Saturday, May 11, 2013

DID YOU see what ERNIE put on MY blog?

DID you see that???    Did you SEE what Ernie put up yesterday???    I couldn't even BELIEVE my EYES!!             He is SUCH a Blubber Butt Brother..

That boy is gonna GET it GOOD...  Just as soon as mom and dad turn their back...

PeeS....  are you FOLLOWING the FUN on the   blog???      
     There is a CONTEST going on...  With a PRIZE and everythingy.      
Please mention the  blog and the mall on YOUR blog...     We want like 87,000 Followers   for the Blog so that they will all be READY to SHOP when the mall has its Grand Opening...  


Unknown said...

Frankie eye eye eye pal! We remember to pop over and grab a badge to put on our blog for the PBM. Have a super Saturday.
Best wishes Molly
PS Sarge nominated you for Share It Sunday so your post (politics class )is ready to go tomorrow. Please email me your nomination for next Sunday.

Lovable Lily said...

That's what you get fur sleeping in Pal! Ernie hijacked your blog. Wow you sure have taught him well.

Now about your googlie eyes this morning......

Lily Belle & Muffin

GOOSE said...

What is going on with that kid brother of yours? Has someone spiked his water dish?

Anonymous said...

Ahhhh.... young love!

Marg said...

Those are some mighty fancy eye deals this morning.
We will be glad to mention the mall.

Millie and Walter said...

Oh Frankie, Ernie was just swooning over his girl. Just because you are an old married dog doesn't mean Ernie can't enjoy young love.

Millie & Walter

Anonymous said...

Frankie dude, Charley here. Dude, gotta give your younger some blogging time every now and then. BOL! Wait....Finn....get your paws off me..................Frankie, Finnie here. I know what you mean, these little bros who think they can just write whatever they want. We need to keep them in their place. Have a good weekend!

Ranger said...

We all love Roxy so it is all good.
Pees…. do you really fart when you sleep? That is a real talent.

Idaho PugRanch said...

Those youngsters, gotta keep your eye on them. We have signed up to follow the Mall!!! told Mom she needs to get the badge for our blog!
Bailey, Hazel & Greta

Anonymous said...

Oh I remember... but your eyes are great! Really haha! I love eyes like headlights, they are the best.have a wonderful saturday Ernie&Franky

Sketching with Dogs said...

We thought it was very cute - you can put your eyeballs back now, BOL!
Dip Bridge and Elliot x

Berts Blog said...

He he. It makes us laugh. You go Earnie. Sorry Frankie, but it is funny.

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! Enrie is just being silly. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

My Mind's Eye said...

Frankie Brudders cannot be trusted any further than you can throw them and well you said it Ernie is a blubber butt!!

Hugs madi your BFFF

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Roxy says to put your eyes back int their sockets...'cause her wonderful Ernie hasn't done ANYTHING WRONG!

However, Bella and I know what YOUNGER siblings are like!

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

Unknown said...

Nothing like annoying siblings, huh Frankie? Boondocks' has two little sisters, Krypto and Angel. They are both six months old and keep him on his toes!! Hope your mom has a great Mother's Day!

Life's Golden!

Scooter said...

Hello, there Frankie Darling. We crabby girls did see Ernie's post yesterday and we found it perfectly delightful. You may not approve, but his use of color and sincerity was divine. And that lovely Roxy is such a beauty. Her gown is gorgeous. Maybe we could help you be a little more fashion-forward for your wives. teeheehee
Little Pinches,
Shelldon, Beachnut, Oceana

Duke said...

Ernie is totally out of control!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Ziggy Stardust said...

Frankie, you both crack me up with your back and forth. Ernie is in love and I thought the picture was nice. Remember how you were with your wives??

Happy Mommies Day to your Mom

Loveys Sasha

Rubie and Poots (her Mum) said...

I would expect that little brothers DO those things Frankie..... remember- don't get mad.....get EVEN!!

Tail Wuggles, Rubie xxx

Ruby said...

Oh boy....Wells, that's what happens when you sleep later than the youngin....I say set your alarm clock and catch him red pawed highjackin' your bloggie!
I thinks he needs to be reminded WHOS name is FURST on the header!!!
Oh, and you can take his bone...just a thought.

Mollie said...

Bawaahahwaaaw yep all of blogville saw.. BOL xx00xx

Mollie and Alfie

Sagira said...

I have to go see what he put up now. BOL

Declan said...

You got to.admittedly that is kind of funny mate! Deccy x