Thursday, December 20, 2012

Snowman Post # 20

Can you believe that this is my  1,600th Post???   1,000 of them were about...  THESE GUYS...

I don't know if those are Snowman EGGS or Snowman POOPS in the bucket... butt EITHER WAY...It doesn't really matter now does it.    

 Now SOMEHOW I'm thinkin THIS next Picture may NOT show up fur you... As if THAT would break anybuddy's heart, RIGHT????     BUTT.. IF it DOES...  furget if you can looking at the Lamp and the Stinky Snowman PHARRRRT thingys... beclaws we DID show you THOSE before...   BUTT the thingy in FRONT of them is what she has stuck UNDER our TREE....   butt this was taken right before she put the tree up there.   OK???  OR... who CARES.
 We wish these guys would just Jump OUT of the windows...
 Or get MELTED by the Pretend Candles...
 THIS Big Guy even LIGHTS UP and CHANGES His COLORS...     Sheesh Ernie can't even enjoy a good Dawg food Commercial... fur havin to look around and beyond... THEM...


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Happy 1600#

I'm sure woo nevFUR furget your furst snowkhreature -

PeeEssWoo: Oh wait, woo mean posts
;-) Khongrats on that too!

Bassetmomma said...

They really have taken over haven't they! Get melted by the pretend candle....snicker, crack me up!

Bassetmomma said...

Oh, congrats on 1600!!

Anonymous said...

BOL! I just had a flash of your snowpeeps committing snowicide out your window. Ahem, it wasn't pretty, red snow, I prefer yellow snow ;P

1600 posts??? OMD your lips must be really sore my furiend. Maybe rest em on a cool snowpeep? Hardy Har Har ;)

Waggin at ya,

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

We 'think' we saw a space for a couple more....BOL!

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

Oh, Congrats on 1600! Quite a feat.

Lovable Lily said...

Congrat's on your BIG 1600th post! That is very impressive.

We're beginning to forget what you and Ernie look like unless you're disguised in snowmen costumes in those pictures.

Lily Belle & Muffin

Unknown said...

Congratulations on your 1600th post guys!!!! That is GRRRREAT!!
Wally & Sammy

My Mind's Eye said...

Happy Happy Happy~~~~~1,600 post.
OMDs MOL 1,000 were about snowmen.
Mom said the snowman is picking up paw-paws but he is supposed to put them in a basket!!
Hugs madi your BFFF

Unknown said...

Congratulations on your 1600 Frankie. Where does mum keep all those snowpeeps? Have a terrific Thursday.
Best wishes Molly

GOOSE said...

Congrats on the 1,600!! Woo Hoo. As for the rest...well I just can't even bring myself to even say or type the S-M word any longer.

Uji, Angel Izzy, Ziggy, Angel Bean, Angel Hiro and Momma Tea said...

Wows Frankie yoo sure nuff has doned lost ovs postys, wee hope wee can do dat mani one day, Missi n Hiro is in awe ovs all yor Moms snow peeps, dems is ypung still dems does nots nose wots yoo n Ernie havs to putts up wivs yet.

Millie and Walter said...

Wow! 1600 posts! We haven't gotten to 200 yet. It will be years before I ever get that many.

I hope the snowmen don't jump out the window because the broken window would make your house very cold. Just sayin'.


Matilda the Boxer said...

Happy 1600th!

animal lover, quilt lover said...

The cats and I think you have probably blogged longer then anybody!!! Frankie, have you been there for all the blogs??? WOW WOW
Happy new year!!!

Two French Bulldogs said...

We thought you were going to say, Do you believe the woman has 1600 snowmans? BOL Congratulations
Benny & Lily

Murphy said...

OK, maybe you need to stage an intervention for your mom? Is she making you wear a snowman suit?

Merry Christmas Pals!

Murphy & Stanley

Anonymous said...

Happy 1600 Post.
I had Bites tell me cause I can't take all the snowmen anymore, my nightmares are doing me in!

Your Pals
Susie & Bites

stellaroselong said...

We will never be able to look at another snowman thanks to your mom..not even marshmellows cos in our minds we are now stacking them into snowmen...and its snowing here so you know what will be showing up in the kids yards...1600 posts is just fantastic!!!
stella rose

Dachshund Nola said...

You can't spit without hitting one, can you? Happy 1,600!

What Remains Now said...

Your mom has the best snowman collection! Freedom, Casper, Nikki and Twinkie say, "Thank You!" for the Christmas card. We will be issuing an official count soon.

The Army of Four said...

Our mom just loves that table runner thingy. That concerns me. But at least Davy's snow pillow worked! How cool is that?!?!
Play bows,

Scooter said...

Hey F-n-E!
Wow, congrats on that bit 1600th post! That's so pawesome. We, your loyal fans, have loved every one of them...even the snowmen. BOL I think your snowmen will have some very real company outside if this winter weather shows up. :)
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

HoundDogMom said...

Do you dream of snowmen every night. It could be worst she could have a collection of them Elf's on a Shelf guy. Turn up the heat and maybe they will melt. Sniffs, The HoundDogs

Mollie said...

Guy'z i can't look anymore..I have my paw'z acrozz be eye'z..BOL we are praying for some rain for youz, to melt'z thoze B**dy Wonderful'z Snowmen..BOL XX00XX

Mollie and Alfie

Ziggy Stardust said...

Happy 1600th!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh please no more snowmen, I am dreaming about them now. They are everywhere and I can't find my treats.

Loveys Sasha

Duke said...

Happy 1600 posts, guys!
We just love the first snowman with his bucket of snowballs! How cute is that!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

K9 Katastrophie said...

Hi Frankie, I love your mommy's snowmen!!


kissa-bull said...

happy happy 1600th post frankie! we wish you 1600 more times ten!!

pibble sugars
Brinks and Bella

Anonymous said...

Gee Frankie and Ernie I forgots all about your snowmen! I know you didn't.

Hang in there Frankie, I is sure that they will all melt soon, don't ya think?

Hey guys I sure miss you both and loves yous LOTS.

I hopes you have the BESTEST HOWLIDAY EVERS!!!

woos and hugs, Tessa

Wyatt said...

Frankie and Ernie-

OMD! Congrats on 1600 posts!
We are doing a special snowman dance in your honor right now!

Wyatt and Stanzie

Ruby said...

WOWS!! 1600??? You guys are pawsome!! Okays, it's time you give your Moms the camera back, and start taking pics of eachother agains...these frozen peeps are comin' at me in my nightmares!!


Jacobi said...

Congratulations on post #1,600 - that's a lot of writing for doggy paws!


Berts Blog said...

Wow 1600 for sure.....
That is amazing.

Dougall-the-Scottie said...

These guys are taking over your blog!

Dexter said...

Frankie, your snowman commentary is getting funnier and funnier. But you might want to be careful or you might just get a snowman in your stocking.
