Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Brrrrrrr our SNOWMOBILE

TODAY is SOOOOOOOOO cold we can't stand to have our paws on the ground... SO

 We got out our SNOWMOBILE....
 It was a COOL RIDE...
 Hang ON Ernie...
 Cuddle Close to ME...
 NONE of your TRICK RIDING... We'll WRECK you Squirrel Brain.
At LEAST we got some fresh air... even if it WAS  FREEZING...
    The wind chill Factor is   like -87 F   butt the Actual temp is   -13°F. this morning.   We kid you NOT.
Coldest temps. in over 20 YEARS.    BRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...   This Polar/Arctic VORTEX thingy is fur the SQUIRRELS.  
PEE S....   due to the Cold.... we have adopted the safe Potty Procedures...   Pawtner Peeing.
We can now Fire off our Pee and Poop Shooters faster than QUICK DRAW McGRAW.     We aren't EVEN lookin fur somethingy to Cock on...  we are not ashamed to admit this...  we are now Squatting and Firing like a couple of GIRRRRRLS.      
     NOTE FROM MOM.....  these pictures were ACTUALLY taken on SUNDAY...  when the outside temperature got up to 50°...  which is why the boys do NOT have  their Coats on ...  ALSO two hours after the pics were taken... ALL that SNOW you see was GONE...    THEN the temps. Started to drop and have NOT stopped Falling...     The boys are being RUGGED UP in their WARMEST Coats... and One of US goes clear out WITH them each Potty Time...  Just to make SURE they can get back inside.. quickly and safely.     ALSO....   we have had several FROST QUAKES....   those are caused by the WARM MELTING that we had on Sunday...   and now FREEZING and causing the ground to Freeze and BUCKLE...   they sound and feel like Mini Earth Quakes...    Have any of the rest of you heard or felt any of them?    


Dexter said...

I suggest your mom just hold you up over the yard and squeeze.


YourSpecialDog said...

Don't touch the ground guys :P

My Mind's Eye said...


My Mind's Eye said...

PS Ernie WTG using Frankie for a saddle or maybe a tush warmer.

Cowspotdog said...

Oh we sure hope you little bellies don't get frost bitten - that would be terrible. Heck it is so cold your pee could almost freeze in a stream with you guys still attached to it. Ice quakes...you mean there is something else we have to worry about? Hey we wonder if it is cold enough the diminish the squirrel population?

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Frost Quakes...OMD!! What's going on with this weather. Two days ago we were in the middle 80's. Today we'll be in the high 40's-low 50's. By the weekend we'll be back in the 80's again. Me's getting dizzy on this roller coaster. BUTT at least my feet don't freeze to the ground...and I can still pee normally.


Anonymous said...

My dad is green with envy now, his greatest wish is a snow mobile, oh and the snow of course, because we have none here or only rarely.

WFT Nobby said...

Brrrr indeed. We have never heard of Frost Quakes, but I have explained to Gail that they are not a new breakfast cereal.
As for that polar vortex thingie, apparently it is also to blame for 'tightening up the jet stream' which is the cause of all the wind and rain in the UK for the last month.
Stay safe and warm guys.
Toodle pip!

Lucy-Fur, as typed by Dr. Liz said...

As usual, Dexter has the perfect solution! Stay warm boys!

*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus

Unknown said...

OMD you guys do you bizz quick and get back indoors. Stay safe and warm. Have a terrific Tuesday.
Best wishes Molly

marley said...

Ope yoo keep warm and safe Frankie my pal…..dussnt worry bowt the toilit rangements…no fur is watchin at da mo

Linda said...

OMD You guys are on a ATV.

Stay inside and keep warm.

xo Cinnamon

Two French Bulldogs said...

Ok now that is cool, BUTT where the heck are your coats, hats and scarves!!

Matilda the Boxer said...

Brrr!!! It's cold enough just here in Texas, I can't imagine how cold y'all are up north!!

Idaho PugRanch said...

Mom & Dad go out with us too fur safety reasons. Normally we have doggy door access when they are home but when it is this cold they keep it shut so we don't go out without them knowing. And we are not quite as cold as you are
Stay safe and warm
Mr Bailey, Hazel & Greta

Sheltie Times said...

You two look so cool. We had a warm up too. Our snow is almost all gone. Then today it dropped to 7 degrees.

Scooter said...

Hey F-n-E!
Wow, that's one cool ride! Get it...cool...BWAR HAR HAR. Ahem. Yes, it's freezing here too. Holy Heck! OMD Dexter's comment is hysterical. BOL
Definitely need to turbo-speed the potty breaks.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Pol Comm

Bocci said...

You are a great pet Mom! Those frost quakes are a new one on us! Not heard a thing! Parental Unit did manage to take me around a few blocks yesterday and will likely do the same today. I didn't seem to mind the bitter cold, but she sure did!

Mollie said...


Mollie and Alfie

K9 Katastrophie said...

Hi Frankie, Oh goodness! That is even colder than us! Wind chill puts us in the negative but not the regular temp.

Ernie has grown so much!!!


Sketching with Dogs said...

BOL, we thought we were going to see you on a little wooden sled or something, not a big snow mobile monster truck! You will have lots of fun riding on that.
Dip and Elliot x

stellaroselong said...

OUr dietzy momma had watched this movie last week where the earth gets all frozen and hers got worried that is what is happening here, she may need some drugs to get through it. We have never heard of frost quakes, ever....
We like your four wheeler tho alot!
stella rose

Murphy said...

Wow, this is just terrible weather! We never heard of those quakes but we are only almost 2 so that might be why. Can we have a ride on your machine?

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

FrostQUAKES! Now that's just WEIRD! We're having a COLD morning. SHE got cold on our walk this morning. It's even warmer than your 50°. SHE is such a WIMP!

Good idea using the machine. Just don't forget and pee on it. Maybe you can get a Ski-do, as well.

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Howdy Mates. Nothing wrong with squatting like a girlie, I, Rory, do it ALL the time. Don't let any of your bits and pieces touch the ground mates, brrrrrrr. No worries, and slobber, Rory and Stella (who squats like a girlie too ahahahaha)

Duke said...

We've never heard of frost quakes but I, Mitch, have taken to peeing like a girl too, Frankie and Ernie.
It's cold out there! Hurry back inside!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Millie and Walter said...

There is no shame in squatting boys. I still do that and right now we just want to go as fast as possible and get back in.


Lassiter Chase and Benjamin said...

Frost quakes? Never heard of one, butt sounds scary to our Mommy. We r with u on it feeling like its -87 degrees.

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

Never heard of a frost quake, but we get a lot of snapping and cracking when it is cold. Glad you aren't freezing too much! Lee and Phod

Dachshund Nola said...

Brrr! I'm so sick of the cold.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We finally chased that cold away today, but the past two days have been brrrrrrrrrrrr cold. Even we didn't want to stay out too long.

Stay warm.

Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

We hope you boys stay warm!! We don't get frost quakes here...a little earthquake now and then....

Stay Safe Smileys!
Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

sprinkles said...

Brrrrrr!!! I'm freezing just thinking about weather like that! It's been chilly here, but nothing like that! I'm glad you have coats to keep you warm.

I've never heard of frost quakes before. Guess we don't have them here.

Berts Blog said...

Oh my, stay warm my little friends. We are thinking about all of you who are living in the deep freeze.
love ya

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

OMD Frankie!! We thought 25 this morning was cold. BRR, BRR, wanna come down south for a while?

Stay warm....♥♥Mona & Prissy