Saturday, May 16, 2015


The other day we did a Chewy Review of LAMB LUNG....  which were (WERE) delicious....   Butt you know that after having a Snack....  our TEEFS need Cleaning.....     and guess who ELSE knows that?????    Our Furend Miss Sydney... of  CHEWY.COM Fame.....    So when she sent us the Lamb Lung Bites..... she also sent .....

Yes She DID......    GREENIES fur us to tell you all about....           PEE S   Greenies are ON SALE at   RIGHT NOW...

We normally just snatch stuffs outta mom's hand.  don't Bother reading stuffs.... butt fur this REVIEW we thought we SHOULD...
 Check this out Ernie.....   These Greenies are GRAIN FREE....    THAT is NEW...  and WONDERFUL...... NOW all of our furends can have them..
   Butt Wait.... there's MORE...  they fight tartar and freshen Breath and are LOW in Calories and LOW in Fat....AND they actually have added Vitamins and minerals.....   and are EASY to digest...
      THAT is ALL good stuffs to know....  

Butt the thingy WE think is impawtant.... is     THEY TASTE GRRRREAT....    
      HEY ERNIE..... START at the "BRUSH" end.... and CHEW really good....  specially in the hard to brush.... BACK pawts...

 OKAY Frankie.....     I'll make FULL Use of all the Good thingys that GREENIES have to offer...
We were NOT paid to say good stuffs....  butt we DID get a Bag of Greenies from  to use fur our REVIEW....        Our bag was the PETITE Size with 20 Greenies (10 "BRUSHINGS" fur the two of us)....   BUTT there are SEVERAL Sizes of Greenies ... available from CHEWY.COM to meet YOUR needs.        And they will be delivered FAST and Economically Right to your door!!!!


Cowspotdog said...

you got greenies too - how lucky were you - although Mom won't let us have those - she is weird we think

easyweimaraner said...

my middle name is Greenie... enjoy this fabulous green thingies, I've read they make us super smart (we still are supersmart, right?) and they have magic power :o)
easy rider

Two French Bulldogs said...

Oh Ernie! Look at those pearly whites
Lily & Edward

Scooter said...

Hey FnE!
Wow, I love greenies too! Gosh, you guys have the whitest teefs ever. Sorta like Jaws. BOL
Chewy is da bomb! Just sayin'.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Police Commish

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

You had us a Greenies. These are the special treats we get when our people are horrible and leave us. We get teenies cause if we eat too many we get green poops. Getting one makes being left alone fun!

The Army of Four said...

YES! Aren't they wonderful!?! And they're better at reaching our back molars than Mom is with the toothbrush! GREAT review, you guys! (Isn't Sydney wonderful!?!?)

C.L.W.STEP said...

Those look yummy. We should try some.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We so enjoy greenies too, but Mom says we eat them too fast to do much for our toofers. We don't care, we still love them.

That Sydney lady is right at the top of our list of favorite peeps!!!

Woos - Ciara and Lightning

Duke said...

Oh goody - another review on Greenies! We NEED to wear our mom down so she'll let us have GREENIES! Thanks for the great review, Frankie and Ernie!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Murphy said...

We have heard good things about Greenies even though we have never had them before. Your smile pretty much says it all!

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

M. K. Clinton said...

OMD! OMD! We got the Greenies too and LOVE them soooooo much!!!! Nom nom nom!

Ruby said...

OMD, I LOVES the Greenies!!! I don't gets them much cause they got so many calories! Butts if these have less, maybe Ma will give me some!!! Paws crossed! You two sure looks like you are enjoyin' them!!
Ruby ♥

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

We'll have to look for those. We have Greenies at Petbarn.

Millie and Walter said...

We bet those Greenies make your teefs shine bright.

Kinley Westie said...

Those look tasty.

sprinkles said...

My boys LOVE Greenies!

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

We just love, love, love these new Grain Free Greenies and we in Blogville know just how wonderful is!!!

Thanks for the great review!
Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

Anonymous said...

Gah! Look at those pearly whites!

Love and licks,

JoAnn Stancer said...

My gang loved them too! Great choice!

Unknown said...

YAY! I am so happy you guys LOVED them! =) Clean teeth are the BEST!