Monday, July 11, 2016


REMINDER......      JULY 15th is the ABSOLUTE     DEAD LION    fur getting your pictures to the Pawlympic Hosts...      

OMD OMD    on SATURDAY...  we went to this town called Lake Connie Aught (Conneaut) ....  Beclaws they have a BIG Lake near by....     and they had a big special Dawg thingy....   at their Dawg BARK....      It was a BLAST...

This guy was HOOOOOOOOOOGE....  he is an AMERICAN Mastiff... and he weighed OVER 200 Pounds....     Butt he wasn't Mean Scary at all....   just ...
 REally DROOLIE....   in Fact.... he Stood over top of ME (F.F.) and DROOLED... and his MOUTH was SO WIDE that it DIDN'T even drip in my furs... it landed on the LEFT and RIGHT of me...   SERIOUSLY....  Our DAD saw it happen and HE was Stunned...      HONESTLY this is ABSOLUTELY the Truth... THAT is how WIDE his Face was....   WIDER than I am across my Ribs.....         Everybuddy LOVED him...          We Won't Biggify the pictures beclaws it MIGHT scare some of you... OKAY?
 It DID get a tad Warm... and pretty CROWDED so WE gotted in our NO WALKIN WAGON... and had a cooling drink of ICE WATER...  and
 Rested up fur what was about to happen to us...
 Scuse MOM's Fat Finger....   THIS was a special tent that was set up....   See how it is all Decorated?
     OH and the Big Guy was there to help officiate over the thingys...  THREE of them....
  ONE was a Puppy BRIDAL Show...  and then   There was a BLESSING of the ANIMALS...
Guess WHO gotted Blessed?????

 WE DID!!           It was VERY MUCH SPECIAL and the Pastor Lady said some very good things about us and To us and there were others witnessing our Special Ceremony.      

After that there were THREE... PUPIMONIALS....   and the Brides and Grooms looked Super ... butt we weren't on the Invited Guest List so we were not supposed to take pictures...

WE had a WONDERFUL TIME though... and we WILL be Going BACK AGAIN NEXT YEAR.


Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

Your blessing went better than the time our Lady took Hailey to be blessed (pre-Phod). Let's just say, Lee didn't enjoy it one bit! Looks like you had a nice time at the park.

My GBGV Life said...

Looks like a fun time. All I can think to say is "bless you" ;) There is a big event here in the city for blessing animals, but we have never gone. Too many folks for us.

The Daily Pip said...

I like walking wheels very much. We had a wagon like that for Pip and the little sissy to ride in when she was young and he was …well, not young. I like to walk. We also have a mastiff two doors down from us who is very friendly and always wants to say hi to me, but sometimes I get a little nervous.

Linda said...

What a fun day at the park and a blessing too!
My mom had a Mastiff but he was only 150# :)
xo Astro

Collie222 said...

Aww, we wish you could have taken pictures if the brides and grooms! Sounds fun!

easyweimaraner said...

oh what a super weekend you had.... even with a blessing just for you, how great!!! I love that tent, it's better than my backyard tent.... that's for sure sure sure :o)

Robin + Christmas said...

What a fun adventure!

My Mind's Eye said...

Jumpin' catfish that was a biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig dog. Was Mango that breed?
What a fun day and to blessed is for sure an honor.
I'm glad you had your no walking wagon.
Hugs madi your bfff

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Ohhh what a wonderfurs day!!! You guys are sure getting around the place meeting new peeps and pupsters, eh?! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

Matilda the Boxer said...

What a fun time! That mastiff looks like a fun furiend! I LOVE finding the biggest doggies I can to play with.

Kismet said...

You were blessed, all right. The mastiff drool was holy water.

C.L.W.STEP said...

What a nice idea that was! We always thought we were blessed to have such a nice home and humans to take care of us, and so are you officially now! Hooray!

(Oh, and we still didn't get your photos. We don't know what's wrong. If worse comes to worse, maybe post them on your doggie blog and we can copy from there.)

Duke said...

Wow! That is one huge pup! Thank goodness he was friendly!

Ruby said...

That is very cool dudes!! You knows, I would have drooled all over your furs!!! BOL!!!! Ma loves those big doggies, butts she says she's not getting a doggie bigger than she can lift....she SAYS that I'm getting to the edge of that line...WHAT??! sooo rude.
Ruby ♥

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Drooled on! SHE's a bit sick now. We can see it was a fangtastic time, and we are so happy you got the OFFICIAL blessing!

Murphy said...

Wow, what a wonderful event! We see you did not jump out of your no-walkin' wagon. Wasn't that scary?

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

Millie and Walter said...

Sounds like you sure had a great time.

Scooter said...

Hey FnE!
Wow, I heard all about that day from my peeps! They had a blast with all of you. There were lots of great pooches there and fun vendors with stuffs to buy. I've been enjoying those snackers that Mamaw shared with me! YUM. Mom said the pastor did do a lovely job with the whole blessing ceremony.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Police Commish

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

What a very special and fun blessing day!!
Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

Anonymous said...

That looks like a pretty fun Doggy Day at the park, boys. Mom took me to get blessed once. I was very well-behaved, plus the priest gave me a bag of treats!

Love and licks,

M. K. Clinton said...

What a great time! We have not be blessed but mom wants to take us someday. She had her Golden Retriever blessed once and it was very special. ♥ I can't believe how big that dog's head is either. That's very impressive to drool on both sides of you, Frankie.

stellaroselong said...

That was one big boy, we are so happy you gotted blessed. I bet she thought you bof were cuties. stella rose