Saturday, December 12, 2015

Day # 12.... Half way through this MESS...

Well Furends...  today is the 12th and we are basically HALF way to the end of this Outrageous Mess.

If you want to wash your paws in THIS house during December...   THIS is what you WILL use...

Do you remember    LITTLE GIRL???   The one that gave us... that Snow Freak thingy fur our front Porch???  and is Cassie's Little Girrrl?       THIS is a picture of LITTLE GIRL...  
 From the night that THEY All Went to see the CHRISTMAS Light the Night Pawrade...

and do you see this little Train thingy....   You won't believe this... butt OUR MOM...  Took OUR LITTLE GIRRRRRRL... and mom struggled to get her Fat A$$ in one of the cars..   and Raced up the street and bought a ticket to RIDE ON THAT TRAIN...  and THAT is a Pic of LITTLE GIRRRL  with her Hat on Crooked  no doubt so she would NOT be embarrassed to be seen with our MOM  while they were RIDING THAT TRAIN...     and Did WE get to ride the Train... NOOOOOOOOOo
and You KNOW that we LOVE riding Trains and NOOOOOOO  we did NOT get to go on the Train... IN FACT... if you can even IMAGINE this...   THEY did not EVEN... TAKE US WITH them so We could watch the PAWRADE..

OUR LIVES ARE A SHAM we tell you ...    A SHAM.       a SHAME of a SHAM...
   A SHAMeful SHAM we tell you...


Julie said...

Oh that little girl peeps is just soooo cute!!!!
Now then fellas, season of goodwill and all that (well actually you haf to be GOOD 'cos of that Santy Paws and his LIST if you nose my meaning!!!!)
Loves and licky kisses
Princess Leah xxx

easyweimaraner said...

that was absolutely cool that your mom entered that train with Little Girl... but I saw there was enough room on that train for two little dachshunds too... wait till I win in the lottery tonight, then I buy a ticket for all for the orient eggs-press ha!

Cowspotdog said...

well that is jut not right - you should of been IN the parade - you are the famous F&E after all

Unknown said...

Wait, they went to a parade...where there was a train that you could ride...and they left you home?!? WTD is going on over there? It's like since they moved you to Pennsylvania they have absolutely lost their minds! Is there an insane asylum nearby where you can drop them off to be straightened out?

Kismet said...

So, sue.

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Life is just fair we say.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Oh my, it looks like you guys may have to take your peeps to court.....after Santa Paws comes of course...Sounds like you all are being Shim Shammed for sure!!!
Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

My Mind's Eye said...

Oh my word your mom is just too funny and she knows how to have fun and that is what life is all about Frankie and Ernie...and besides it gives you two so much material for the blog.
Hugs madi your bfff
PS my mom says she would have paid for you mom to ride just to see it

C.L.W.STEP said...

Oh dear. Hang in there guys.

Sketching with Dogs said...

Sigh, you can't even escape to the bathroom...
Bet that little girl loved the train!
Dip and Elliot x

WFT Nobby said...

Oh my goodness Frankie and Ernie, that is SO UNFAIR. Not only did you not get a ride on the train but you also did not even get taken to the parade. This is NOT good enough. (And no, I do not think there are too many negatives in this comment, after all the whole situation is negative, without doubt.)
Toodle pip!
PS Gail thinks the little girl's smile is lovely, and not negative at all. How she must have enjoyed being taken on a train ride by her new neighbours.

LBJ said...

I hope you ex-pressed your displeasure.
Why didn't she choo choo choose you two to go?
Did she get tunnel vision?
Did she think doggies are hard to train?
Maybe she thought you'd run out of steam
But if she'd just given the signal, you've have gone
Sorry these puns have derailed my comment.
I'll get back on track now.

Abby Lab

Poodle At Play said...

Didn't take you, even knowing just how much you guys love train rides?! And here I thought this holiday season was all supposed to be about sharing and caring...and she couldn't even share the train with you two? Guess that shows how she cares! Hope you two get lots under the tree and in your stockings to make up for all this snow freak and lack-of-train-ride mess...only 12 more days! Be strong!

Murphy said...

We can't believe how your mom has been focused on things that do not include you. What is wrong with her? Is she getting old and her mind is frying?

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

We expected you to be DRIVING that train! Can't believe you couldn't EVEN ride! (We think your mom is taking little girrrl places because she (your mom) wants to do kiddie stuff.

Charlotte said...

A very sad situation for you guys, indeed! Snowmen everywhere....again?

The Army of Four said...

Oooh! There's one of those Jingle All the Way things in our bathroom, too!

Duke said...

We just can't believe that this close to Christmas and you're left home and not included in the fun. So unfair!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Hmmm, we are thinking that maybe you two need to get that cute little girl on YOUR side. Maybe she can help put an end to the madness of the snow freaks!!!

Woos - Ciara and Lightning

bichonpawz said...

You are definitely going to have to get the little girl in your corner!! Snow Freak is taking over the world!! Yikes!

Anonymous said...

What a two mistreated pups need to report this animal cruelty to the ASPCA immediately if not sooner! No train ride? No parade fun? NUTTIN' FUN? Maybe the LITTLE GIRL could put in a good word for you?

Hugs, sammy

M. K. Clinton said...

OMD! I hope that you include this abuse in your letter to Santa. I'm sure that y'all will get lots of presents and a certain Mom will get 87 lumps of coal. It's just not a parade or train ride without Frankie and Ernie!

Matilda the Boxer said...

OMD!! I can't believes your momma is doing all this terrible stuff to you. She's putting herself on the Naughty List FOR SURE!

Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

We are sorry you did not get on the train but we think it was very nice of your Mom to make sure Little Girl got on train