Saturday, January 9, 2016

After the trees come down....

Before we start.....  we want to tell you that TODAY we have the Electrical Guys coming to do some work.... and we will NOT HAVE ANY POWERS fur about 6 hours or so...  that means that we probably won't be around Blogville today at all...     This Moving to a New house  requires a LOT of work...       Just sayin.

When the Trees are all down....    there is a LOT of super stuffs left over....    When we lived on our HILL... we kept the Big Pawts to fuel our Wood Burner and keep us warm in the winter...

BUTT here in Pencil Vane E Ah... we do not have a wood burner... butt guess who DOES...  Little Girrrrrl and her mom and dad DO and they were THRILLED to take all the Wood fur heating their house...
    Little Girrrrrl's Dad and GramPaw...  came with Trucks and wagons and....
You can TELL that a LOT had already been taken away...  the big Dead pine tree that Rod the Tree Trimmer Guy dropped on top of all the OTHER stuffs... is TOTALLY gone...  
 WE snoopervised from behind the GATE on the front porch...  and LOOK at the Orange KABOTA thingy....
 It was sort of Noisy... butt OH did it ever make the job EASIER....    Now look...   ALMOST everythingy is cleaned up and taken away... to HEAT their house...  
Mom RAKED and Little Girrrrrl helped HER ......    
     There is still some thingys that need to have the BEAVER SAW cut up... and then those can be taken away also....    WE are so Happy to have HELPED our Neighbors... and to have had THEM help US.      
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥    Here is a REMINDER about Blogville's Valentine's day Pawrade...


Fur all of Blogville.....   coming to a Screen near YOU...  BUTT FURST....   Who is going to CONFESS ????   Confess to giving Ziggy his FURST KISS....  when the Lights went out on New Year's Eve???         COME ON NOW.....    FESS UP...       it is driving Ziggy CRAZY wondering WHO it was...  (ERNIE SWEARS it was NOT HIM)  And it wasn't ME...   SO 
                   WHO WAS THE MYSTERY KISSER???    A guy wants to KNOW who his FURST KISS came from!!!   
                 NOW ..... On to the BIG ANNOUNCEMENT:

WE are gonna have a PAWRADE in BLOGVILLE !!!!!

Blogville Valentine’s Day Parade     2-14-16

Co-Hosts:  Frankie, Ernie,  and     Beachnut & Shelldon    Click the link to find THEM.

Please join us for a parade to celebrate LOVE in Blogville.

·       Couples, Singles, Groups, Friends, Families, Dates

·       Floats, Bands, Drill Teams, Wagons, Vehicles, Balloons, Banners

Need Help??  If you’d like to pawticipate, but can’t edit photos, please send a clear photo of yourself to Beachnut & Shelldon at  lfurman1987ATyahooDOTcom by 2-5-16 and we will customize your parade entry.   Include your name and blog address.

No Help Required / Photo Ready??   If you will prepare your own parade entry, please send one completed, ready-to-post photo to Frankie & Ernie at  frankiefurterpriceATgmailDOTcom by 2-5-16 and we will enter you in the parade.  Include your name and blog address.

The 2-5-16 DEAD LION.... is firm.
Feel free to copy/paste the badge.

Tune in to Beachnut & Shelldon and Frankie & Ernie on February 14, 2016 to watch the Blogville Valentine’s Day Parade!

HERE is a BADGE fur you to SNAG and use in any way you wish... SARGE made it fur the Crabby Girrrrrls.   He does good paw work...   

SO FAR.... WE have Entries from:
Madi and Raz and Joe and Smoke
Stella Rose Maggie Mae and Gussie
Sw. Wm   and  Bella
Hailey and Easy
Chimera Ying Yang Socks Scylla Fenris andTuiren...

AND......  the   BDA (Bad Dawg Agency)  will Also have a FLOAT... and be PAWFORMING 
           BDA Agents:    87R   Roxy      87 M Murphy      87 S   Stanley and   87 E   Ernie


Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

KABOTA??!! We hope John the Deer didn't see that!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Now that is what community is about, is it not dear guys??? I love that you were able to watch safely from your verandah... hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

WFT Nobby said...

We are hoping maybe that Little Girl and her family might invite you round on a cold day so you can bask in the heat of their well filled wood burner…
I am planning to join my sweetheart Addi for the Valentine's day parade. Maybe you can guess the theme of our float…..
Toodle pip!

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

Good that you found a home for all your wood. We are glad it will keep people warm. Hope the power is back soon!

Kismet said...

You're going to burn that stuff when there's a lot of starving termites in the world?

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

We are sooooo happy the wood will get to warm up somebody's house!! We hope you get your power back on soon!!!
Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

easyweimaraner said...

that was so nice to give the wood to the little girl. I wish we had neighbors like you :o) maybe you can celebrate a fireplace party in her house together?

Cowspotdog said...

it is so good you found some excellent neighbors to share with :)

My Mind's Eye said... sure not to stick your nose in the electrical guys business!!
Mom saw a purrty interesting NC license plate today
Hugs madi your bfff

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Those tree make a lot of work for everybody! But you are so nice to share the wood. That family will be toasty warm this winter.

Woos - Ciara and Lightning

Frank The Tank said...

I'm glad that you snoopervised from behind your gate, its good to keep an eye on everyone especially with all that heavy machinery, were you scared? Did you bark? You are so very kind to share your wood, I'm sure that they appreciate it! Love and Licks from your Furiend Frank XxxxX

Murphy said...

Wow, seems like everybody we know has had power troubles. We are very excited for the pawrade! Maybe Ziggy will get another kiss??

Keep Calm & Bark On!

Murphy & Stanley

Millie and Walter said...

We have one of those Kabota things too. They sure do help with the yard work. Sounds like you moved to a great neighborhood.

Lassiter Chase and Benjamin said...

our mommy is still afraid of dead trees ever since a dead tree branch almost fell on her 87 years ago.

Idaho PugRanch said...

you are very nice neighbors! We are working on our parade entries!
Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

Ruby said...

OMD, I LOVES grabbin' all the sticks and twig thingies!!! too bad you couldn't help with all the clean up...that is the best part!!! Wells looks like 'your gurl' is gonna have warm tootsies this winter!!
Okays, I can say it WASN'T me who did it! I wouldn't do that to my Stud Muffin! Butts who ever did kiss Ziggy is one lucky gurl!!! (or guy...just sayin'! BOL)
Ruby ♥

M. K. Clinton said...

I hope that you were given treats and belly rubs for snoopervising. That is difficult work!

Duke said...

You guys are the most wonderful neighbors ever ♥

marley said...

Oh pawsum....yoo waz burnin all dat ole woods after all Frankie my pal...good werk