Monday, May 21, 2012

Ernie got in TROUBLE...

 Just LOOK at What ERNIE did to MY Mom's new Flowers...   He is sooooooo careful with the one HE LIKES TO SNIFF...  butt he Tore up Mom's Flower!!!      I think it was his  LEFT SIDE that did it, too!!!       MY mom was NOT AMUSED!!!    I'm just sayin...
And while we are on a Ernie kick....   with flowers and Plants and stuffs...  Wait until TOMORROW to see what he tried to do.    You will LAFF your Furs off.  


Posie said...

ERRR, whyz did yoo doo dat Mister ERRR?! Dat is poor-doos! Unleesss, therr was liyke a birdie besiyde eet, or a skwirrel or sumfin n yoo tried to gett in wreckerd da flower in da prosesss!? Theenn thatt wud be morre than akseptible! YEAH! eetz troo! Love n likkers, P-diddely-dogg-dog xox

ShellePenn said...

To Errrr is hoo-man... to Forgive is divine?

Shelle, Milo and Dixie

3 doxies said...

Bwhahahahahaha....hehehehehe...OMD, I soooo didn't mean to laughs dat loud. Ahem...dat left side is kinda kerazy huh?

Oh by da way, it's me...Puddles Duddles Rainwater...long lost cuzzin of Ernie.


Princess Jasmine said...

Awww Ernie, did you not like those flowers and thought they maybe needed rearranging :)xx

HH and The Boys said...

Oh...oh... Ernie.... Accidents happen. I'm sure you didn't meant to wreck that poor little flower, right? I'll look forward to tomorrow's post.

pawhugs, max

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Ernie Ernie Ernie.....when you do dis, you needs to actually SIT on da flower! Got it?

Rubie and Poots (her Mum) said...


Just look sweet.

Tail Wuggles, Rubie xxx

houndstooth said...

Oh Ernie! It must be tough to be a dog with two sides! Tee hee! Next time, try pulling the weeds!


Scooter said...

Wow, are you sure it wasn't some wild rabbit?!? Well, if you got caught, there's not much you can do except pawmise to be more careful. Remember "tiptoe" through those tulips and etc! BWAR HAR HAR. ahem.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge A Licious

Matilda the Boxer said...

BOL, ERRRR, you sure caused trouble! Never mess with the momma's flowers. I learned that one early.

GOOSE said...

Sounds like Ernie has a Dr. Jeckel and Mr. Hyde thing going on with the left and right side.

Patrice and Higgins said...

Maybe he got high from smelling all those flowers and fell over on could happend.....right?


Stewey said...

Oh Ernie - are you playing favorites with the flowers?!?!?

Unknown said...

Oh Ernie ......... my other name is 'Get off the flower bed' so I sympathise.
Best wishes Molly

Finn said...

Uh oh Ernie. Best today to give the I'm sorry face and do lots of tricks on command. :)

Bassetmomma said...

Oh, Errr!! What did you do to your Momma's flowers! I'm sure she's over it by now. :)

Murphy said...

Our peeps need to eat a few flowers to appreciate how tempting they are! Remember, innocent until proven guilty (unless there are photos).

Your friends,

Murphy & Stanley

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Rut roh! Ernie has definitely been reading past posts of ours about our ungardeners. We are all working hard on Flash/Lightning to be sure he minds his manners with Mom's potted plants.

Woos - Blue Eyes, Thunder Dunder, Prissy Sissy, and Flash a.k.a. Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

3 doxies said...

Hey...does your mom have any Rat recipes? I was thinkin' we could cook us up some rat and use them flowers furs a table centerpiece.


Sheltie Times said...

It's hard not to be envious of all the attention those flowers get isn't it Ernie?

The Websters said...

Oh Ernie. You gotta do those things and make it so you can blame something else.


marley said...

Hi pals. I did see you featurin on Posie's blog on Saturday so I fort i would come over and sniffs you out. Howdy! I ope i see you at my blog one day soon. Woof

Dachshund Nola said...

ERRR, you naughty boy!
Noly Canoli

FiveSibesMom said...

Oh, Ernie...the FiveSibes say you are their hero! All things are made to chew, rip, and tear up! That's the K9 code! They are so proud of your handiwork! (Shhhh...don't let your Mom see this post!)

rottrover said...

Ernie... Frankie will teach you what to chew up and what to leave alone... It's very confusing at the beginning.

-Bart and Ruby

WFT Nobby said...

So which half of Ernie was it that tore up the flower? Not your side, I'm sure Frankie.
Toodle pip!

Anna the GSD said...

OMG...was Ernie like Godzilla smashing flowers?!?! Erniezilla!

Duke said...

Oh no - the poor wilted flowers! We hope your mom has forgiven you, Ernie!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Backcountry Brodie said...

Oh my little one, you has so much to learn. Repeat after me 87 times: THE SKWERRELS DID IT, THE SKWERRELS DID IT, THE SKWERRELS DID IT..." (Now between me and you, ERRRRR, you be a boy after my own heart. Oh to relive the days of my youth through you...)

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Oh no...we hope that Ernie didn't get in TOO much trouble...Mama has given up on planting in the ground and does all her backyard flowers in pots....

Hope Ernie is out of the dog house soon!


Lorenza said...

Looks like he really does not like those ones!
Kisses and hugs

Hoke said...

Uh are in trouble!!!!! Don't worry, I'm in trouble too!!

Pat Wahler said...

Oh my. Sounds like there may be a garden of disaster blooming!

Critter Alley

The Daily Pip said...

I am pretty sure Ernie did not think of this on his own ...a certain rodent killing, cabbage eating doxie probably had something to do with this - don't you think?

Your pal, Pip

Sandra said...

Oh no Ernie. I hope you were able to use your sweet face to get out of trouble. Just give 'em the puppy eyes. It works every time!

flash, alven, dottie

Ziggy Stardust said...

Ernie, the problem is not the flower, it is that you need to hide your damage better or find someone to pin it on. Don't you have any squirrels or chipmunks that you could say did it?? "Mommy, there was a HUGE chipmunk outside, as big as me and he totally smashed down your flowers. I saw it and told Frankie to stop him, but Frankie just laughed and said no cause Mommy will blame you. I didn't do it honest." Try that next time and let me know.

Loveys Freckle Belly

sprinkles said...

I agree with chicamom85, you gotta do a better job of hiding the damage. Well, now you know fur next time!

Scooter said...

Well....Frankie!! Ernie is still learning just like Addy learned on moms rosebushes BOL


Oskar said...

Oopsie daisy! Haha, I made a flower joke!

Nubbin wiggles,

Uji, Angel Izzy, Ziggy, Angel Bean, Angel Hiro and Momma Tea said...

Ohhhh Errr now why woods yoo do dats to yor Moms flowers. TUT TUT mwah ha ha ha . Wee is so luckisome wee donts havs flowers jus weeds n wee do pee on da weeds

Izzy Bee, Fuzzy Butt n Ziggy Wiggy
xxx xxx xxx

Sagira said...

Ruh Roh! You didn't teach him to do that did you?