Monday, August 31, 2015

Hope you haven't furgotten us yet...

Just so you all know.... we have NOT lost our sense of humor during this Packing and stuffs...

We went to Pencil Vane E Ah Wednesday and we Signed all the Paper work for our new home...   THEN we went to work cleaning and snooping and sniffing it all over...
   We even met 4 of our new neighbors...   One is a black lab, one is a shepherd, one a Jack Russell Mix.. and the other is a Pug..       They were all NICE...  and we think we will like getting to know them even BETTER in the future...  OH and Mom and Dad met some of their peeps, too.  
    This week will will be Packing MORE of OUR stuffs... and on Sept. 8th.. the big truck with Mover Guys is SUPPOSED to show up to take everythingy to Pencil Vane E Ah..
  Now we want to tell you a FUNNY thingy... our mom and dad went to get their Pencil Vane E Ah Driver Licenses...  and Dad got his.. JUST FINE... butt they said MOM's Whelping Certificate was NO GOOD...   she has to call Detroit, MI today and see if they will send her a REAL one...  not just the Funky Fake one from the Hospital where she was whelped...   We think that is HILARIOUS..   maybe she really ISN'T our mom after all...   She could be an Alien.. or even a SQUIRREL...    BaaaaaWaaaah...
   So anyway...     the New house is all Clean and Tidy and all the places have shelf and drawer lines in...   and it is just waiting fur us to arrive...
  OH and did we mention that we are going to get NEW FENCE????   Yep, we are...  gotta keep the peeps from running off and getting lost and stuffs...     AND did we tell you that we have already Peed and Pooped in the new yard??    YEP we did....  we left Plenty of Pee Mails fur all the neighbor dogs to read...   so that they will KNOW that is OUR YARD..   butt they are welcome to come visit.
  AND speaking of visiting WE had the FURST visitors there....  Kisha and Bro the Shepard and Lab came RIGHT IN our door and into our house...    They are VERY Friendly and wanted to WELCOME us to Pencil Vane E Ah.     They told us about the POND.. which we have SEEN... and CAN see from our porch...  butt...  WAIT there's MORE...  Kisha and Bro...  left for a while and came back all WET... they had been to the pond and had been SWIMMING...  they told us that All the Dogs go there fur Swims...  So we gotta make SURE that mom packs our...  

We will be busy fur another couple of weeks... and THEN ... we will be Back in Time fur... Oreo's furst Taco Day... and    ........    We are hearing RUMORS of a DANCE that is coming up...  
   Just sayin.


Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
OMDness guys - you have been busy busy busy!!! it is all sounding good and it seems that the move is going to be just right for you. Hey, talking of whelping - ain't it mum's whelpday anniversary coming up soon??? Be sure to stop her during the pack and send for a cupcake. Geeeeeeeee. Can't wait to have you back with us full time. Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

You guys are unforgettable! We are glad all this moving and stuff is going well. We look forward to you being settled and returning to all of us. We do miss you!

Unknown said...

I'm sorry, do I know you two?!?! I cannot remember...BOL! It sounds like things for the move are moving along nicely. I just wish you would get to Pencil Van E Ah already so you can come back to Blogville. I do miss me some Furts and Turts.

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Hopes your Mommy has good luck with da Detroit folks. My Mommy had to do da same thing years and years ago and they laughed and said they just don't keep records that OLD! BOL BUTT her got it eventually after 87 years of waiting.

Your new furiends sound great! Hope we all get to meet 'em soon.

LBJ said...

A dance! Oh boy! I can't wait to put on my dancing shoes again.

I think you should wear the bowtie though. Quite dapper!


Abby Lab

Two French Bulldogs said...

Oh boy this is so exciting! How could we ever forget you, no way Jose right! Did you move to Transylvania or Pencil Vanya?
Lily & Edward

Samantha said...

Totally miss you!!

Matilda the Boxer said...

Hmm, you look kind of familiar. Hang on, I'm very good with names. Um... Chuck? Bob? Elmer? Oh, that's it! Elmer and his brother Phil. We sure missed you!

Scooter said...

Hey FnE!
Wow, what a pawesome weekend! You guys surely had fun at your new territory and I can't wait for you to be here fur real and fur permanent-like. BOL We'll have such fun. Blogville will be thrilled to have some FnE!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Police Commish

Fozziemum said...

Guys we have missed you..but you got lost in transit in our wp reader..hope the same does NOT happen with your mover guys..your new ,mates sound great and it all is so exciting to never know who or what you may meet..we juts celebrated our fourth year here in our new home...and the boys went berserk first day as they had NEVER seen a kangaroo hahahaha so keep your eyes peeled :)loves Fozziemum xxx

easyweimaraner said...

how could I fuget ya...that's impawsible :o) it's great that your new neighbors came to say hell-o and welcome and with the pee-mails in your backyard the new house is your new headquarter now :o) pawsome btw: my grampy is nobuddy too... he has no whelping certificate and they will not give him one. he only gets a paper that he is the one he said he is... he could be Gnawpawleon today and Chewing Khan tomorrow... not bad huh?

Cookie's Comments said...

so good to hear from you two again after so long. Hope the big truck with all your toys and snow freaks makes it ok.

My mum has her original whelping certificate from England from (blankety blank years ago -- she won't tell me how many, bol) but it is so unusual over here that when she has to show any offishul the look at it and ask her what it is!!!!BWAH MWAH HA and bol

Again good luck on the move next week.


Kismet said...

Oh great. You get a pond just as swimming season is ending.

Lassiter Chase and Benjamin said...

Good to hear from you. Don't worry, our Mommy had the same troubles when she tried to get her first drivers license in pencil vane e ah! Her birth registration didn't count.

Sheltie Times said...

How could we possibly forget you?

Ranger said...

Bawwwaaawwwwaaa.... you to crack me up. Sounds like you're going to love your new neighborhood. I can't wait to hear more about your swimming pond and all your new friend.

Have a good move and make sure day all your toys are packed up safely and well labeled so you can find your box on da other end.


Duke said...

No way could we ever forget you guys! Our mom ran into the same problem trying to get a passport with her hospital birth certificate. Nope, it didn't work for her either!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

The Ladies of Beaglebratz Manor said...

Mom Kim here -So good to hear from you two - Lord Shiloh'n Lady Shasta of Beaglebratz Manor have missed you - as I have too. You all are really making progress on your move - maybe it will motivate me to get this place cleaned up and ready to sell altho the selling part won't happen for at least a year - too many repairs needed. Here at Beaglebratz Manor there have also been a few changes - not sure if you have been able to read our blog; I am now retired due to my vision problems and my eye/visionn FINALLY seems to be on the mend. It is good you have met new neighbors already - it won't be such a big change when you move in. It also helps that you will know the layout of the place when you move in - don't forget your toy room. Gotta go - the Beaglebrayz want to chime in on this.

Hey guyz - howz it goin? Soundz like u iz gittin'a great place. WOWZERZ u even got a swimmin'hole close by? An'u got new furrendz ALREADY? You'all iz gonna haf soooooooooo much fun! We r waitin'fer u'all return tue Blogville.Well our mom sez we gotta go fer now - lookin'forward tue when u come bak here.
Lord Shiloh'n'Lady Shasta of Beaglebratz Manor

Idaho PugRanch said...

Hey FnE!!!!! How could we ever forget you two. We really have missed you so it is good that things are almost in order for the big move. Sounds like you have some great neighbors - and one is a PUG!!! how cool is that! Can't wait till you are back full time
Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

stellaroselong said...

You met a pug and you pooped all in one day!!! Oh we would nevers forget you two....silly boys....stellie rose

Murphy said...

OMD, you have your very own swimming pond for you and your furends? That would be the bestest thing ever! We can't wait until you get back to Blogville. We are glad you peed and pooped in your new yard too. That's impawtent to let ever'body know who you are. Did you tell them Frankie was the furst mayor of Blogville? They need to know this stuff!

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

Cowspotdog said...

how exciting you got to sniff out your new home

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

So happy things are swimming along....your own pond! Hope it gets birds and stuff that you can chase!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Your new home sounds like it is going to so nice - and a pond to go to - you lucky dogs!!!

Woos - Ciara and Lightning

Murray's Mouth said...

New house! YAY! Change is tough, but worth it!

Ruby said...

How amazin'!!!! You gots to pee and poops in your new homes??? without your Moms gettin' mad??!! Huh? peed and pooped in your new YARDIE! Oh, yeah...that makes more sense... AND new furiends??!! OMD, you guys are gonna have so much funs! I bets you're gonna be a wet and wild all the times now!
Nows, make sure to keep an eye on YOUR stuffs when those movin' peeps come to take your stuffs! Maybe you could put some trackin' chips on them just in case!!!
Ruby ♥

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

We are SOOOOOO happy the move is going well and you are meeting all the new neighbors! We can't wait for you to get all settled and back to Blogville...we have missed you guys TONS!!
Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

Kinley Westie said...

Who are y'all again??? BOL BOL!

Bocci said...

Forget you NOT! Have a safe journey and much good luck and happy times in your new home!

C.L.W.STEP said...

We missed you and we're glad to see you're settling into your new home. We can't wait for pictures of your new friends!

Millie and Walter said...

We could never forget you two boys (or your peeps). Glad to hear you are doing well and have already visited your new home.

Sweet William The Scot said...

You got a fake Ohio Drivers License with a fake Birth Certificate. Is our mom in some witness protection program going around with fake I.D.'s. Jeez dogs I don't think you are moving out of my state, I think you are running out of my state.
Thanks for being a friend
Sweet William The Scot

Ziggy Stardust said...

I miss you guys so much and I am glad things are going ok. It was very impawtant to leave pee-mail for your new neighbors so they get to know you. How fun it will be to explore a new house and yard. We are always thinking about you and praying for you to have a safe journey.

Ziggy and Anne Out!!

sprinkles said...

Don't worry, we couldn't furget about y'alls. Glad you've met some of your new neighbors already. Safe travels getting everything else all moved in.

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Howdy Mr Frankie and Ernie. Wowza and Yaahoo, a pond you can see from your place?? How cool is that. Even better is good neighbours to have fun with. Glad you are all well. Take care on the way to your new home. Glad you are getting it done before your winter starts. See ya soon mates. No worries and love Stella and Rory

M. K. Clinton said...

OMD! We miss our buddies so much! I hope that you hurry to move to your new home with a pond and ready-made friends. Hurry back to Blogville!

bichonpawz said...

You guys crack us up! We DO miss you! We are so glad to hear that the move is coming along and you have already been to the new place. How awesome is it that you will have a pond to go swimming!! Glad that your new friends are welcoming you to the neighborhood!! We look forward to your return.
xo Chloe and LadyBug

Anonymous said...

This is super-exciting news, boys! A new fence will keep you safe and sound. Plus the poop in the yard was the most thrilling part of the story. Good job....

Love and licks,

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Wow!1 You got new friends already and a pond too!!
We're still waiting for your return.

love. ya ........Mommy's girls

My Mind's Eye said...

yyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy FnE!!!

mol mol a fence to keep the peeps in. Will you install a motion detector know older than dirt folks are prone to wonder. MOLMOLMOL

I'm so glad you have great neighbors and are way past ready to move I know
Hugs madi and mom your bfffff

My Mind's Eye said...

Whelping certificate? Mom fell off her chair. OMDs that is too funny......
Hugs madi your bfff

The Army of Four said...

Hi, boys!!!

Charlotte said...

Forget you guys? Never!! Sounds like your new home is going to be absolutely pawsome!

The Daily Pip said...

Well, we could never forget about you EVER!!! So glad things are going well. Can't wait to hear all about your adventures in your new home. Do you suppose maybe you can leave the snow monsters behind in your old house?

FiveSibesMom said...

We could never forget you cuties! Good luck with the move and safe travels! Can't wait to see your journey via photos! And hey, Pennsylvania IS a lot closer to us...hmmm....

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello frankie and ernie its dennis the vizsla dog oh hay of korse we hav not forgottin yoo!!! we wil see yoo soon!!! and dada sez to tel yoo bow ties ar kool!!! ok bye

Lovable Lily said...

Wanted to wish you the very best of luck on your BIG move! We know just how stressful moving is. Our truck arrives today in Florida with all our stuff in it. We only anticipated a load of 2100 lbs. Guess our Mom really sucks at estimating things bcuz we weighed in at 4400 lbs!! Fur just 2 humans moving into a fully furnished home, that's a lot of stuff. We bet G-Pa Bob and Grandma are up there laughing at our Mommy right about now.

Lily Belle & Muffin