Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Ring out the OLD and Bring in the NEW...

Can you EVEN believe it???????  TODAY is the Last day of 2014.    We had a WONDERFUL Year... and we HOPE that YOU did also..
     NOW we gots to get ready to RING out the OLD and BRING IN THE NEW...    with some TRADITION..
   What do you do fur YOUR New Year's Eve and New Year's DAY   ??
Do you watch the Tournament of Roses Pawrade???    Love that one...
Do you have special FOODS to bring Health and Pawsparity to you and your peeps?

WE in this neck of the woods think that everybuddy needs to have CABBAGE in some form...   USUALLY it is Sauerkraut...   with some sort of PORK cooked in... and served over Mashed Potatoes...    
    These are just two of the heads of Cabbage that WE grew in our garden last summer...  
 Mom choppers it all up....
 Uses this Red thingy to hold the Bags open...    Fills the bags and then FREEZES the Cabbage...
 She does NOT make Sauerkraut... butt she does save all the cores to Boil and add to our tomatoes fur making V-8 Juice...       We buy our KRAUT in a can... and ADD a bit of our OWN CABBAGE to cook in with it... so it isn't QUITE so Sour/SAUER...        Being German Dawgs... we are kinda INTO that Kraut Flavor... esp. when flavored with Big Red Smokeys...  YUMMMMMmmmmm

SO   please SHARE your NEW YEAR Traditions with us...     in your comments..
bet Mayoress Diva Madi has BEANS/Black Eyed Peas.. fur her good luck.



Lassiter Chase and Benjamin said...

Happy New Year to u! What time should we be over fur dinner? :)

Zoe said...

Have a super duper New Year, yu guys an the peepoles!

No big deal fur New Year's round here. Early to bed, early to rise, yu know.

How Sam Sees It said...

BOL - anymore our only tradition is to get Monty through New Year's. Our neighbors are really big into fireworks. If we survive - I go riding the next day. :)

Happy New Year!

Monty and Harlow

The Daily Pip said...

Our traditions involve ordering some yummy Chicago style pizza (as in in deep dish, artery clogging pizza) tonight and eating leftovers tomorrow! And of course, we dogs try and steal a few pizza bones tonight AND tomorrow ...a tradition started by me, Angel Pip, and continued with my new sissy Ruby!

We wish you and your family good health and much happiness in 2015!

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

BWHahahahah....tradition??? I think me and brudder Max (DaOdderWeenie) have a GREAT tradition. We sleep on New Years Eve and New Years Day! Mom just sits around and waits for the ball to drop...or as she puts it...the next crisis to hit.. :)

Have a Hap-Pee and Safe New Years Eve!

Ranger said...

If I can stay up late enough, I watch da fireworks on TV.
On New Years Day, I watch da Rose Parade and den go for a New Years walk on da beach.
Lovin da Salt Life.

Lovable Lily said...

Happy New Year to you and yours too!

We are usually looking at the back of our eyelids come midnight. Mommy always wakes us up to give us kisses when the big ball hits the bottom and everyone is screaming. It kinda freaks us out. We then give thanks that we've made it another year. We remember those who have gone before us. The humans have some more champagne and are usually giggling by then. Then it's back to bed for all of us.

Wishing you all the best in 2015!

Lily Belle & Muffin

Scooter said...

Hey FnE!
Wow, 2014 was an amazing year and we are sure that 2015 will be even better! Mom is cooking ribs later today, then crock pots full of saurkraut, hot dogs, smokies, brats, kielbasa and potatoes. YUM They will watch the parade tomorrow and I'll snooze. BOL
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Pol Comm

Scooter said...

BTW: I think I'd love to be at Pip and Ruby's for that Chicago Pizza Bone feast! YUM

JoAnn Stancer said...

Happy New Year Frankie and Ernie and parents. Hope you have a great year a head. We don't have and traditions :( but I do love sauerkraut.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Well, of course in Scotland, home of Hogmanay, many a tradition is established and has been mutated around the globe. Our family though kinda does its own thing - and for me who has been in the underparts of the globe for the last quarter century, it is a whole different scene.

But I just sat down this very minute to catch up on blogs having spent 87 HOURS in the kitchen!!!!(sorry, indiscriminate exclamarks again...)

I made CABBAGE and marrow soup (whizzed then sieved coz my daddy has Parkinson's); then I made bluecheese and sweetcorn risotto to stuff into capsicums (bell peppers) and they are now baking along with a similar filling and couple of extras on another length of the marrow... then I have prepared a favourite Indian snack called ALOO BONDA - which is savoury potato balls which will go in oven once this first lot are done............ too tired to eat now!!!!!!!!

OH I AM SENDING ETHER HUGS AND MULTIPLE BLESSINGS TO YOU ON THE HILL SO FAR AWAY AND YET SECONDS FROM MY FINGERTIPS; With all love and wishes for this rip into the next set of 12... YAM-aunty xxx

Linda said...

Happy New Year's Eve.
May 2015 bring you peace love and happiness.
xo Cinnamon

Murphy said...

We don't really have a tradition. Maybe we can start one of getting a 24 hours pet-down for the last day of the year? Or maybe a fetch-a-thon?? Wishing all our furends and their hoomans a wonderful New Year. May 2015 bring you health, joy, and happiness!

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

The Army of Four said...

My tradition is to celebrate the new year with a PEAR!!!
PS: Not really, but I'm hoping my mom will see this and take a hint.

Duke said...

We're wishing you and your peeps a happy and healthy New Year, Frankie and Ernie. We don't have any traditions for New Year's at our house. Your cabbage sure looks yummy!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Misaki @ misadventuresofMisaki said...

Wishing you a very happy new year xx

Sketching with Dogs said...

Oooo, sounds delish!
A very Happy New Year to you all!
Dip Elliot and Lynne x

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

We just had our breakfast bone and SHE had a left over mince pie. We'll be going to the river and then.....who knows.

Happy New Year!

My Mind's Eye said...

OMCs what a great idea to save the core of the cabbage for (i could'a had a) V8. Well here in the South we have black eye peas. According to the legend if you eat a lot of peas on New Year's Day you'll make a lot of money during the year. Mom will be making black eye peas in the crock pot...then just before they are ready to eat she adds a cup of mild salsa to give them a kick. That is not the standard way to make them but the peeps like them that way.
hugs madi your bfffffff

stellaroselong said...

OuR grandma always says if you cook cabbage on New Years Day you will have good luck throughout the far we are waiting on mom to start that tradition but no luck yet. We are blessed to have you as our blogville family. Stella rose

Charlotte said...

Happy New year, Frankie, Ernie & Family!! We're babysitting the nephew, Benson tonight...his paw rents are attending a wedding!

(((hugs))) your friend

Teddy said...

Happy New Year!

Idaho PugRanch said...

Maybe we better start that cabbage tradition! Here is to a better 2015!
Mr Bailey & Hazel

Cowspotdog said...

we don't have traditions here - we don't even stay up to celebrate it - Mom and Dad are old poops! Happy New Year - we hope it brings lots of cuddles, walks, adventures and treats :)

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

We eat junk food and play games. This year Uncle Chris and dog cousin Emma are coming.

Wishing you all a happy and healthy 2015!
Hailey, Zaphod and their Lady

easyweimaraner said...

my grampy said he would love to visit you today. Because we only had lentil soup like efurry year, to get more wonga next year (it never works, we only get gas but no money.
Have a great 2015 full with funny adventures and good things!
Easy Rider

FANCY the Red Standard Poodle said...

Hi Y'all!

Wishing y'all a happy and healthy 2015!

Happy New Year!
Hawk aka BrownDog

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

We don't have any traditions here either, but we do try to go on a long walkie with the whole pack in attendance!!
Happy New Year's Smileys!
Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

Julie said...

Mum wants one of those red bag thingys, would save a lot, and I mean a lot of MESS!!!!!!
This is my furst year with the Peeps but I'm told at midnight we go outside with a glass of bubbly and listen to all the ships in the docks sound their horns to welcome in the New Year and then watch the fireworks (not too keen on the fireworks bit though!) and all the neighbours come out to join in!
Wishing you two darlings and your lovely Peeps a very, very Happy New Year
Loves and licky kisses
Princess Leah xxx

C.L.W.STEP said...

We love sauerkraut, and especially the pork roast or ribs that were cooked in it! We love to eat cabbage cores raw! Joe will dig up the whole compost pile if he thinks there's a cabbage core in there! Have a Happy New Year!

Millie and Walter said...

Happy New year Frankie, Ernie and your pawrents! We don't have any traditions around here either. Maybe we should to give our pawrents more luck for the new year.

My Dog Sam - Ruptured Disk said...

Hi, we don't have any traditions for New Year's either. We go to sleep at around the same time and hope that the pesky neighbors don't bang their pots and wake us up barking. Happy New Year to everyone at your house.

Anonymous said...

WEll, we have Black Eyed Peas, with some jalapenos to scare away the ghosts and evil spirits, all served with Ham. No parades, no football, just dinner with all the sons and their families.

Have a Wonderful and Happy New Year

The Mad Scots

Anonymous said...

Mom doesn't eat a special food for good luck in the new year. Just the usual pasta. She says I am her good luck charm, I say give me some pasta noodles!

Happy New Year, buddies.
Love and licks,

Sagira said...

We had pork and stuff on NY day as well. YUMMY!