Saturday, December 28, 2013

the AFTER Christmas... DEADING....

Have YOU signed up fur DANCE LESSONS with MISS LILY?    OMD you have GOT to do that... QUICKLY... so you will be all ready fur the Blogville New Year's Eve Bash...      She is even gonna teach the HOOCHIE POOCHIE...       Click HERE           NO sniffin the Teacher though, guyz.
     HURRY.... there is a DEAD LION   fur getting into her classes and they are FILLING UP FAST!!!  

Dear Furends,
   Although we are NOT as accomplished and FAST as our furend EASY...   We are fairly GOOD at Deading and Gutting a good Stuffie...
     HERE we have a PAWfect example of our Skills...
   THESE are the thingys that SARGE gave US fur Christmas...
       ONE ... USED to be a brown Monkey...   Ernie DeTAILED and Removed his Limbs... in the Blink of Squirrel's Eye...      The other was a Military Dawg... that we Both worked on.   He now has NO tail and only Two Legs.  
    Naturally we removed their Beating Squeakers and GUTS...

      THERE's MORE....
  Check it out.... THEY have a SIGN....  (you know how we love a good SIGN).  

Yes Folks.....  they have a SIGN that says I    USED   to Squeak !!     How cool is THAT?
       We are now working DILIGENTLY on our Christmas Stuffies...       OH how We LOVE a Good DEADING.       The Fun just goes ON and ON and ON...  
      SOooooooo  Furends, How are you coming with YOUR stuffies???
PeeS.... we are going to watch Sagira do some Agilities  Today....   so if we aren't around until later THAT is were we are.
      DOUBLE PEE S...   Don't furget about the BIG Blogville New Year's Eve Dance and Fun stuffs...
          Have you heard???   there is a NEW BAND in Blogville...
The     BAD DAWG AGENCY... or BDA fur Short
     with Agents       0087 ROXY     0087 STANLEY     0087 MURPHY and   0087 ERNIE
          THEY are REALLY GOOD....even though ERNIE is driving us CRAZY with all his practicing I must say.


Cowspotdog said...

Paw some job on deading! You made quick work of that can never dead one of those too fast.

Dexter said...

It would seem that you two are living up to your reputations as fierce, little badger dogs. Me? I soft mouth my stiffies so they last forever. Not always a good thing since it is rare for me to get a new one.


Unknown said...

OMD that is some pawsome deading there. Nice one pals. Have a super Saturday.
Best wishes Molly

YourSpecialDog said...

Awesome deading , nice job :D

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

It must be a dachshund thing with stuffies. Weenie was the best ever and he taught Mona all he knew. Great jobs fella.

♥♥♥Mommy's girls

My Mind's Eye said...

WTG FRANKIE AND ERNIE..NO. Squeak goes I undeaded. I'm practicing my dance moves.
Madi your bffffff!

Patrice and Higgins said...

Oh how I love a good Deading! I have not deaded a stuffiee in awhile...although, I did try to dead Niles this morning....


Anonymous said...

Well once again being gone we have missed out, Bites sure needed those lesson, but we be practicing here at the house!

The Mad Scots

Murphy said...

Yes, we have deaded a few of ours but mom says we have to spread out the kill. Our debut is drawing near!

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

Duke said...

Great job on the deading, guys! Molly's wubba is still going strong because mom keeps telling her to "be nice"! Mom has too much time on her hands while dad is napping!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

We hope Ernie is playing LOUDLY. Something's going to have to drown out Roxy's 'singing'! Puddles better have some Kool Aid, cause we think the band might sound what we're sayin'?

XXXOOO Daisy & Bella

Don't listen to them Ernie, my singing ROCKS! And your monkey looks like the one you sent me for my birthday..BOL!

87 bazillion kisses, your (foxy) Roxy

Misaki @ misadventuresofMisaki said...

Great job guys!

Ziggy Stardust said...

Holy Dogs, you really are good at deading! I am actually pretty good with my stuffies and haven't deaded any. I know...crazy, but thats how I roll. I am impressed with your skills. I can't wait for the band and the pawty. I have been practicing dance moves. Puddles is letting me help her open umbrellas for the drinks.

Loveys Sasha

My Mind's Eye said...

Frankie and wishes that tree on our blog was ours but it wasn't. It was in the lobby of the Hampton Inn where they stayed on Christmas EVE. WHEN THEY LEFT ME HOME ALONE. MOL Hugs Madi

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Can I pleeeeeze send brudder Max (DaOdderWeenie) to you house? He can dead anything in a flash of your eyeball and I prefer my toys to be alive, thank you...

Millie and Walter said...

You guys did an excellent job.

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...
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Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

Pawsome deading. Our Santa has a hole in his bum and is missing a leg, the reindeer has no legs, and as Lady types this Phod is killing the duck. Deading is fun! Lee and Phod

Two French Bulldogs said...
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Two French Bulldogs said...

Oh boy, good job deading. I got my dancing shows on and teaching you a few things

Wyatt said...

We can't wait to hear the new band. We are planning on dancing the night away!

Wyatt and Stanzie

sprinkles said...

We just came from Lily's. I'm gonna have my boys practicing dancing this afternoon. Girls like all the smooth moves and stuffs, so they're all excited over it.