Friday, July 3, 2015


We want to start by reminding you that does not COMPENSATE us fur our THOUGHTS on the pawducts that they allow us to review....    all they ask is that we be FAIR and HONEST with what we say...                See???   We told you the other day that can Be TRUSTED and they Trust US to tell YOU only the truth...   and we will...

SO TODAY.....     we want to show and tell  you about the    TWO HOOF AND ROPE THINGY...
    OMD....  it is AMAZING...
  Notice that it says this is EXCLUSIVELY from CHEWY.COM....    just as ALL the AMERICAN JOURNEY PAWDUCTS WILL BE...
SO THERE ARE TWO COW HOOVES   ON A ROPE....        We like to gnaw on cow hooves...   as much as we love gnawing on  the Deer Antlers that Ol' Sure Shot brings to us....  WHEN he gets LUCKY...
       Butt we DIGRESS.....   back to these Hooves...
 One is Black and One is White.... butt COLOR does not EVER Matter...      the thingy is... there are TWO of US and TWO  HOOVES....    ONE EACH.... and we can play tug of War with them...
 Ernie has the Black one.... and I (Frankie Furter) am gonna start Gnawing on the White one...
HEY FRANKIE...... GET your EAR outta my way....   before I....
You had better NOT... Ernie...
 THAT's BETTER..... and Safer...... Stay on your OWN End of the rope....   and gnaw your OWN HOOF...
 OMD OMD   this is soooooooo TASTY and  crunchy and GOOD fur our TEEFS...
 HEY FRANKIE..... NO PUSHING.....             MOOOOOOOoooooommmmmmm  Frankie is PUSHING and Stuffs...    

hehehehehe...... Talk to the Paw Ernie...
 Can you tell how much we are LOVING these LONG LASTING    HOOVES?      
WE are Giving this   AMERICAN JOURNEY       Two Hoof  Rope....      an EIGHT Paws UP Rating...             it will last a long time....  can be Played with....  Gnawed on...  tastes GOOD.
and.....    is good fur keeping our Teefs looking good...            
      Tomorrow is a    AMERICAN   HOLIDAY....   butt we are so excited about all these American Journey pawducts that we are gonna tell you about another one ON JULY 4th...
   Kind of appropriate, since that is when AMERICA began Her Journey to Independence...

NOTE:    You can find All the American Journey items that are ON SALE right NOW... by going to CHEWY.COM and then typing AMERICAN JOURNEY in the box at the top... and hit Enter...    you will LOVE the super prices....    


Anonymous said...

WOW guys - what a totally cool tug of war toy/snack combo! You sure did hit the jackpot with this new Chewy box full of fun!

Hugs, Sammy

Samantha said...

That thing looks awesome!

The Daily Pip said...

Gosh, this looks super fun! I wonder if Rosie would play tug with me? Probably not ...I have to find another friend to play with me.

Cowspotdog said...

it does make it a bit hard to share being on one rope

Julie said...

What a great toy/ if I could just persuade Mum I need a little Sis...on not that's right, Mum's convinced, now to work my charm on Dad!
Loves and licky kisses
Princess Leah xxx

My GBGV Life said...

If you have as much stuff in your box as I do, you will be posting a post a day until Christmas! Such good stuff!

My Mind's Eye said...

Whew Ernie for a minute I thought you were gonna pierce Frankie's ear....ohhhhh that would not be good.
Hugs madi your bfff

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

What a great way to get in some fun AND some good tastes!!! American Journey is appealing to us more and more every day!!!

Woos - Ciara and Lightning

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
this proves that it is absolutely fine to play with your foodables..... Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

Two French Bulldogs said...

Ernie obviously thinks it's his
Lily & Edward

Poodle At Play said...

Something to gnaw on...and if you get bored of gnawing on it you can also tug with it? Wow! Talk about being the best toy ever!

Duke said...

That is sure one cool tug treat toy! We NEED one of those!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

C.L.W.STEP said...

The good thing is that after you chew up the hooves, you still have a toy to play with.

Murphy said...

Now we are wondering if it would be better to have a fresh hoof - still attached to the cow? Do you think that might be a problem? BOL! We love Chewy!

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Hmmmmmm....we think the rope could be a tad longer. We don't think we could be that close and share a treat.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

OMD...I don't know if I would want to share these with my brothers! You are a very good sibling Frankie!!

sprinkles said...

Shiver used to chew on them rope thingies when he was a pup. Now he doesn't pay much attention to them unless someone else wants to play with it. I bet he's LOVE this rope toy though. It would be good for Chico too. Sadly, Shiver has yet to learn to share. He thinks all of the toys in the world belong only to HIM.

Charliedownunder said...

Crikey ...... cow hooves on a tug toy!! You must be the luckiest blokes in the whole world. No-one's been cool enough to put anything on my tug toys. I've just gotta tug on an old rope. You got cow hooves????????? Fair dinkum ..... how good is that???

WFT Nobby said...

So Gail is visiting the USA next month, going on her own 'American Journey'. What's the chances she can get hold of some of this stuff for me?
Living in hope.
Toodle pip!

JoAnn Stancer said...

wow you guys were digging that toy/treat! Have a great 4th.