Wednesday, December 10, 2014

OMD a Snow Freak WHO DUN IT....

Before we start on the Snow Freak MYSTERY thingy...   we wanted to be sure you have all this impawtant Info..

Upcoming Events & Save The Dates!

December 24th - FFHT - Due to Christmas and Dory's Pawty we are moving it to December 24th!  The special inclusion is:  "But I think you should know . . ." or a more seasonal inclusion "And then the chubby elf says . . ." Choose one (or else accept the challenge to fit them both in your story!).

December 26th - Dory's Birthday and Christmas Pawty  (pics due Dec. 20th).

January 9th, 2015 - Inauguration & Swearing In forDoodz Mayorz , hosted by Madi .  This event will involve the Blogville Community Choir and the Blogville Pawlice Department.  Your leaders and supervisors will contact you with additional information.

January 9th, 2015 - After the Inauguration, come to Dory's Pajama Pawty!

January 10th, 2015 - Madi's Farewell, hosted by Sarge

January 12, 2015 - All of those who have been appointed to a pawsition in our administration are asked to put up a post saying what their pawsition is and explaining how it works.  We will do this as a blog hop to acquaint all citizens with the new services available to them.

January 24, 2015 Letter To My Paw Pal.  This is your chance to write a letter to your doggie, or kitty, or other pet and tell them how you feel about them or how they have changed your life.  This will be a blog hop as we are sure everyone will want to read all the letters!

And last but not least, we want to make sure everyone stops by to see Walter and Millie to find out how saving stamps on all the Christmas cards you will be receiving (and your pawrents will not hee-hee) can help other doggies (Retired Greyhound Trust)!

NOTE:    Be sure to TAKE A BOX   fur Madi's Pawty at Sarge's Place...   Madi does have MAD LOVE fur a BOX you know...

2.    Fur those of YOU.... like US who are suffering with this CRAZY Word Verification... PROVE YOU ARE NOT A ROBOT THINGY....     This HAS happened before... and SOME folks Did make changes in their settings...   We are going to play the WAIT and SEE game fur a few days... and HOPE that BLOGGER (who CAUSED this...we are sure)  will come to its Senses and FIX it fur EVERYONE...      The really odd thingy is that it seems ONLY to be effecting Blogs in the USA..   those of you from Down Under... and the UK and France...  don't appear to HAVE this come up on YOUR BLOGS.  AND of COURSE blogs using WORDPRESS are not effected either.  YOU LUCKY DUCKS..    So we are thinking that Blogger is trying to prevent Somethingy... here in the USA from spreading....        OKAY... we KNOW... we are cutting Blogger some SLACK here... butt HEY, it IS Christmas and all..    WE are just going to keep COMMENTING and typing in, the dreaded and despised Numerals... fur YOU, and Hope that you will stick with US,  and do the same...   

NOW then.....   On Monday afternoon   WE of the Hill received a SHOCKER of A Pressie Package...
It came by way of the UPS guy...     and  it had CHEWY.COM on the OUTSIDE of the Package...   

Here is how thingys went..

Twas a few days before Christmas and all round our hill ...
The Snow Freaks were Glaring  and spreading Ill WILL.
        Our stockings were Snow Freaked all over the Front..
           So evil they are they cause us to GRUNT.

Then up the drive came the UPS GUY with a Package fur US..
   We ripped it open and ... STARTED To CUSS.

Inside were TWO Stuffie Snow Freaks wearing bright red Santa Hats...
    We saw them and FAINTED with two giant SPLATS..

One is named Naughty and the Other is Nice..  
We believe the first one  butt fur the OTHER we had to think Twice..

We looked at the paper that came Tucked Inside there, too.
We were searching fur a NAME...   we were desperated to see WHO..

Would have added to the Snow Freak Bevvy ..
Alas there was NO Sender's Name and that made our hearts Heavy.

We couldn't and Wouldn't  DEADED "PLAY" with them until we knew who to BLAME  THANK.
But there WAS no Sender Listed....   that pawt was just BLANK.

We spent like 87 HOURS...   Sniffin ALL around Town.
Butt Still the ORNERY   Thoughtful Sender's Name was not Found.

We tried EMAILS and Phone Calls and the Name of the sender was alluding us Still.
Butt we were DACHSHUNDS On a Mission and we have very a very strong WILL.

WE were Off on a MISSION   we would Not give up the HUNT..
WE intended to find the PUPitrator of this Stunt.    

Now we KNOW that you will want to see these "GUYS"
Here they are...   so be Careful of your Eyes...

Please Pardon our Snow FREAK P.J.'s
Moms can be INSISTANT in getting their Ways.
Here is the ONLY Paper we had fur our Trail...
 OMD  WHO would have done this to us?   The Name we must UNVEIL...
 OMD   One side is Naughty and One is SUPPOSED to be NICE...
 We flipped them over and checked them TWICE...

 There was no SCENT of the SENDER that we could detect...
 Our lives have surely gone to HECK
SO....  we used our great Dachshund BRAINS and made ONE final CALL...  
And FOUND the ANSWER....    Tomorrow we will tell ALL.   


Unknown said...

OMD we are on the edge of our baskets wondering who?????. Till tomorrow then. The Mystery continues. Yes we noted the word verification seemed to be US bloggers only. Drats that is annoying of blogger. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
Best wishes Molly

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
OMDness this is getting severely out of paw... but oh my, could have been the Chewy peeps themselves???

Actually, the number 'freak' is affecting all blogs with the popout box for comments and I note that you have now embedded yours, which has stopped that little gremlin - THANKS! I checked mine as if I was a visitor and found that it was doing it here in the uk (and noted it on others I visited), so the embedding is def the way to go.

Crikey, can't wait to find out your mystery sender... Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

Yamini MacLean said...

....oh I just realised that my online presence is based in India, even though my body is in Scotland.... Maybe the source of the viewer is adding in the extra security? Tsk.......anyway, this embedding thingo is good! Yxx

My GBGV Life said...

Wow, that is quite the story!!! I will be back tomorrow for the follow up! We did notice that comment thing on all the blogger sites all of the sudden...hate it when my blog makes decisions without asking me, but I don't use blogger, so at least this didn't happen!

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

We HATE word verification!! Can't wait to see who sent them snow freaks.
Your PJ's are cute. Looks like your ready for Dory's pajama party.

♥♥♥Mona, Prissy & Shelby Lynn

The Daily Pip said...

Wait mean you aren't going to reveal the secret today ...we have to wait until tomorrow!!! Sigh ...I'm on the edge of my seat.

bichonpawz said...

This is a very suspenseful story and we just cannot WAIT to hear what happens!! WHO??? We agree with the comment thingy...hate it when Blogger does that without asking us! xo Chloe and LadyBug

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

We did NOT change anythingy on our blog... the robot thingy just seems to have gone POOF. Just like it suddenly started.

Katie said...

That is a mystery and we cannot wait to find out who sent them!

Cowspotdog said...

Dressing you as snow freaks and giving you snow freak toys - where will it all end?

My Mind's Eye said...


stellaroselong said...

Oh we can hardly wait to see who did that....they are kinda cute though. We love your outfits, first we thought you guys were the naughty and rose

Kismet said...

I hate those word verification thingies. Only a robot can decipher them.

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Naughty and Nice...BOL Who gets what??? ;)

We're getting that word thingy too BUTT we're just skipping over it without putting anything in. And that seems to work just fine so far.

Two French Bulldogs said...

You guys absolutely kill us with those snow freak outfits on
Lily & Edward

Sketching with Dogs said...

We are not sure we can wait more than 12 hours.... Better sleep the rest :)
Dip and Elliot x

Scooter said...

Hey FnE!
Wow, and BOW WOW WOW, your poem is stupendous! Fabulous writing, my leggless furiends. BOL Oh, I think those freaks are a riot and I can't wait to see who the culprit turns out to be. I'll be on the edge of my playpad. :)
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Police Commish

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Very mysterious...we can't wait until we find out WHO did the dastardly deed!

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

We forgot to say how much we enjoyed your FANGTASTIC poem! It was GREAT!

Unknown said...

Well, I know that package wasn't from me because...I just mailed you package yesterday (it should arrive on Friday)! Besides, I KNOW I did NOT include any snow freaks in the package I sent you. This is a nice package, not like the Booby Prize package you won earlier this year. I sure hope Mr. Chewy didn't send it. :-O BOL

My Dog Sam - Ruptured Disk said...

Those stuffies would all be taken care of by now.

Duke said...

We know that you don't want to hear this but you guys look so cute in your snow freak jammies and the stuffies are the perfect touch!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Isn't it time for you to tell us WHO did it now????

That word verification thing is a joke. We just ignore and don't type anything. As far as we can tell, our comments are still going through.

Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning

Kinley Westie said...

OMD, anonnymouse snowfreaks!

Millie and Walter said...

We can't wait to see who it was that sent those to you. If we had to guess we might think your "friends" from Chewy sent them to you. We know how thoughtful they can be. Maybe they just wanted to add to your mom's collection.

BTW the "robot" thingy is still on.

Charliedownunder said...

Crikey ..... I'm dying of curiosity here ..... GREAT poem by the way!!

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

We love your snow freaks:)

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Oh my!! We can hardle wait until tomorrow to find out who sent you those freaks!!

Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo