Thursday, May 31, 2012

HAPEE Burd A Fank.... SURPRISE!!

 Awwwww SHUCKS.....     I gotta have ANOTHER Birfday????
 Mom Says..... ERNIE got to CHEWS the THEME and he wanted to have it be   WILD WEST...
 he got to wear the grrrreat hat... and I got to wear the stoopit Birfday Glasses.

 BUTT here is What ERNIE REALLY SHOCKED  surprised me WITH>>>>
HY Evbudy,  Dis is ME (ERNIE) TAWKIN fur the FURST time EVER....      Afer Fank gave haf of ME to MOM....   SHE has been SNEEEEEEEKY lik teechin me  TAWKIN LESUNS  fur FANK's BURD A Pressie.      Hapee BURD A     FANK !!!         I luf  U  mor  dan  EFFY Ting in the WURLD.        I bets  you are bout to FAINT.  

  THIS    is    gonna be a DISASTER  Somethingy Else...   ERNIE can TAWK now?????    WHAT is MY WORLD gonna come to???   GEEEEEEEE MOM.... I  do no think that I am gonna be one bit happy about THIS  HARDLY know WHAT to SAY....   
   I suppose Ernie will NEVER shut up  Tawkin More and MORE now.   
      OMG    OMG     YEEEEEE HAW! 

PeeS.... TOMORROW I will show you what my Wonderful WIVES gave me.  


Finn said...

HAppy happy birthday!!! We can't wait to hear more of what Ernie has to say!

pibble said...

Happy Birthday, Frankie! You look kinda handsome in the birthday glasses; I don't think many dogs can pull that look off. Did Ernie mention that?

HH and The Boys said...

Happy Birthday, Frankie... Have a great day. And don't worry about Ernie talkin''ll always be the #1 talker over there. That's for sure.

pawhugs, Max, Bugsy, Knuckles and HH

Ruby and Penny said...

Happpy Happy 6th Birthday Frank.
Have a. Most wonderful day today.
Love ya
Ruby & Penny
Xxooxx xxooxx

Declan said...

Hey Frankie, we must be brudders; it's my birfday too! Happy Birthday mate! Deccy x

Remington said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I hope you have a fun filled day with lots of treats and many hugs! ENJOY!

Frank The Tank said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Frank! Next to me your the BEST Frank in the world!!! Have a wonderful day! Did I just hear a thud as you hit the ground when you fainted coz Ernie SPOKE! Cant wait to hear HIS views on stuffs now! Your still the main man Frank! Love, Licks and Hugs with Birthday Tummy Rubs from your Furiend Frank xxxxxxxxxx

The Daily Pip said...

Happy Birthday Frankie!!! Hope you have a most wonderful day! What a great gift from Ernie - that he can talk now and share the blog with you ...wait maybe that's not a good thing since this is your blog.

Your pal, Pip

ShellePenn said...

Hahaha!!! now he will never shut up! :) What a great -snicker- birthday gift your mom gave you! Bwahahahahaha!!!!

I hope your day is special and the kibble and treats flow freely all day long!

Love, Shelle, Milo and Dixie

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Happy Barkday Frankie!! I wish I could say it was good when brothers learn to talk but.....ummmmmm


Lovable Lily said...

OMD... It's your birthday!! What time should be show up for cake and ice cream? Give me enough notice bcuz I gotta stop at the store and buy me some western wear seeing as it's a western theme and all. Then I gotta get you your prezzie. Then I gotta arrange for the Brinks Truck to deliver all those bones to you.

I can hardly believe it myself that Ernie can now talk. He sure has been busy studying and all. You gotta keep a close eye on your siblings, I'm tellin ya! I don't think he has plans to take over your blog, but he may try to sneak in a post or two.

Happy Birthday Frankie!!

Lily Belle

Agnes B. Bullock said...

Happy Birthday, dear Mayor and friend. We don't know what we would do without you_ May this day bring you pressies galore and all the love in the world.

Maggie Mae and Max said...

Happy Happy Barkday dear Frankie! :)

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae and Max

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Oh Fwankie....mee feels so terrible. Mee didn't nose it was your bird-day today. Even Ernie had a special pressie fur you. Oh dear...oh dear! Can wee celebrate again?

Anyways....HAP-PEE BIRD-DAY wit lots of luv!


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Happy Birthday, Frankie! You should be s proud of how smart Ernie is - Mom is doing a great job teaching him to talk! Just be careful how much he learns. Mom says once the little ones start talking, they never know when to turn it off:)

Have a great day.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

The Ladies of Beaglebratz Manor said...

Hey there Mayor Frankie sir -Shiloh here. I know what u mean 'boutz a younger siblin'tawkin' - when Shasta lerned an'egspheshally with her bein'a GURL, she hardly EVER STOPZ!

Anyway, all us at Team Beaglebratz want tu wish u a HUGE HAPPEEEE BARKDAY!!!!!!
Shiloh'n Shasta
mom tu

PeeS - Wunderin'boutz sumthin'-it'z YOUR barkday BUTT ERNIE choozez the theme? WTF iz all that 'boutz

Scooter said...

Hey Frankie!
Wow, here's a huge, big HAPPY HAPPY BARKDAY to you from me and my peeps!! We hope you have an amazing day...sounds like you already have. BOL. Gosh, Ernst is going to have a ton to say now. That's a little scary. Anyway, I'm sure you'll have tons of treats and toys and lovin' today and we hope you enjoy every minute of it!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Cussin

Minnie and Mack said...

Happy, happy Day, Frank!!!!!!!!

Drools and licks,
Minnie, Mack and foster Mario

Matilda the Boxer said...

Happy birthday, Frankie! Wow, what an amazing present, having your puppy/half-brother TALK to you! that's amazing. I don't see how your birthday can get any better, but I guess we'll find out tomorrow. :D

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

SPISE Fank!!! I (ERRRRRNie) reeely gotted U !

Kan we pla now? Kan I help you open URrr pessies fum Woobe and Peene now?

I wanna help. I wanna help. Kan I Kan I peeees let me. Let's Pla now 2. I wanna PLA wif U.
Here... let's pla tug a skirrl I lik that.
I luv you Fank. I do.
Aren't u glad I Kan Tawk??

Millie and Walter said...

Happy Birthday Frankie! I have to say those glasses look great on you, but Ernie is looking more grown up in his western duds. I can see why it's about time he start talking. Have a great day!


Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

hay Fank... lets pla Cow Dawgs... I wil get your hat and banana and we can rrrrrrrangle RABITS. OK?

Kum On Fank Play wif ME (Errrrnie) and den we Kan EEEET.

The Slimmer Pugs, Kitties, and Mama said...

Happy Birthday Mayor!! AND MANY MORE!!
Be sure to celebrate with plenty of eatables.
Much Luvums,
The Slimmer Puggums
George, Gracie, Toby, Lily, and Mimi

Posie said...

FRANKIE, I'z didd nutt knowz dat eet wuz yoor burfdaiy!!! OH ma gooderyness!! I'z wudd haz sentt yoo a cardi n a prezzie! Oh ma gooderyness!

Happy Burfday to Frankkie,
Happiiee Burffdaiyy to Frankiieee,
Haaappiiee Buuuurfdaaaaaiy tooooo yooooooooo!!!

I'z hoppe dat yoo haz da besht burfdaiy datt yoo evir has hadd!!!!

N wowsies, Erniee, yoo kann speak!?!? GO YOO!! Grayte to fiynally heer frum ya!!!

Love n likkers n happery burfdaiy wishiees,


Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Frankie and we love the glasses. Cool or what! Have a grand day!
Best wishes Molly

GOOSE said...

Happy birthday Frankie!!!!!! You got a talking Ernie for your birthday?! WOW now I know what to get you for your birthday.....ear muffs. I have a pair in size 38 C. hahhhahaha

The Websters said...

Woo woo! Happy Birthday Frankie! I can't believe Ernie can talk. Does this mean he'll be posting sometimes now?


Corbin said...

Happy Birthday Buddy!!! You deserve the BEST day ever!

animal lover, quilt lover said...

Happy Happy Happy Birthday Dear Frankie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WE hope it turns out to be the very best ever!!! It looks like Ernie has worked real hard for you!!!! He surely loves you !!!
Frankie we all love you!!!

marley said...

I haz had to stop Lola readin this post in case she be finkin any more sibfurs gonna be gettin torkin rights on blogs....OMD, no way...

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Frankie, I hope you got lots of prezzies and Ernie talking is certainly a surprise!!

Zona said...

HAPPY BARKDAY!!! I snuck on to mom's computer so I could actually leave a comment for once... stoopid iPaw with it's disallowing comments. Grr.... I hope you had a FABULOUS day!

Wags and hi to Ernie too!
Stealth Blogger :-/

The Army of Four said...

Happy birthday, buddy! Hope you get tons of treats and stuff!
Zim and I just read the posts about you and Ernie laying all of that carpeting in. I hope you didn't over-do! That's a lot of crazy-hard work!

My Mind's Eye said...

Happy Burd a Frank Day!!
MOL MOL you two dudes are the finest looking Doxies Dudes. OMC I love a man in a hat and shades....double trouble for sure!!
Hugs and thanks for the MOLs
Madi your BFFF
PS on my picture today. Needless to say the Mom is very proud of that shot. We've been blogging for 3 years and this one of the first shots she was able to capture of Madi in Motion.

Dachshund Nola said...

OMD, happy birthday Frankie!!!!

HoundDogMom said...

Happy Happy Birthday, Frankie. We hope you don't get have any back talking today. Sniffs, The HoundDogs

Bocci said...

Happy Birthday, Frankie! Those pictures are priceless!

Bunk said...

AWWWW Ernie, you made it past FRANKIE!!!! YAYAYAYAYAYA! What a sweet voice you have. :)

HAPPY BIRTHDAY FRANKIE! May you always look so young and handsome!

Sweet William The Scot said...

It is your birthday, well shucky darn that means you are a year older. Guess I should just say Happy Birthday!
Sweet William The Scot

Jans Funny Farm said...

You'll have to admit, Frankie, no other dog will ever receive the same gift. It is totally unique to you. A first. A last. A blindsided surprise.

Happy Burd A, Frankie!

Noodles said...

Happy Birthday Frankie!!!! Couldn't happen to a nicer DOG!
Love Noodles

Noodles said...

Happy Birthday Frankie!!!! Couldn't happen to a nicer DOG!
Love Noodles

Ziggy Stardust said...

Happy Birthday to Frankie, Happy Birthday to Frankie, you look like a dachsie and you smell like one too(to the tune of Happy Birthday to you) BOL BOL BOL BOL BOL BOL , that is my 6 bark salute to my sweet pal on his birthday. I can't believe Ernie is talking now. You better nip this in the bud and lay down the rules, soon he will be wanting his own days on the blog and start edging you out. Have a great day with lots of pressies and cake.

Loveys Sasha

Ziggy Stardust said...

p.s. wow Ernie just talks and talks doesnt he? Is there an on/off switch?? Good luck

Murphy said...

Everybody is talking now. eh? Sounds like a fun time. Can't wait to see what or who the wonderful wives are!

Your friends,

Murphy & Stanley

Duke said...

Happy Birthday, Frankie! awwww - you're the bestest brother, Ernie!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

We have a MAJOR senility problem going on here this morning! We read Ruby and Penny's blog and mixed it up with YOURS....sheesh! You'll have to go over there to read OUR comment.

SHE's heading back to bed...or the liquor cabinet, whichever is closer!

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

Oh, before SHE forgets.....have a fantastic birthday!

Scooter said...

Happy Birthday Frankie!!! YOu look cute in the glasses and what a theme!! Dont worry about the glasses cuz Ernies B-day will be here and he can wear the stoopid glasses!! BOL
Have a great day Frankie!


Lorenza said...

Happy Birthday, Frankie!
Sure it was a great surprise, right?
I hope you had a super duper day!
Kisses and hugs

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Oh Mr Frankie, Happy Birthday to you dear friend. We think you look gorgeous and so cool in the birthday glasses. We are flabbergasted that Little Ernie has spoken at last. Wowza! Soon he will probably know about 8700 words!!

Sending you 87 hugs and smoochies. Well Rory said he will send the hugs and I will send the smoochies and tell your lovely wives not to worry cause you will always be Mr Frankie to me and the kisses are on the cheek hehe. See ya everybuddy and have a great day. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

Berts Blog said...

I can't beleive this is the secodn birthday I have been able to see of yours. I have known you two years now, or almost two years.

Happy Birthday my friend.


Bassetmomma said...

Happy Birthday Frankie!! I can't believe Ernie learned to talk for your present. What's going to happen now?! LOL!

Anonymous said...

Ernie can TALK?! OMD Yay!


Luna & Cynder & Froggle & Marshie & Six(the fishie) & Travis

Lots of love!

Rubie and Poots (her Mum) said...

Not only can Ernie now talk, he has learned how to leave comments toooo! I think you may have a few issues brewing over there, Frankie. And I think it's not fair that you had to wear stoopid glasses on your Birthday..... You gotta show your mom how to photoshop them in!

Any who - wishing you the best for big day - and we can't wait to see what your wives got for you!

Tail Wuggles, Rubie xxx

Anonymous said...

Frankie! Happy Belated Birthday!!! Can't believe I am sooooo late Arg.

Looks like you and Ernie really whooped it up! Did he let you ride him? Rodeo Time! :D

Wow! When he decides to say somethin, he really SAYS SOMETHIN! Gotta watch those quiet ones ;)

Glad you had a very happy day my furiend :D

Waggin at ya,