Friday, February 13, 2015


Today is a Friday the 13th...    we are hoping that there will NOT be ANY bad luck fur ANYONE... other that SQUIRRES...     Just sayin..     NOW THEN....

FURST.... we want to REMIND EVERYBUDDY....    GOOSE is having his Birfday Pawty TODAY...  so be sure to go over there and Wish him a VERY MUCH HAPPY 15th Birfday...  which is ACTUALLY Tomorrow....♥ Love ♥ day...      We think it is appropriate that Goose was born on Valentine's Day... beclaws that guy is SURELY FULL of LOVE...

Speaking of LOVE.....   I (Judge Frankie Furter) want to talk to you about   TOUGH LOVE...
    That is the kind of Love that I have to bring into every one of my Court Rulings.....

See, this is how it is......   We all have PEEPS...   and they are NOT easy to Train and to Live with...      So, my furends...    here are my thoughts on how to

     Furst you good be FURM with them.    AND you gotta be CONSISTANT...  otherwise they get totally outta paw... FAST.
    Like when they are LATE with Suppers and such...   you gotta STAND YOUR GROUNDmoles    and not allow them to get by with that..     If you give them 5 seconds TODAY   ... tomorrow they will be 87 seconds Later than before..    
      Peeps like to PUSH the envelope as they say...
If YOUR peeps are late with supper...    BARK at em... or YOWL at 'em... or SQUAWK at 'em.....or Thump your feets ...   Depending on your species...   let them KNOW that they are NOT getting by with it...          FURM and CONSISTANT    

Next you gotta have them under Snoopervision...   they can NOT be Pawmitted to run around the country... withOUT being on a Walkin String...      the Walkin String is what allows you to steer them in the right directions...  Stop in the Correct Places...   and Prevent them from WANDERING OFF...      you know that Peeps have the attention span of a Squirrel...   they tend to go from one thingy to the next... without EVER getting anything Peed on...  let alone reading any Pee Mail...   or Sniffing the Finer thingys of life..      
    TOUGH LOVE =   WALKIN STRING...        Don't leave home without it.

Finally I want to discuss Tough Love and TIME MANAGEMENT...    
    Peeps seem to have a problem with this...   they are always saying they don't have enough time...   the PROBLEM is that they use their time...  WRONG...   
   You need to TEACH them how to use it Correctly...   to ensure that you have all the tummy rubbing, snack dispensing,  ball flinging, tug of war, and Naps that YOU need..  
            They MUST be FORCED to do these impawtant tasks... ALONG WITH BLOGGING HELP...     it is NOT easy fur us to get this TIME MANAGEMENT thingy across to them..   you will need to be MOST vigilant.      PUT YOUR PAW DOWN...    Do not allow them to become Slackers...  
        THEY do NOT need to wash dishes... you can do that fur them... and save HOURS of Wasted time... 
    They do NOT need to give you Baffs...   one of their biggest time management Errors...     (NOTE:  brushing and combing are Not considered to be a waste of time... those are excellent endeavors... and SHOULD be encouraged).
     They do NOT need to talk on the phone fur hours on end...   They SHOULD be talking to YOU..
         Peeps have no reason to be washing Windows all the time... we just get them all artfully decorated with our snots and smears...  and out comes the spray bottle and the microfiber towels...          WHAT a WASTE of TIME...     they could just use a nice slobbery stuffie to rub over the windows... between tosses..      
      and the WORSTEST of ALL......  the VERY WORSTEST... is this INSANE obsession they have with VACULA...      OMD  I shudder to think of the HOURS wasted on THAT HORROR..                 When you see a peep headed for VACULA...     Throw a FIT...   Scream Whine... BARK...   and demand that they      DROP IT...     and    LEAVE IT..
     My court room will be a very EMPTY Place...   if you will just 
PRACTICE some TOUGH ♥ LOVE   on your peeps.

   And remember Ernie the Attorney   of the PawFurm    vonSchnitzel, Ketchum and Deadum
 is Available to help you with any....   SERIOUS breeches of our RULES

 Has your life taken a nasty Turney???

Thank you fur your time.
Judge Frankie Furter...    



Julie said...

I finks I might print this out and put it on the fridge next to my Cavalier Rules. It's hard work keeping those peeps under control and this will serve as a pawfect reminder to them to get their peeping act together! (and get my frock made Mom...just sayin'!)
Loves and licky kisses
Princess Leah xxx

WFT Nobby said...

Excellent advice on time management for Peeps Frankie. One further issue is that some Peeps waste SO MUCH time going to this place called 'work'. Really, this too should be discouraged, don't you think?
Toodle pip!

My GBGV Life said...

Thanks for the heads up. Mom hadn't realized it was Friday the 13th today. We will have to watch ourselves!

Unknown said...

Nice one and yes we remembered it was Friday 13th so it is horror movie night in our household. Have a fabulous Friday.
Best wishes Molly

easyweimaraner said...

tough love is true love, thanks for your great post! I agree for the time management... when they better should use the time to play with us of to feed us they always waste while they explain that they have no time...
easy rider

Scooter said...

Hey HizHonnorMop!
Wow, excellent advise from the bench today! The peeps definitely waste time better spent with us. Never a need to wash dishes fur sure. If they weren't so messy they wouldn't need vacula either. Words of wisdom fur sure. I also don't get why they watch tv instead of playing with us. Just sayin'.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Police Commish

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
You exercise pawfect judgement your Hair-ship... excellent guideline and it it will be clear to all Blogvillagers now when their rights are being infringed! Hope you were able to clear your desk enough to take time to enjoy the dance tomorrow!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

Golden Daily Scoop said...

Great advice, Frankie!! We are lying low on this Friday the 13TH HEE HEE!

Ranger said...

Goodie advice dar. I'm off to practice some tough lovin.

Unknown said...

BOL! Ernie's advertisement is hilarious! I love the rhyming (I wonder who did that since some paws cannot "write a poem"...ahem). I agree with all these Tough Love rules and I am glad you got them out in the open where they belong!

Blueberry's human said...

I think these are very good commands to work on with humans. I would like to add that we need to also prevent them from their one-handed massages/pets while they use the other hand to be on their phones. Both hands should be employed for belly-rubbing, massaging, etc.


Matilda the Boxer said...

There won't be ANY bad luck today! My momma was BORN on a Friday the 13th, so it's the BEST day!

Two French Bulldogs said...

We bet lots of ladies want to put their paws through your beautiful hairs
Lily & Edward

My Mind's Eye said...

'5 seconds TODAY ... tomorrow they will be 87 seconds Later than before.."

LetterstoAndrew said...

Good advice Frankie, let's hope the peeps get the point.

Sketching with Dogs said...

Oh don't worry Judge Frankie, we always practice tough love on our peeps - they are totally under the paw, hehe.
Dip and Elliot x

Lassiter Chase and Benjamin said...

Pawsome set of rules!

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

You are so right. We've got to keep an eye on HER ALL the time. We're lucky that there are THREE of us. We don't know how ONLY dogs cope.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Tough Love - sounds like something we may need to get in place here too - the Momster is leaving us all day tomorrow and then again most of Sunday afternoon. She needs some lessons in the right way to show us her love.

Happy Valentine's Day weekend from all of us.

Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning

M. K. Clinton said...

These reminders are for their own good. It's because we love them that they must not become slackers.

Ziggy Stardust said...

Judge Frankie, thank you for your very wise words. I am making Mommy read this and memorize it. I will quiz her later on, even if she has to do it 87 times, I will make sure she gets it right.

Loveys Sasha

Bocci said...

We're stayin' in on this scary eve...too cold anyway!
Advertisement is hysterical!

Anonymous said...

This will be printed and taped to the fridge for them to read EVERY DAY....any variance will be deal with in a most sever manner here...NO JUDGE NEEDED!

The Mad Scots

Murphy said...

This was a most excellent post!! Hopefully lots of doggies can benefit from this excellent advice!

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

Ruby said...

OMD, this was FABulous Frankie!!! I told Ma to print it out and puts it on the fridge so she would not forgets a single thingie!!!! especially the walking string...geesh! How peeps can get distracted...embarrassing!!!
Ruby ♥

Kinley Westie said...

Da biggest waste of time is toenail trimmin and hand strippin.

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Howdy Mr Frankie. We have our mum pretty well sorted out. She's given up all hope of keeping our glass doors clean. We prefer slobber and snot art and she has come to realise she does too. We do get plenty of belly rubs (some of us, cough, cough, Rory!) get more than others but I suppose he does have a big jelly belly. We have tea on time cause Rory has to have his tablets and mum is eggcellent with this. Her only fault is the vacula but we thought one vice wasn't too bad. Happy Valentine's Day to you all. No worries, and love, Stella and Jelly Belly, er I mean, Rory

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Wow...that is a ton of great advice Frankie!! We especially like the fact that we can do dishes for our folks!!
Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

Duke said...

We are printing out your Tough Love speech and framing it, Frankie! You are the smartest pup in the whole wide world!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Millie and Walter said...

That is excellent advice. We will make sure our peeps read this post and take heed.