Friday, January 16, 2015

Flash Back Friday....

 Let's Hope that Winter will soon reach....    THE END....   
BUTT WAIT...... there's MORE....
    Check this out...

You will be able to read all about this exciting MARATHON   by going      HERE  
   that will get you to the MAYORZ Blog and at the top Right there is a MARATHON TAB...   
        ♥♥    BUTT WAIT..... there's EVEN MORE.....     Before we get to the Marathon we gotta get in SHAPE... and what better way to do it than by ....

DANCIN with your SWEET ♥ HEART???????    
   YEP Blogville will be Having a VALENTINE's Day Pawty...

♥  2 ♥            isn't that Cool???             ♥ to ♥


Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
Crikey, Ernie and Roxy are going to be hard to beat on the dance floor! Love the flash back to tightywhity weather... the sun just burst out here - and it is snowing at the same time!!! Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

It's only January :-( We hope it will warm up soon for you guys. Sending you Lots of CA sunshine. Golden Woofs

Frank The Tank said...

I love the photos of you guys in the waters, it looks like you were having a great time, I too wish that it could be summer already, its getting too cold on my paws and that cold breeze through my furs Brrrr, seeing your photos defiantly warm me up a little, I love your little swimming pants, is that so you don't poop in the waters?? Tee,Hee!
Love and licks from your furiend Frank xxxxxx

Unknown said...

We so hope Winter ends early for you. Our paws are crossed. Have a fabulous Friday.
Best wishes Molly

My GBGV Life said...

Don't you guys like winter? We are hoping for another good two months with lots more snow here.

Julie said...

Oh there's soooo much going on in blogsville its making this little pups head spin, or is that me twirling in excitement? Not sure but I is dizzy!
Loves and licky kisses
Princess Leah xxx

easyweimaraner said...

I hope that this ole winter guy disappears soon.... ooooh summer memories... sigh...
I'm glad I have time till march to get in shape... I still look like Moby Dick... I could roll through that Meow-rathon!
Easy Rider

Poodle At Play said...

I am with you on really hoping for winter's end...this season is just way to cold.

Unknown said...

Flashbacks to tighty-whities, boys?!? Really?!? BOL Hmmm, I have a small giveaway on my blog today that may help you stay warm! No one has even entered it yet. *sigh* Happy Friday!

stellaroselong said...

OUR mom had better get us signed up for the Valentine Dance, or hers days are limited for sure. WE laughed at that water picture.....stella rose

Two French Bulldogs said...

Our favorite post, thank you
Lily & Edward

My Mind's Eye said...


cody from tucson said...

My mum has told me lots about your wives, but have not seen any blogs to or from them in ages. Are you still married??????? lol

I know that Cody used to luv reading about you three (4 including ernie)

Cookie Monster in Tucson

Duke said...

We haven't had a major snowstorm yet and we'd sure like to have at least one this winter!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Scooter said...

I hate to burst your bubble but dont think winter will be over too soon!! Im just sayin.....bol


Sketching with Dogs said...

We second that about Winter!
Hope us little dogs get a couple of miles head start on the ones with long legs...
Dip and Elliot x

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Great things coming up! Hope you can get back in the water soon!

We've been having very cool weather....we're not complaining, mind you.

School starts back at the end of the month and we find that's when the hot weather usually hits...BOL!

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

We think the reast of winter will "swim" by with all these pawsome events!!!
Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

Millie and Walter said...

We do a lot of sprints around our yard but we will have to start doing some distance work to keep up with the Doods in a marathon. We are trying to think about warmer times but with the temp heading to zero tonight it's going to be difficult.

bichonpawz said...

Yeah! We are with you guys!! Let's get this winter thing over with! Xo Chloe and LadyBug ( Love the pics! )

Sweet William The Scot said...

Love is in the air with Valentines Day just around the corner and we will be that much closer to Spring.
Sweet William The Scot

Idaho PugRanch said...

We are so ready for spring! We started with snow today, then rain, then it will probably freeze and be a skating rink tonight
Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

Murphy said...

Thanks for the shout out on our events! BUTT, you are not gonna wear tighty whities for the race are ya? BOL!

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

Kinley Westie said...

Are ya wearin tighty whiteys?

Wyatt said...

So much happening in Blogville. Yay!

Wyatt and Stanzie

LBJ said...

Once, when Mom had that 3rd glass of wine, someone bet her she didn't remember how to tap dance. Mom river danced! (then she took a nap) I bet I can do that. AND the nap!

Ruby said...

Loves the tighty whitey's!!! I thinks your wimmen are fainting right nows!!!
OMD, Ernie, you and Roxy really know how to cut a rug!!! That is a fun way to gets in shape! Wells, that and bubble chasing! And margarita drinkin'!!!! What? ☺
Oh, man, does that mean I have to start drinkin' LIGHT margaritas????!!! Oh, the HORRORS!!!
Ruby ♥

Kismet said...

We love our winters. It was about 15C today.

Anonymous said...

We are already ready, pics are sent...I got my new running shoes and head band.....lets go!

You can have that one, we be empty for now, we are growing new ones this weekend

The Mad Scots