Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Return of Barrel Butt

MY aPAWligeez   to ROXY....           BUTT   You just gotta know that I am SUFFERING HERE on this hill.        I (Frankie Furter) am nothing butt Fur and Nails...      I am having to endure this   BAN on SNACKS all beclaws of PIG FACE    bubble butt    LARD BUTT   FAT @$$    Thunder Thighs   ERNIE and I am not amused.        
     I should NOT be     MISS   TREATED .        Ernie should be the one MISSING all the TREATS.

He is so big that it looks like he has a NEEDLE NOSE !!!

JUST look at ME.... I am only HALF of what I used to be.    

Now WE are Very much SERIOUS about THIS....     March 2013 is not even OVER yet... butt it ALREADY has gone into the Weather Record Book as... the COLDEST and one of the FIVE SNOWYest  Marchs EVER fur Ohio.           Now     WOO   Snow Lovin Dawgs....       PLEASE    PLEASE    stop wishin fur More snow and cold..    PLEASE !!!


Unknown said...

Oh no, no treats for either of you. How cruel. We too have horrid cold weather which is supposed to continue for a few more weeks. We are supposed to have the coldest Easter for 50 years. Sigh! No gardening over here yet. Have a terrific Tuesday.
Best wishes Molly.

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! Oh oh no Tasty Tuesday Treats. The weatherman said Spring is coming this weekend. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

GOOSE said...

I've stopped wishing, I promise. Maybe you should get put the laser light and just run Ernie until the pounds just fall off. Make sure you give him eater breaks.

Lovable Lily said...

No treats? That's just unheard of! How do the humans stand all the whimpering and crying when your tummies start to rumble? We just put on that sad looking puppy dog face and cry. That works every time!

We've been wishing you warmth and sunshine but someone stole ours too. It's pretty cold here at the moment. We heard next week we're gonna be miserable bcuz it's going to be almost 90 degrees outside. (But its better than snow...)

Lily Belle & Muffin

Mollie said...

Protest, no treats for you, just cos Lard Ass is banned, that's not fair.. Like Molly said, coldest March for 50 years.. Have a wonderful Tuezday xx00xx

Mollie and Alfie

Rubie and Poots (her Mum) said...

And we have had the hottest March day here for 8 years! I am wishing for some cooling off...... Send some to Adelaide Frankie!

I think you are manipulating that there photo a bit Frankie..... And be careful with all that name calling..... You may cause a deep depression..... And I'm not only talking about Ernies paw steps in the snow......Bol.... We love him just the way he is! What is all this fuss about being size 0 anyway!

Tail Wuggles, Rubie xxx

Anonymous said...

WHHAAAAT? YOU don't get treats cuz ERNIE has a bubble butt? What the heck kinda weirdo human logic is THAT? Okay, here's what you do. Go to your nice post office lady and ask her for your very own mailbox. THEN, I will sends you some DEE-licious treats and you don't even have to tell your mom about it. Your post office lady likes you lots so I'm sure she's go along with it. Now, I usually wouldn't condones lying or anything but this is a Most Desperate situation!

Wiggles & Wags,

Anonymous said...

WHHAAAAT? YOU don't get treats cuz ERNIE has a bubble butt? What the heck kinda weirdo human logic is THAT? Okay, here's what you do. Go to your nice post office lady and ask her for your very own mailbox. THEN, I will sends you some DEE-licious treats and you don't even have to tell your mom about it. Your post office lady likes you lots so I'm sure she's go along with it. Now, I usually wouldn't condones lying or anything but this is a Most Desperate situation!

Wiggles & Wags,

Anonymous said...

"They" said we were going to get snow yesterday but we just got rain. I love it anyway! Tap tap tap in those puddles!

Patrice and Higgins said...

No treats???? I fear there is a war a-coming at your house...no treats is a serious thing! Hang in there buddy!


Millie and Walter said...

If I address a box of treats to just you do you think your mom will let you eat them? I hate to think of you wasting away just because Ernie has a lard a$$.


Anonymous said...

Snow dawgs, smo dawgs, we are tired of the cold dawgs!

Your Pals
The Mad Scots

Two French Bulldogs said...

Frankie now you feel pain living with a lard fatty butt
Lily (& Benny)

My Mind's Eye said...

Oh Frankie....Ernie appears to have been the smarter of the two Doxie in your house...Why you ask? Because he knew in advance of the horribly cold winter you were to have so he packed on some poundage.
Just saying I call'em as I see'em and I see'em large
Hugs madi your BFFF

Idaho PugRanch said...

To get some warmer weather would be ALMOST as good as getting a treat. ALMOST. They tell us we might be 60 degrees by Friday. We will try to send it your way too.
Bailey, Hazel & Greta

LetterstoAndrew said...

We are so through with snow too! I hope Ernie hurries up and loses his fat @ss so you can have treats again! "-)

Unknown said...

Its not easy being the lean and trim one...not fair! Hope warm weather rescues you soon!

Unknown said...

No treats?! WTD!? That is unacceptable...can't your peeps find low fat / diet treat??

Wally & Sammy

Piappies World said...

Oh no Frankie! Please stay warm and cozy with Ernie. Must be really cooooold there. It would be really goo if you get treats as you stay indoors...

Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Max, Wai-Pai & Forgie

Bunk said...

I am having the hardest time posting a comment on your blog. Is it just me? I had to ope this in a new window to post.


Anyways, I am mortified to here about this ban on treats! Just too much. I say you start an Occupy Blogville.

Sketching with Dogs said...

Oh the inhumanity! No treats? What is this world coming to, BOL.
Dip Bridge and Elliot x

Ruby said...

OMD!! No treaties??!! Oh the torture! When's it gonna stop Frankie???!! You should waits til Ernie goes outside and give your Moms the 'sad puppy face', that should gets you some goodies! Just don't let Ernie smell your breath!

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

We know you're sick of snow....nearly as much as all those snowmen; but when we see all those Sibes having fun, it makes us happy.

See this " ".
It's silence. Roxy is not speaking to you, Frankie. And she's all excited about going to the party with Ernie.

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

Murphy said...

OK Frankie, here's the deal . . . remember when Benny and Lily were suffering and we used YOUR black VISA to order them some treats? We can do the same thing but this time for you. HOWEVER, you will have to give us the credit card number on the new card since you closed out the other account. How badly do you need those treats?

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

Pee Ess - For Agent 8787E's eyes only. If he gives us the number we will order you a whole case of treats too but we need to deliver it someplace SAFE!

Duke said...

No more wishing for snow for us, Frankie. Mom wants to see pretty flowers and she's getting antsy about it!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Jans Funny Farm said...

You poor starving baby.

Who's wishing for snow? We're huddled here freezing. At least it isn't snowing, but we've got cold and w-i-n-d! Keep warm.

Dachshund Nola said...

It's suppose to be one of the coldest nights on record for March here tonight!

Hoke said...

you can come here!! We just got new stinky treats and we know how to share!!

Scooter said...

Hey Frankie!
Wow, it sure looks like Ernst is all blown out of shape! Gosh, that's too bad about the lack of snacks. I bet you're all rumbly in the tumbly.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

Wyatt said...

Yikes! You dogs need some sunshine, so you can get out there and "garden off" some of those calories! I'm trying to figure out how to send you some gardening weather in the mail...


Ziggy Stardust said...

I am not the one wishing for snow. I hate this cold weather. I want so bad to go to the park. I am gonna federal express you some treats Frankie, watch for the truck. Try not to let Ernie see them.

Loveys Sasha

Scooter said...

Oh I agree, treats and food shouldnt be off limits to you Frankie!! Just not fair!!

I dont like the cold either and it better warm up fast, cuz I need a haircut bad, I am starting to look like the Abominable scottie!!! BOL

Jazzi and Addi

Bailey Be Good! said...

Dropping off some woofs & huggies!! <3

~Bailey (Yep, I'm a girl!)

GizmoGeodog said...

I'm so glad we don't get snowz here...I don't htink I'd like them much meself...No treats is against the laws of all dogmanity...Time fur a protest!