TOMORROW the DAYLIGHT with be like 87 seconds LONGER... and we are pretty happy to hear THAT... Happy Furst day of {{SHIVER}} Winter to you... you Aussies can use it to keep COOL.... hehehehe
OMD have you sent your pictures to DORY yet?? She needs them fur her HOOOOOGE Christmas Pawty and Birfday Bash... OMD you DO know that you are WANTED and WELCOME... and that it is gonna be a GRRRREAT time... come ON... Join the FUN... DON'T miss the DEAD LION on this... you will be very much sorry.
Some of you wanted to know if we had ever COUNTED the SnowFreaks... We have NOT butt our furend Did it once... about 6 years ago... he started counting and Finally QUIT when he hit 250... Snow Freak thingys... and said.... There are TOO MANY to keep going... and of course over the years... they have MULTIPLIED... SO... we are going to GUESSTIMATE that there must be 87 Bazillion of them...
We can LIVE with THIS sweatshirt... the CHRISTMAS thingy... is NOT a Snow Freak...
SHE even has a SWEATER with "THEM" on it..
Now we want you to know that we received ANOTHER Surprise Pressie Package... butt this one was NOT fur US..(THANKFULLY) it was from Goose's MOM to OUR Mom... WHEW..
BUTT of course we have to Look at it... Snow Freaks on the Envelope, The Card, and the Shredding Paper...
and INSIDE the Shredding Paper... was this Snow Freak on a Bicycle... Or should we call it an ICICLE... since we are sure the Snow Freak caused it to be So COLD...
We just WISH you had been here to see our MOM ..... TRYING ... to get a GOOD Picture angle fur this... It was WORTH the "PRICE"of Admission... She was ALL OVER the house and the FLOORS and stuffs... and could NOT get all the DETAILS to show up in any one single picture...
There are Pedals and a Chain and a Kick Stand... and the snow freak is wearing a little plaid Jumper... and a scarf and hat and SNOW BOOTS... Mom was over the moon happy and thrilled with this...
Our Mom wants to say a BIG THANK YOU to Pastor Michelle.
We are glad that you can't see this one In REAL LIFE.... the color of this is washed out in the PICTURE...butt in real Life
Now before we go fur the day... we gotta show you THIS...
OMD Lily and Edward.... WHAT were YOU THINKING.... look what you DID to the envelope that your card came in... and when we turned it OVER....
WHAT were you THINKING?????? Are you ENJOYING our PAIN and ANGUISH???
Pee S.... don't furget to get pictures sent to SARGE.... fur Madi's BOX BASH... going outta office Pawty... you need a BOX Pic... to get in the door... Just sayin...
Looks like some snowman terrorists have gotten to your mail. Will this all end on Christmas or continue through the winter? Scary thought, I know.
Hehehe sorry Frankie and Ernie,this is just too funny,xx Speedy
I like the idea of a snow man on a bike :o) and it's a special snowman donated by the veterans, so maybe you can give that guy the green dachshund card?
I hope we have sent all pictures for the events, if not, please give me a sign :o)
Easy Rider
you gotta admit the snowman on the bike is kinda cute :)
BOL funny. Have a serene and easy Sunday.
Best wishes Molly
Well I see the snow freak arrived all safe and sound. I really am sorry dear friends. I think my MOM had a brain freeze with this one. I mean when she made the donation to the Veteran's they said she could have a Snow Freak or or a spa treatment for her. Crazy woman choose the snow freak. In the end I guess it wall worked out for everyone, the Veteran's and your mom. Butt not so much for you guys.
Hari OM
Oh for the love of Pete, is there no respite for you guys??? Well, at least it had the decency to be wearing tartan... Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx
How the heck did that happen!!
Those freaks must have gotten the envelope
Lily & Edward have a freak on a bicycle now??? This is getting VERY scary!!
Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo
Hey FnE!
Wow, over 250 is definitely a total take-over! BOL OMD that guy on the bike is adorable. We all love Michelle and this is a beautiful snowman for the collection. I gotta laugh at the guys can't avoid the snowfreaks. BOL
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Police Commish
Oh my goodness Frankie, a SNOWFREAK on a BICYCLE. That is your worst nightmare and my worst nightmare combined.. Whatever was Goose's mom thinking? Oh well, at least the veterans got something out of the deal so it's not all bad!
Toodle pip!
There is no end to your suffering from the excessive snow freaks at your house!
Your Pals,
Murphy & Stanley
You mean even the Veterans are into the snowfreak takeover????
Ya know what, SHE has that little snowfreak whose face changes with a push of a button next to the computer, and we catch HER playing with it all the time!
We're just getting into our 5:15 a.m. walks...soon they'll be getting later and later.
Thanks for the reminder of the box photo! We are ready for Dory's gig! Snowfreaks are getting out of hand at your place! Crank up the heater and full steam ahead! Bahahaha!
That Lily and Edward are so funny!!
Oh, dear, looks like we're going to miss a couple of fun events. Lily and Edward were just putting you on, weren't they? :)
Our mom is just loving the snowfreak on a bicycle. She thinks it's just adorable!
And we thought that Lily and Edward were your friends!
Love ya lotsā„
Mitch and Molly
Lady thinks you need some systematic desensitization to help you with your fear of snowmen. Just saying :)
Our mom thinks that bike riding snow freak is cute but we send our sympathies.
I hope you guys and your family have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Those snow freaks are pretty nimble if they can ride bikes. What will they try next?? Scary!!!
That was such a nice gift for your mom. I can't wait to spend the evening with my dood at Dory's pawty.
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