Monday, August 25, 2014

More Garden Goodies....

We wanted to show you these Grrrreat thingys from our Garden...
Just TWO of the  8 heads of cabbage we have cut so far....
 After they are cleaned up mom CHOPS them...

 and THEN she uses this red thingy to hold the gallon bags open and still so she can load them up.. ready fur freezing...  and using in the WINTER...
 We have had GREAT Cob under the Corn... (since we have been pondering thingys like Corn ON the Cob, and stuffs)... this year...      Ernie and I like OURS Raw... right in the garden... butt we do NOT eat ANY of the COBS...  those will plug up the ol' Poop Shooter.   NOT a good thingy...  BUTT WE DIGRESS...   Furst we pick and HUSK and then Wash and ...
 CUT the Corn OFF the cob....      HEY AMBER, MAX, and AUTUMN... look what mom uses fur doing THIS...    the super cutting board that YOU ALL gave to her...   it Fits in the pan just purrrrrrfectly.
 THEN she puts it in a HOOOOOOGE Pot   with a TINY bit of salt and some margarine and some Onions and Green Peppers (also from our garden)..    and cookers it all up fur like 87 minutes.. and then we have this DELICIOUS MexiCorn stuffs... that when it is cOOL... she Also puts in Bags and Freezes fur those LONG COLD winter weather meals.    
    Sometimes... when Mom KNOWS who is calling on the phone she says:

Price's Produce Palace.. Plenty of Produce to Please your Palate  WE Plant em... YOU Plate em.
Dad GROWS em and Mom Cooks em... and that is WHY  Ernie wrote the song fur the BDA.  Remember the Concert from the Safety week  Picnic?

WE are Dedicating   this Song to  Ernie's Dad  Ol' Sure Shot and Wyatt and Stanzie and all the other FANGtastic Gardners throughout Blogville and Beyond...

Tune:   the Gambler  by Kenny Rogers...
     ♫ ♫ ♪  THE GARDNER  ♫ ♫ ♪

On a warm summer's evening.  In a Cliner watching TeeVee...  
When along came a GARDNER and he began to speak.

    He said, If your gonna plant a garden, boy, you gotta do it right.

You gotta know when to Plant em. 
  Know when to Hoe em.
Know when it's time to pick and they have finished growin.

You Never Count your Veggies when your pickin in the garden.
There'll be Time ENOUGH fur countin when the Cannin's Done.

You gotta know when to Plant em. 
 Know when to Hoe em.
Know when it's time to pick and they have finished growin. 

You gotta keep the critters out of your garden.
They will gobble up your pawduce, and that just Ain't no good.

You gotta Know when to Plant em.
  Know when to Hoe em.
Know when it's time to pick and they have finished growin. 
       ♫     ♫   ♫   ♪     ♪     ♫


Frank The Tank said...

Hi Frankie and YOUR Ernie, I just love seeing your wonderful harvest and what you do to store up your delicious foodables for the winter, it's such a great idea to make freezer bags with everything ready for a nice warm winters casserole or stew, those corns on the cob look amazing, do you eat a lot of your pawrents crops? What is your favourite? I have loved all your blog posts about your garden and seeing you and Ernie eat tomatoes, peppers and things! How do they keep you away from the things you shouldn't eat like your grapes? Those cabbage look good, you are going to have so much yummy foods! My Momma has her herb garden, she grows carrots, patty pan squash and spinach there too, she is exited to get them harvested! Love and Licks from your furiend Frank XxxxxxxxX

Frank The Tank said...

PeeS, I love the song, the gardener, it's great, you are so creative! XxxxxxxxX

My Mind's Eye said...

Bravo bravo to all the great gardens and assistants in the world. I love love love your new song. Will BDA be recording it soon?

We are caught it it surely looks like you had a fine time at Wagfest.
Hugs madi your bfff

Unknown said...

Wow that is some harvest you got going there.Love the song. Have a marvellous Monday.
Best wishes Molly

Zoe said...

Super yums comin outta yur garden.
Yur mom an dad couldn't do it without yu doods helpin.

Sheltie Times said...

Awesome song guys. Mom and Dad still harvesting stuff. We are hoping for more zucchini muffins.

Cowspotdog said...

you guys are so lucky - we had some awesome cabbages that we like one day from picking when the darn bugs attacked in full force and ate right through them - they went crazy and overnight just turned them into coleslaw :( Great song there guys.

Lassiter Chase and Benjamin said...

Pawsome Cabbage Heads. If our Grandma saw those Cabbage Heads she would have made Holubtsi or sometimes called Golumpki. (meat and rice rolled up in Cabbage Leaves.) You have to cook the cabbage rolls like an hour in the oven though.

Anonymous said...

That's a super song! I will sing it now for the rest of the day! my first thought was: oh coleslaw! as I saw the cabbages. Can you imagine that they are not able here to make a REAL coleslaw? and that's called haute cuisine. Have a super monday with a ginormous harvest!

stellaroselong said...

Your mom plants such wonderful fings in her garden and they actually grow....the only fing that grows at ours house is zinna's and they are probably poisonous and we cannot eat them, let alone freeze them for the winter. Mom has to depend on stores like HyVee for all her produce OR the local farmers market ..they also have the magical ability to grow food to eat. We do not understand why our parents cannot do this, I love fresh green beans....sigh.....stella rose

Two French Bulldogs said...

Holy corn huskers!! We thought mom grew snowballs for her snowmans when we first looked
Lily & Edward

Julie said...

Wow, your Mums very clever, the foodables look very tasty
Loves and licky kisses
Princess Leah xxx

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Oh my golly I am DROOOOOling here!!! You are so lucky to have all such yummy feedstuffs - wonderful return for all the work put in. Nice song! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

rottrover said...

F & E, we know we always say this, butt we LOVES reading about your mom's canning. It makes us SO hungary...or maybe that's Bart's prednisone...BOL!!

-Bart, Ruby and Otto

Hannalei said...

Fantastic! I love seeing garden delights. This is my first year of gardening and it's encouraging to see what others are able to grow in theirs. Now you have to go sneak a tomato or two like my Weens do. ;)

sprinkles said...

Too bad we don't live closer. My boys would come over and eat corn under the cob with you.

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

We love that song, and your dad certainly IS THE GARDENER! No tellin' what that man can do with John the Deere.

SHE put cabbage in the freezer like your mom told HER and SHE loves takin' a bit out to have for dinner.

Somedoggy has been tilling the soil in HER little garden. SHE's not impressed.

Duke said...

Did you hear us singing your song, Frankie and Ernie?

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Frankie and Ernie, quite NOT contrary, how does your garden grow?

Mom says you wouldn't have to do any of that work with the corn if she were there, she would devour ALL of it in just a few meals:)

Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning

JoAnn Stancer said...

awesome song and veggies, enjoy

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Oh my dog!! That is the bestest gardening song ever!!
Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

Unknown said...

OMD! What a pawsome song! We're gonna be humming it ALL. DAY!
Wally & Sammy

Millie and Walter said...

There is so much we could comment on this post but our mom is mesmerized by that red thingy you used to fill the gallon bags. Where can she get one? We've never seen anything like that before and she insists she needs one too.


marley said...

Cabbij Frankie my pal? Yoo haz da stomach of a warrior doxie my pal...