Thursday, June 26, 2014

Beaver Boyz #4... LUNCH BREAK... Plus a surprise fur somebuddy...

We heard that TODAY is Miss Jan's (from the Funny Farmers)  BIRFDAY....    Happy Happy Birfday to you Miss Jan !!!

Next...   We are on our way to Pencil Vane E Ya...   to see Sarge and his mom and dad and the Crabby Girrrrrls..     so we will be Driving all day...   and then TOMORROW we will be Driving some MORE... beclaws we are going to PittsBurger... to go to the PetExpo there...    We hear that Shorty Rossi will be there again this year.. and maybe the BIRD GUY that was at the P.E. in Columbus.   
     SO we will not be around Blogville... butt if you need us...  Email SARGE...   OKAY?

Reminder:      TOMORROW is Ranger's monthly holiday thingy...    SUNGLASSES DAY...    Hope you have YOURS ready to post...  WE do.

NOW we are gonna show and tell you about Feeding the Beaver Boyz... Lunch and Dessert..  
     It was a cool day... and they were..   BIZZY as a Bunch of Beavers...Workin like Dawgs to take down Trees and Limbs and stuffs..      So while they were doing THEIR thingy.. OUTSIDE... WE put MOM to work INSIDE...      We told her to get COOKIN...   somethingy HARDY and a bunch OF it.
    So she got out the 8 quart pot... and started Chopping  Celery and Onion(from our garden) and Carrots...  and simmering some of her Chicken Broth and putting those all in.    THEN she added previously cookered Chicken chunks... AND a package of the WILD TURKEY that dad gotted last month..    and THEN when they were all simmering... she added NOODLES...  
    While that was all going on the stove...   she made   10 Ham and Turkey and lettuce Sandwiches with mayo ...   and she cut them in Half...    and      when the Noodle soup was ready......    WE BARKED at the BEAVER BOYZ and said ...... come with US boyz...   CHOW's ON...  
  THIS picture is AFTER they had Eaten...   and the Stock Pot was already Washed... and the LEFT OVER Chicken and Wild Turkey soup was put in a SMALL Pan...

 They only left  one Half of a sandwich...  and just enough Soup fur us to have fur supper.
    CONFESSION:   WE also had Soup and a bit of Ham and Turkey..From One of DAD's sandwiches.
 And THEN  when they had put all their bowls and plates in the sink...   Mom brought out the Dessert..       2   PEACH PIEs... that was STILL Warm FROM THE OVEN...     and the Filling was made from Peaches that came from our Trees.. last September.  
 THIS is all the pie that was left...   once they finished...  
Mom said she was GLAD that she always makes pie crust dough AHEAD and has it frozen and ready...  and that she had a couple bags of frozen Peach Pie filling.      AND that our dining table seats 8...  there was only ONE empty chair.  
     Once the Beaver Boyz and DAD (and Ernie and I) were FULL...   we said....     That's IT boyz...  Lunch Break is OVER...  back to the quickly THINNING... Thicket...     there's MORE work to be done.         They took US serious... jumped up...   put MORE dishes in the sink...  THANKED MOM... and got back to work...        Just sayin.
By the time the Beaver Boyz left they had cut down 12 trees that were TOO BIG fur our Dad to take down... and they had made 22 Trips with Trucks WAY WAY FULL to OVERFLOWING with Logs and Limbs and Leaves.  
      Those guys were QUITE a Crew...   5 fellas who Knew How to Work... and did it WELL.
 Once they were gone, the ONLY evidence of their ever being here, were the Short Stumps and the sound of the DishLicker thingy washing away, and Big Open SKY SPACE...  

Some of you asked about the WOOD...    and just hauling it away rather than using it in our WoodBurner this coming winter...     Maple and Pine are not Good to use in our type of Wood Burner...      All of these thingys went to someone who has an OUTDOOR type burner... which CAN burn it.    The type that they have... gets LOADED and BURNED  Yards away from their HOUSE... and has Water pipes that run from it Into their house and through their HOT WATER Furnace set up...   so nothing will be Wasted...   
      Our wood burner does better with Hard Woods... and Pine and Maple are SOFT wood Trees.

AND some of you asked if we have ANY trees left in out THINit that used to be a THICKet...  YES, we still have PLENTY of trees left...  Young and healthy trees... that will now have room to GROW and Spread...      Mom says that the THINit will SOON be a THICK THICKET again.


Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

Yup, happy barkday to Jan. We would love to do the sunglass thing, but mom isn't always on the you well know! Those beaver guys look like they were working hard. Our daddy is taking a forestry class to learn what to clear for our forest on Saturday. We don't want a fire to get us. Oh, & have a safe trip to PA.
Smooches from pooches,
BabyRD & Hootie

Cowspotdog said...

wow - those beaver boys will be so happy to come back and gnaw at more trees - just to get another yummy lunch. Have a great time visiting sarge and going to the expo guys....don't buy to many new collars.....treats are so much better :)

Unknown said...

Whew, what a big job but sometimes it's better to leave room to grow for the future! Have a great visit with Sarge. Give my Crabby Girls a big kiss from me, please ;-D

My Mind's Eye said...


Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

OOhhhhhh....Lunch! I'll come over and chew down one of your trees for a lunch like that! :)

Unknown said...

Uh...holy smokes! Your mom is super-duper nice to make the Beaver Boys such a delicious lunch! I think even Ma was drooling over here. BOL I am so glad they did a terrierific job. I sure hope the trees you have left grow big and strong now that they have room.

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Wow!! What a spread. Bet those Beaver boys really appreciated eating good like that.

Have lots of fun at the Pet Expo.
Hope you get to meet Shorty. Wonder when Pit Boss will ne back on. We miss Shorty.

Sheltie Times said...

I bet those were some happy Beaver Boys after that lunch.

Makes sense about the wood. Not all wood is the same when it comes to burning. You don't want to screw up your heating system.

Hafe a wonderful trip.

stellaroselong said...

Your Mom is the bestest cook evers, you had us when she brought out the homemade soup BUT then when she brought out that pie, we fells off our chairs! We were wondering what u charge for cooking classes?
stella rose

Two French Bulldogs said...

Hope those beavers don't start choppin down your house or anything. They are outta control. Now you guys have fun at that pet expo
Lily & Edward

Millie and Walter said...

You mom sure knows how to make the help happy. What a great lunch and the pie looked delish!

Anna the GSD said... weather? I'm jealous! I'm also jealous of that soup and PIES!! You just reminded mom that it's about to be peach season so she needs to make some crusts too so she can whip us up some pies! NOM!!

Yep, those little trees will be big trees in no time!

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

OMD...that looks like it was a most delish lunch!!!

Have fun and be safe on your travels!!
Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

Anonymous said...

It's very important to be nice to the working guys to make sure they come back when you need them... oh can you send me the piece of pie what was too much for your beaver guys? I hope the bird guy will be there, don't forget to take a photo, boys!

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

WOW! that is so SWEET! DELISH Lunch indeed. Golden Woofs

The Army of Four said...

Your mom is SO SWEET to feed the guys such a good lunch!
Have a great/safe trip! Our mom was born in "the 'Burgh", so please tell it hello for her.

Scooter said...

Gee....I wanna come to your house!! That look licious and travel safe!!


Scooter said...

Hey FnE!
Wow, you'll be here before-we-know-it! I pawmise we'll have fun. Gee, I bet that was one happy and well-fed crew of beavers. I know Mamaw is a super cook. BOL
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Pol Comm

C.L.W.STEP said...

Wow what a busy day! Mom has a story about pie. The last time she tried to make an apple pie from scratch, was when the kids (4 of them) were little. They were so bad that day (fighting and whining and making trouble)that Mom ruined the pie crust and threw it away in the garbage. She never made pie crust from scratch again! She still makes soup, though! Yum.

Idaho PugRanch said...

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Peach Pie!!!!!!!

Murphy said...

What hard workers those Beaver Boys were! And your mom made peach pie!! Maybe we can stop over for dinner and have some of that pie!

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

We are droolin' here. Bet those Beaver Boys were lookin' around for MORE trees to work on....just so they could have ANOTHER great FEED!

Actually, it's a wonder they could work after that BIG lunch...

XXXOOO Bella Roxy & Dui

Duke said...

Your mom sure knows how to treat the crew right! We are still drooling over that peach pie!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Poodle At Play said...

Those beaver boys sure are lucky...your mom looks like a wonderful cook!

My Dog Sam - Ruptured Disk said...

Well at least they left little stumps to pee on.

Kinley Westie said...

Have fun Sarge!

Unknown said...

Guys your mom is one PAWSOME cook!! That soup sounded deeelicious and as for those peach had us licking the computer screen they looked so good!
Travel safe & have fun visiting with Sarge.
Wally & Sammy

Jans Funny Farm said...

Hey, guys, Jan appreciates the mention of her special day. We would have appreciated the day more if she had brought us home some pizza.

That was a bunch of hungry working beavers.