blogging Dog said...

BOL! BOL! You guys are hilarious and that woofie cushion is grrreat!!
Your Furend
Louis Dog Armstrong

Duke said...

What fun gifts! We love the woofie cushion☺

Backcountry Brodie said...

BOL BOL BOL, that card do be so appawpriate! And wowser, you guys scored big from Santa Paws. Bet all that loot keeps yous bizzy fur a long time.

M. K. Clinton said...

Greatest card for y'all EVER!! It looks as if Christmas time at Sarge's was super fun too!