Saturday, April 13, 2013

Squirrel House....

We got this from the EASTER BUNNY....     we use it to keep up our Squirrel Hunting and Controlling Skills.

 ERNIE needs LOTS of practice.    Like 87 hours worth...    Just sayin.


GizmoGeodog said...

So hey, once you get those skwerrels out of there what do you do with them? Just wonderin'...Happy Saturday!

Lovable Lily said...

Is your mommy gonna freak out when you two dead a real squirrel? Remember what they say, practice makes perfect!

My Mommy totally freaks out and does this little dance. You'd think she was walking on hot coals or something.

Lily Belle

Bunk said...

Oh dear. I used to have this squirrel. The house was chewed in 1 days. The soggy squirrels lasted for like 4 months!:) I loved them and wish my humans would buy more but they say I an destructive.

Unknown said...

Have a super Saturday and keep up the training as you never know when you might get an intruder.
Best wishes Molly

Scooter said...

Oh he will get it and then you guys can rip those squirrels to pieces!!

Jazzi and Addi

Reuben said...

Not to worry Ernie, you will gets the hang of it. Just keeps your eye on the prize, which is the pleasure of deading a squirrel!


Anonymous said...

Better get that practicing in Ernie. It's SQUIRREL HUNTING SEASON!

Jo's World said...

Dear Frankie and Ernie:

I will be seven years old this coming October, I chase squirrels every chance I get and I have NEVER YET CATCHED ONE! Not to mention deading them. Do you know any pups who have actually caught a squirrel? How many deaded them?

I hope you can answer my questions, Frankie because I want to know if they can be caught.



Millie and Walter said...

That looks like so much fun. I wish I had one of those toys.


The Army of Four said...

HI Frankie and Ernie!!!!!!! Oh, don't those little squirrels look all kinds of fun to play with! Can you rip them up? I think I'd enjoy ripping them to shreddy-shreds!
I wanted to thank you two handsome boys for the warm welcome to blogging! You've been so very kind!

Sketching with Dogs said...

We have got that same toy! It is brilliant isn't it.
Dip Bridge and Elliot x

Barbara said...

Jeep had a squirrel house, and Minnie has managed to ded many of them. Poor Jeep has one squirrel left, and his head has no brain anymore. And he doesn't squeak. But Jeep cares for his baby and takes him to bed every night!

Anonymous said...

OK, then Just Sayin, no training here, is on full tilt, there are out in force this year!

The Mad Scots

Murphy said...

That reminds me of the scene of a certain pawty we were all at last February . . . .

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

Anonymous said...

I used to have one of those..... but I ate all the squirrels.... :-(

Idaho PugRanch said...

I must get one of those squirell houses so I can continue to sharpen my skills
Greta, Bailey & Hazel too

My Mind's Eye said...

MOL MOL MOL I love the squirrel log...thingy!!! Wonder if they have one scented with cat nip?
hugs madi your bFFF

Bocci said...

Squirrels?! Did someone say squirrels?????!

Duke said...

The Easter bunny was much more generous with you guys than he was with us!

Love ya lots
Mitch and Molly

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Oh we have er um had that squirrel toy...well there might be one squirrel left...Scruffy is our toy destroyer...and at seven he still chews slippers...sheesch.

Miss Lacie Teacakes

Dachshund Nola said...

That looks fun! I have something like that, but it's a dog house and you get the puppies out.

Ruby said...

OMD! OMD!!! I have one of those!!! I kinda killed the log, butts I love runnin' around with the squirrels squeekin'! And, guess what????? You can buy REPLACEMENT SQUIRRELS!!!! Yups!! After you dead em', your peeps can dip into their 401K's and gets MORE!!!
Oh, so FABulous guys!
I leave you to it....

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Do you practice de-stuffing those squirrels? Good thing you can keep your skills up during the winter. You are all ready for squirrel season.

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

Roxy sent you an e-mail, did it get there?

Dougall-the-Scottie said...

They looks like good training toys.

Mollie said...

Now that looks fun :)I would of chewed it all up in 30 seconds though :) xx00xx

Mollie and Alfie

Piappies World said...

That's a pawesome toy you go there. Ernie, you got to practice more. You can do it. Hope we can have one of those cool stuff from Piappies Mom!

Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Max, Wai-Pai & Forgie

Anonymous said...

I had such a thingy too... but sadly someone (not me!)destroyed the tree stump and the squirrels were homeless :o)I have no clue where they are now, I hope they found a good home :o)

Oskar said...

I had one of those, but somehow all of the squirrels got torn up!

Nubbin wiggles,

Wyatt said...

Mom has thought of buying that toy for know how we curse the squirrels. She is afraid it would not last 5 seconds, between the 2 of us!

Wyatt and Stanzie

Unknown said...

WOOOOOOOOW nice swag guys!!
Wally & Sammy

marley said...

Squizzles is not aloud in my ouse Frankie....not even stuffie ones.... thems is banned