Thursday, September 26, 2013


We were asked by Entirely Pets to do a fair and honest review of a few their Howl O Ween Clawstooms and Howl O Ween Accessories.    We said YES and we let THEM chews what they would like to have us review...   WOW did they make SUPER GOOD choices...  as you will soon see.
    NOW... before we start  ...   if you would like to look at the entire collection of clawstooms you can go  to     by clicking the link.
AND guess WHAT ELSE.... ONE OF YOU...  is gonna WIN a CLAWSTOOM from there.     All you need to do is leave a COMMENT (Just ONE) on any of the next three posts... saying that you would like to win a SUPER Clawstoom...      and on MONDAY the 30th.   we will announce the LUCKY WINNER.

    We got our clawstooms REALLY speedy quick.. and they came is SUPER NICE packages that can be used to store the clawstoom all safe and sound fur NEXT year!  
      I (Frankie Furter) claimed the CATsup  and Ernie was really happy with the Must be a turd   MUSTARD one.  
 And then beclaws ERNIE is such a KID at heart...  I let him   MODEL the other two fur you...  I will just say that it pains me to admit Ernie really looked SUPER in the PUTTER PUP clawstoom.   BUTT since you all know he is a blubber butt as you know ERNIE is HUGE and he also looks GRRRRReat as the BIG SCARY Dogosarus !!!
 These are the ACCESSORIES ... we were talking about....     WITCHY HATS...  
Of COURSE you do know that THOSE are just PICTURES of the Clawstooms ...  HERE comes a PEEk at what we look like..     WE were SO excited and HAPPY with our Clawstooms that our TAILS just went WILD....       TA DA....    here we are... dressed up in our Hot Dog...ooops not pawlitically correct    TUBE STEAK Outfits !!!     Look at us will you.      WE are ready fur 87 Treats or else we will Trick you Beggering Night. .

 They fit PAWFECT...   and were TOTALLY comfortable fur us to walk an WAG in...  
 OMD OMD.... now HOW did THIS get in here???    OMD  this is ERNIE in his golfing KNICKERS... while he was getting dressed...  OMD OMD   this is SOOOOOOOOOO embarrassing.   Ernie is nearly NAKKID.   OMD what will you think of us with a picture like...  THIS???  
 WHEW... that's better... HERE is ERNIE in the DOGASARUS clawstoom.     Look... there are even PAW COVERS and EVERYTHINGY.      So much attention to DeTAIL.      
 Wow... now THIS is what you SHOULD have seen... Ernie TOTALLY Dressed in the FULL Putter Pup clawstoom...     Look   it even came with a TAM O SHANTER  and a REAL BALL... with a squeaker in it...       Wait until you see MORE pictures of him...  that will be tomorrow...   you will NOT believe how CUTE  unrecognizable he is in these two clawstooms... NO BUDDY will EVER guess that it is ERNIE.  
 You know that we were AWAY on Vacation fur like 87 days or somethingy...   well, Cussin FRANCINE and her Little Ernestine...must have missed us somethingy FIERCE beclaws THEY showed up to visit with us...     and Cussin Francine the IDIOT always the FASHION Queen... happened to see our Clawstooms and then
 SHE said...   " Oooooooooooh Look Ernestine... look at these DARLING Accessories fur Howl O Ween...    THOSE are JUST what WE need...   We can't be wearing FULL Clawstooms and getting our luxurious Furs all messy and such... BUTT Sweetie we CAN were THESE...        Once we ... get a FULL LOOK going.   HERE... LET ME HELP YOU Sweetie...   I will have you all set fur Howl O Ween in No time. "

WELL  let me tell you....    it took Cussin FRANCINE about 87 Minutes to Fuss and Primp and put ON and Take OFF and RE-DO EVERYTHINGY...    butt finally she was satisfied with their "LOOK".      RIGHT!!  Have you EVER Seen a WITCH wearing FANCY FURS CLIPS in their ear furs ?
 OR... cutsie wootsie FLOWERS???     Poor Little Ernestine...  she is going to be scarred fur Life.
Now FURENDS....   If you would like to WIN one of the fangtastic clawstooms that Entirely Pets has to offer...    Just leave ONE comment saying so... either Today or Tomorrow or Saturday.    
     We will Draw the Winner and Announce the Name on MONDAY...
Don't FURGET to come back Tomorrow to see MORE Pictures of these SUPER Clawstooms...  


Mollie said...

OMD that is hilarious.. you two hotdogs look good enough to eat BOL and the golfing pants BAWAHWHAHWHAWA hope you got lots of treats for those poses. xxooxx

Mollie and Alfie

Ruby and Penny said...

We Luv, luv, luv your new costumes. You look delish in you hotdog Frank and Ernie is adorable as a golfer.

Luv ya

Love Ruby & Penny

My Mind's Eye said...





GOOSE said...

Those are great costumes. I think Ernie looks wonderful as a golf pro.

Frank The Tank said...

Oh Franie and Ernie that is an AMAZING Clawstoom review, you both look great as a yummy tube steak!
Frankie Furter in that clawstoom you really look like a Frank Furter indeed, I love that you got in there and claimed the 'CATsup' one and Ernie looks really good in that Mustard one! You both look Pawsome!!
I really love Howl-O-Ween because it is my favorite time of year, I love all the magic and spooks around and love to join in the fun!

I would LOVE to win a SUPER Clawstoom please!!!!

The Golf costume is cute but the Dino one is adorable! Squeeee!
Love that 'Fancine' and 'Ernstine' dressed as Witches they look great! BOL!
You have got me so excited for Halloween now! Arooooo!
Love and Licks from your Furiend Frank xxxxxxx

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

OMD!! Roxy FREAKED when she saw Ernie dressed up as a tube steak! Then she thought she'd like to have a nibble herself!

You just know....a dress up holiday and Francine and Ernestine would be on the scene!

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

Unknown said...

LOL we love those and you two are a pair of hotdogs indeed. Remember no treats no pose. Have a tremendous Thursday.
Best wishes Molly

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Doxie have the cutest costumes. Where have you been? Madi the major said you were on vacay. Hope you guys had FUN. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

The Slimmer Pugs, Kitties, and Mama said...

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!!!
Wesa would love to win a clawstoom Frankie and Ernie! Wesa puggies have never dressed up for Halloweeen and mamas are thinkin' this might be the year to do it.
Much Luvums,
The Slimmer Puggums
George, Gracie, Toby, Lily, & Mimi

Wyatt said...

Oh, those costumes are great!! I would like to be a Holy Hound and Stanzie would like to be a Mermaid!


Two French Bulldogs said...

Love it!! We wouldn't mind doing that review BOL
Benny & Lily

Anonymous said...

You found the perfect costume for you! If I had such a yummy costume I would try to eat myself, hahaha.

Matilda the Boxer said...

Wow, what fun costumes! I love dressing up, so I'd love to win one. :)

Idaho PugRanch said...

OMD those are pawsome clawstooms!
We would love to win one!
and can we say again we are glad you guys are back, we missed you.
Bailey, Hazel & Greta

Asta said...

OMD Fwankie
(asta is holding her side rolling on the floor laughing)
those clawstoomes awe to die fow pawfect!!! I woold love one..(they awe scace awound this backwatew of Boo da Pest)
you and Ewnie awe amazing models..i just don't know which awe my favowitests on you..I do love those tube meet ones, and that golfew doode, OMD!!!! so handsum and that dogosauwaoos scawed me till i wealized it was sweet Ewnie

smoochie kisses
I have missed yooo soooooo much you can't imagine

animal lover, quilt lover said...

You two are just the best models I have ever seen!!!
Thanks you so much for your visit I have missed you guys!!
We are not wanting to win your contest tho-- thank you!!
Good luck to one who does though!!

The Army of Four said...

You two look GREAT!!! But oh, gosh, what a shame - I think Cam-a-roo and I are too big for the costumes! What a crying shame!
Ha roo roo roo!!!
Play bows,

stellaroselong said...

Not being mean or nothing but ours mom laughed so much her had to run to the bathroom cos hers is getting old...we loved those pictures so guys rocked them all...we couldn't pick! You would win any contest you entered. We would like to sign up for your contest for sure!
stella rose

LetterstoAndrew said...

Oh my goodness! You two are adorable!!!

Murphy said...

We loves those costumes and would love to win one. OK, really mom would love to win us one, we would probably resist wearing it but you know how moms are. You guys look so cool in yours.

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

Millie and Walter said...

You boys look great in those costumes.

Millie & Walter

Sweet William The Scot said...

WOW sounds like a terrific place for Blogville to get all their fashions for Halloween. I love hats, Scots look good in hats.
Thanks for being a friend
Sweet William The Scot

Cowspotdog said...

those are some rockin costumes...we wish sometimes we didn't have so much fur...costumes just don't work on us :(

Sagira said...

You guys are cute in your costumes.

Count us in as would like to win a super costume. I (Sagira) need a new one my pirate one is getting worn out. :)

Uji, Angel Izzy, Ziggy, Angel Bean, Angel Hiro and Momma Tea said...

OMD Da Momster dids jus go SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE rite in our ear oles, wee is all def nows. Her jus tolds popster to looks too c os her sayd yoo looks sooo cutes n yoo nose how much da popster lovs hims a din-o-saw .
Wee has to agree yoo do both looks so handsome in yor clawstumes, wee cants wait to see the rest ovs dis photy shoot

Da K Krew

kalon said...

2 cute for words fellas

Lassiter Chase and Benjamin said...

We love those cats-up and must-terd clawstomes a lot on u two. Please enter us in the contest.

Sally Ann and Andy said...

Oh no, don't let our Mommy see this post. Well, I would secretly like to be a tennis ball. I don't think such a costume exist, but hey we are entered. Y'all look good.

Unknown said...

PAWSOME show and review...even if we did have to see Ernie naaaaakkid!! We hope Roxy doesn't get too upset about that.

Wally & Sammy

Dougall-the-Scottie said...

Hehehe, you boys make cute hotdogs!

WFT Nobby said...

Frankie, I am so going to TOTALLY BAN Gail from ever looking at that Hallween costume site.
Toodle pip!
Bertie (scared enough already...)

Duke said...

We just love you in your tube steak costumes, Frankie and Ernie!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Jans Funny Farm said...

Hey, how neat. You're doing this too. Ours ends midnight tomorrow (Saturday). We can't wait to see who winds at our place. It's fun to give things away, isn't it!

Dachshund Nola said...

Awesome! I'd love to enter!

Scooter said...

Wow, those costumes are so cool! I could be a Sarge-a-saurus! BWAR HAR HAR
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

marley said...

Woooohahahahahha...yoo is lawkin pawfect for howl-o-een Frankie my pal....i do be too late to enter the competishun but I iz glad i gots to see you an Ern in yre clawstooms