Saturday, April 11, 2015

Rumors of a BIRFDAY... and Stuffs...

WE have heard rumors that Roxy and Dui's sister    BELLA   is a Birfday girrrrl.     
      Happy Birfday Girrrrrrl...    this may be a day late since you are a Day EARLY...  BUTT it was Pre Posted back on OUR THURSDAY...        Just sayin...   hehehee

Now then.....     Miss Sydney    of   CHEWY.COM      asked what we would like to CHEWS to review fur YOU this month...  and we gave it a LOT of thought... and decided to try the    FURMINATOR Brush.   
 That is beclaws our mom has had an Original Furminator De-Shedding tool thingy... since BEFORE WE rocked her world  we were ever even born.      She used it on the Three Short Hairs  who are now Angels..Lisel, Sarek, and Baron.       Now THAT is a TOOL that has been around a Long time and Done a LOT of furs removal.     Mom LOVES it .... and so do WE...
   OK....  Fast Forward to OUR TIME and the NEW thingy that the Furminator company has.
 A PIN Brush...      and we are now TESTING it OUT...    
     (AFTER MOM...  used it in HER furs... to be sure it wasn't Sharp or Owie and stuffs.   The woman is Crazy we tell you...  butt she REALLY did do that.)
              You are not NORMAL, Mom.    I (Ernie the Attorney) just gotta say that...  YOU need HELP...    we do NOT use YOUR stuffs... and we just HOPE that this is NOT the beginning of an UGLY Trend.    
    Like Frankie Photo Bombing ME... with his Furry Butt.
       OK... Pick it up and let's give this baby a try.     I'll just get comfy and let you have at it...
What do you mean.... my turn is over????     you have only tried this thingy fur 87 mins..
     And the Directions CLEARLY Say...For Best Results  Use a FURminator de-Shedding tool after brushing and combing to remove 90% of the loose hair and undercoat.           Aren't you gonna do THAT???       I don't think Frankie is Ready fur HIS turn YET...   and you know I like the Other FURminator thingy too...        Come on Mom....    
In order fur us to give a GOOD and Through Review... we are going to need to use this over SEVERAL days....          SO Stay Tuned...   Frankie will show himself  do Another post about this and then we will do a THIRD post with our Final Decision..   

Disclaimer....     provided us with this Furminator Pin Brush free of charge... in exchange fur a TRUTHFUL  Review of it.   


Unknown said...

Chewy is the best. Pity we do not have them over here. Have a super Saturday.
Best wishes Molly

Cowspotdog said...

you do look like you were enjoying it

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
OMD the thing is LUMINOUS - 'she' might start grooming you in the middle of the night!!! You do look blissful Ernie... hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

My Mind's Eye said...

ERNIE what gorgeous photos of you! I bet Roxy fainted when she sees them. Don't you just love how it is today here and tomorrow there. We get tomorrow's news today
Madi your bfff

easyweimaraner said...

too late... it is trend now in my crib. my momma is the dummy for brushes and my dad has to check the treats... but she will tell that later to him after he made the payment for her stuff...
have a furbulous saturday!
easy rider

LBJ said...

I think you should try it one more time, just to be sure.

Scooter said...

Hey FnE!
Wow, anything to help Mamaw tame all of your furs is a good thing! BOL You guys have a lot of furs. Just sayin'. I already stopped by to see Bella. Have a super day!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Police Commish

Sweet William The Scot said...

My sweetie Bella has a birthday. I am dating another cougar but only by four months. Lee found it quite a coincidence that she has the same birthday as Lee's last scot, Half Pence, the very special one that left the heart on her arm that we talked about at the castle.
Thanks for being a friend
Sweet William The Scot

Julie said...

Your Mom used it first!!!!! Does she look well groomed now???
We don't get Chewy here in the UK and I gets green wiv the jellyness 'cos of all the cool stuffs you get! I'm a Princess, I SHOULD haf these thingys as well!
Loves and licky kisses
Princess Leah xxx

Duke said...

Our mom used the pinbrush on her arm to see if it hurted and it didn't. We think your mom is normal. We love our brush and mom uses it on us every day.
Happy Birthday to Bella!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

This is a tool Lady is interested in so we look forward to your results.

Unknown said...

I would ave told yer mom to keep her paws off your stuffs mate.
Looks cool, I would luvs one.
Luvs Freya Rose Blossom X

Murphy said...

We think that is good your mom tested it on her furs. Can never be too careful!

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

Ruby said...

BOL!!! OMD, your Moms used YOUR brush??!! OMD, I hopes you DISINFECTED it befores you used it on YOUR furs!!!! You never know what kind of cooties the peeps have!!! PEEP COOTIES!!!! They are the WORST! Wells, if your furs start turnin' purple and blue and all the colors of the rainbow, you knows you caught it!!!! (maybe you should use it on Frankies butt just to make sure....☺)
You are some brave Doxies...
Ruby ♥

M. K. Clinton said...

We are trying this new Furminator too! Like your mom, mine has had her Furminator for at least 87 years! I love it, but Pierre hates getting brushed. We are hoping he loves this one.

Anonymous said...

Mom tries to kill me with the Furminator comb. I can't wait to hear your opinion of the brush. Maybe you can try it on Frankie's photobombing butt too, while you're at it.

Love and licks,

The Army of Four said...

It IS a comfy brush, isn't it?

sprinkles said...

I used to have a kitteh who loved to be brushed. I bet he would have loved this.

marley said...

Yoo is luckee Frankie my pal...da border terrier haz to be and stripped wot keen hazzin da furs pulled owt at da rots by furmeenayters for us