Friday, November 20, 2015

Update and stuffs...

OKAY.... if you read Sarge's Post...   HERE   today  you will hear that our Dad got the Sickies and Mom had to abandon leave us here in the house all alone.... while she took him to the big dogtor place.. to find out why he was feeling icky...  
   SO mom called SARGE and HE had his mom (our Sister Lori) come and get us and take us to Sarge's Crib fur the night...

We were kinda Scared... furst beclaws our Dad has never been sickie before... and then... we were going to Sarge's Crib... WithOUT  Mom and Dad... and we didn't know fur sure that we would be well tended to... our every Wish being their command.. like it is in OUR house...  BUTT guess what...

Before Mom Took off like a Rocket... with our dad...  SHE gave us Our FULL SUPPER... an Hour EARLY... and   GUESS WHAT....  When we got to SARGE's CRIB and 5 Paw Restaurant...

     LORI.... gave us ANOTHER FULL Sized SUPPER...       BaaaaaWaaaah.
  AND she did NOT furget our 10 PM... PEE time...   and well, furends after TWO SUPPERS  we did a bit More than just PEE before Bedtime...  Just sayin...

SOOOOOO...  all was well THERE... and  We are HAPPY to Repawt that our Dad is getting MUCH BETTER... really fast...  

Now then...  Wednesday was ALSO the Day that Rod the Tree trimmer guy showed up to Cut down SOME of our trees....   just the ones in the Back... he will come BACK fur the ones in the FRONT...  (That is a Fun thought, isn't it?)...      but he had to stay HERE and Work even after Mom took off like a Rocket... with our Dad...
    Here is what it looked like when Rod the Tree trimmer cutter downer guy Furst Arrived..

 THIS is Rod the tree guy...  getting his big truck set up...
 Did we mention that he drove Right through the Big GATE in our Fence???   He DID, fur Sure...
    and he didn't even HURT our fence...
 Rod the tree guy took this Tree CLEAR down to a Stump...
 WE wanted to ride in the Bucket thingy... butt can you BELIEVE it... Rod the Tree trimmer whacker Cutter down guy DID NOT BRING HARD HELMETS FUR US....    
When he comes BACK we will show you MORE pictures of his Work....

AGAIN we Say...  We WILL BE BACK....  butt as you can tell... our lives are pretty HECK-TICK  heheehe  Right now....        


Scooter said...

Hey FnE!
Wow, that was such a fun visit! We'll do it again, I pawmise. Glad Papaw Pantlegs is feeling better. POTP is working its magic. BOL to the guy coming Back for the Front. BWAR HAR HAR I hope you peed on those trees before he cut them. Just sayin'.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Police Commish

C.L.W.STEP said...

We hope your Dad feels better real fast! Kudos to you for getting a double dinner! Haha!

We loved seeing the truck. Our favorite miniature human, Ryan, loves trucks! Do you mind if we send him a picture of it?

Idaho PugRanch said...

Hey guys! We are sooo glad to hear that your Dad is doing much better but we will send some of our powerful pug POTP to him just to make sure he gets all well.
Great score on the two suppers we must say!
Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

Millie and Walter said...

We sure are glad to hear your dad is feeling better already. That sure looked like fun with that tree trimmer taker downer guy. Hopefully next time he will bring those mini hats so you can ride in the bucket.

We will keep our paws crossed for your dad.

My Mind's Eye said...

2 SUPPERS OMCs I'm gonna go stay with Sarge that is a 5 Paw-Bistro. I have to beg and plead for one supper here.
Sending healing hugs and kitty kisses all around
Madi your bff
PS looks like you found the purrfect PA tree monkey

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

We are soooooooooo happy to hear your Daddy is getting better real fast!! Plus you got TWO dinners in one night...PAWSOME!!

Looks like you all are just crazy busy with stuffs....Make sure you snoopervise your Mama closely and take good care of your Daddy!!
Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

We're happy to hear your Dad's better, though we didn't like hearing he got the sickies. Glad Sarge and his mum were proper hosts and remembered EVERYTHING they were supposed to. Now, about those trees, are you trying to eradicate squirrels?

Julie said...

I is very glad to hears Dad is feeling better, luffs and hugs to Dad.
That was a REAULT, two suppers, woohoo!
Loves and licky kisses
Princess Leah xxx

Sheltie Times said...

Lots of prayers that your Dad is feeling better soon. Glad Sarge was such a good host.

Samantha said...

Hope your daddy is well soon!!

Two French Bulldogs said...

That was awesome you did not let on you already ate, BOL. Hope pops feels better
Love & peas,
Lily & Edward

Duke said...

We are so happy to hear that your dad is getting better! Bummer that you didn't get to ride in the bucket thingy.

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Sketching with Dogs said...

Very happy your dad is on the mend!
Sending healing chi vibes.
That is a very big truck.
Dip and Elliot x

stellaroselong said...

We ares so glad yoursa dad is doing just fine now, what is it wif those dads getting sick lately..........did you know we also have two tree trimmer, stump grinder son in laws in our family. Two suppers wow.........stella rose

M. K. Clinton said...

TWO SUPPERS?!?! What a great day that must have been except for your Dad going and getting himself sick. I am glad that he is feeling better. It sounds like SArge's house is a lot of fun too. I hope that you get to ride in the tree guy's bucket. Maybe you can tell him that it is for your Bucket List! Bahahaha! Give Dad some extra licks from the Bayou Boys ♥

Cowspotdog said...

we sure your dad continues to get better - but you two could end up with tummy aches having two big dinners - but you know what we love it when Mom and Dad both feed us by accident too :)

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
OMDness - POTP for daddy-guy.... even getting better takes energy. Meanwhile, you fell on your paws getting such 5* treatment at Sarge's place!!! Get Rod the tree guy trained up about those hardhats wonchya - we need to see photos from the top... hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

WFT Nobby said...

Frankie, that is so horrid that your lovely dad got sick, and I am bouncing with joy and relief to hear that he is getting better.
Gosh, there has been a lot going on in your lives lately.
Take care, all of you.
Toodle pip!

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

We are so glad to hear your dad's sickies are going quickly. 2 suppers sounds like the perfect night to us! Looking forward to having you back. We miss you.

LBJ said...

I am glad your Dad is feeling better and you have a five star restaurant in which to stay. Dad has to go out of town to visit a family member butts Mom is staying home with us as our dog sitter is on vacation. It's only two days and she and I will be wild bachelorette city time (which involves Potato chips and dog treats).

Hugs and smooches

Abby Lab

Bocci said...

Glad to hear your Dad is feeling better! Please keep us posted!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We just read about your big adventure at Sarge's house. We sure hope your Dad is feeling a lot better today. All paws crossed for him.

Woos - Ciara and Lightning

Kinley Westie said...

Glad your dad is feelin better!

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Oh NOSE! We had no doubt that Sarge and your sissy would take really good care of you guys (even if her did try to blow you up with TWO suppers), BUTT we just hated hearing your wonderful Dad had the sickies. Glad he's getting better. Please tell him no more sickies and give your Mom a big HUG from all of us!

Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

That must have been scary but you two were very brave. Hope your Dad feels better soon. The tree guy was hot

Frank The Tank said...

Hi Frankie and Ernie,
I hope that your Daddy is feeling better, it must have been a bit crazy having to go stay with Sarge but I guess seeing him and getting a double dinner was a real treat, what a score! I hope you pee'd on those tree's too, you can't let tree's out of your yard without marking them as yours properly! Love and Licks from your furiend Frank XxxxxxxxX

easyweimaraner said...

hugs and potp to your bestest daddy. I hope all that sickies go away with mach2. Please send your Rod to me, he can be the one who can remove that evil hornets nest in our tree.... and hey, his name is Rod... challenge for my dad hehehehe

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy that your dad is getting better fast. Two dinners can relieve stress, so it's good that Sarge's mom remembered that and helped you. Hang in there boys.

Love and licks,

Mara said...

Oh, I hope your dad is doing fine and will be back soon to play with you. When Mara was sick and had to go to hospital, I stayed home alone for three whole days! Somebody came to give me food, but it is never as nice as having somebody there to tend to all your needs. And two dinners in one night sounds like a very good need!!

Miss Oswin from Norway

Kismet said...

What do you guys have against trees?

Charlotte said...

You guys are a couple of smart "cookies"....and I am so happy to hear your Dad is feeling better!


Scooter said...

I am glad that your dad is feeling better and that you had a good time at sarges huose. 2 meals....thats funny!!! WTG guys!!
Gotta keep an eye on the working guys!!


Jans Funny Farm said...

Never a dull moment at your house. Now you have tree guys to entertain you?

We're sorry your dad got sick and your mom had to abandon you to Sarge's house, where you were horribly neglected and starved. We are glad he is feeling better and will be back to normal soon.

Murphy said...

We are so very much sorry that your dad was sick! Is he better now? We sure hope so! Are you home now?

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

My GBGV Life said...

How is your dad doing? You all sure have a lot going on, and I thought I was busy!

The Army of Four said...

We are so sorry to hear about your dad! Prayers that he'll be A-OK before you know it!
Yours sincerely,
Margaret Thatcher

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

Frankie & Ernie, We hope that your daddy gets well soon...Unless that means you get to eat his portion of the turkey for Thanks giving. In that case, we hope he gets well the day after Thanksgiving. Bol....JUST kidding. Happy Turkey Day to you & the fam.

Smooches from pooches,
BabyRocketDog & Hootie

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

So glad your Dad is better. Bet it was scary but how often do you get 2 suppers? You lucky ducks. We are starving over here.

Guess what are Smilebox is back!! Yahoo.

Love ya..........Mommy's girls

Shawn said...

Happy to hear your dad is better! I haven't visited in awhile so I'm going to get a cup ( maybe a pot) of coffee and catch up on all of your goings on!

Wyatt said...

Happy Turkey Day, Frankie and Ernie!

Glad your dad is doing better and we miss you guys.

♥♥ Wyatt and Tegan

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello frankie and ernie its dennis the vizsla dog hay i am happy to heer yore dada is feeling better!!! and wow that is sum kind of big truck i hope bob the builder is not hanging arownd their sumware!!! ok bye

bichonpawz said...

We are very glad to hear that your dad is feeling better!! Sounds like a fun time at Sarge's house!! Wishing you and our family a very Happy Thanksgiving!!

Ranger said...

Happy Thanksgiving Boyz! I miss you guys. So happy dat your Dad is better.
Have a grrrrrreat Turkey Day!
Gobble, gobble,

Bailey Be Good! said...

Big huggies you twooo! Miss you both! You should get on Instagram so we could keep up with you!

Woofs & hugs,

~Bailey & Jax <3

Jans Funny Farm said...

Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We saw Sarge's family, including the crabby girls, were visiting you. How is your dad?

Matilda the Boxer said...

SINCE you were asking -- nope, there is not a SINGLE snow freak on our tree! The only snow freak in the whole house is a candle-holder in the guest bathroom. We don't let any others in because they might BREED! So you're welcome to come and spend the WHOLE howlidays with us if you want to. SAFE and SOUND!

Sweet William The Scot said...

Frankie and Ernie I think your hill is very sad that you moved why this weekend the way it poured buckets of rain, I mean tears that you moved out of the state and left us here in Ohio alone. Like two years ago the snowfreaks were here but instead this year we just got wet tears. We have missed you terribly.
Thanks for still being a friend
Sweet William The Scot

The Daily Pip said...

Hi friends! I was SO HAPPY to find your comment today. We are waiting patiently for you to return. I know life has been stressful for you but know that we will all be here when you return. XOXO

Lovable Lily said...

We are happy to hear that your Dad is doing much, much better! Wow, you have been busy at your new home.

Lily Belle & Muffin