Friday, May 18, 2012

Bizzy in the Garden...

 Well... we are STILL workin in the garden...   It is very much hard work.
 Gotta INSPECT Each and EVERY plant to be sure they are in the right place.
 THIS year I am using ERNIE to measure the distance BETWEEN the rows...  Works fur ME!
    See my mom's Shadow???
 OK... now Ernie... we gotta WALK the ROWS to be sure they are Straight and stuffs... Head on down past the Tomatoes.. and TOWARD the Green Beans...   THAT's Right... Keep going Ernie.
 He isn't very much good at this garden work...  YET... butt I'm bettin by October he will be a PRO.
HEY....  have you done your NICKNAME Thingy fur Sarge?  There are gonna be SUPER DUPER PRIZE Pressies!!!   You gotta get it done TODAY...   I am hopin that he gets 87 of them.  Click
    HERE         to go and check out his blog ...  and let him KNOW that you are IN. 
Last night we had to have MOM Water all the Tomatoes and Green Peppers and Cabbages... We really need Rain ...  and NONE is Pawdicted fur at least a Week.     Sheesh.
     I am STILL kinda Bizzy with the yard stuffs right now... So I may not make it around... again... I'll TRY THOUGH beclaws I am REALLY missin all of you.

PeeS....  I heard that Puddles might STILL be havin computer problems.   So if SHE isn't around.. THAT is why.
PeePeeS....    I have a few new furends....   I want to make a PAWligee to them fur not havin a chance to come and meet you.   Please stick with me... I     WILL   stop by... just keep leaving me comments so that I can find you... OK.   I LOVE new furends!!!!


Anonymous said...

You and Ernie's claws must be worn to the nub with all that diggin! Yowza! Good thing is you'll be eatin like kings when all those yummers start producin :D Keep up the good work y'all!

Waggin at ya,

ShellePenn said...

Maters and Peppers sound loverly!! And Ernie is comin' right along at being a farming dog, isn't he?

I will try and post some pictures of our garden next week. I've made all my posties this week and part of next cause we have family coming up from Texas that we, Milo and Dixie, have never ever seen... so we are hiding out not wanting to get a bath like the rest of the house is getting all bathed and cleaned up. You know how moms can be when company is coming!

Have a great weekend.

Lovable Lily said...

You two are doing an awesome job out in that big planting field of yours. I love how you are teaching Ernie his numbers ~ by using Ernie as a measuring stick. Now that's SMART!

Whatcha gonna do with all of those veggies once they grow? Are ya gonna sell them? Are ya gonna can them? Are ya gonna have a tomato fight?

Us inquiring minds wanna know.....

Lily Belle

Scooter said...

Hey F-n-E!
Wow, I missed you guys yesterday! I figured you were working your tails off. Ernst is getting the hang of it and BOL to using him to measure. I like Lily's idea of a big 'mater fight this Summer! Boy, all of you will need a great big nap when this is done!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

HH and The Boys said...

Great garden post. You two are doing a super job over there. Hope you get rain soon.

pawhugs, Max

The Ladies of Beaglebratz Manor said...

Us Beaglebratz here - WOWZERZ! You guyz gotta HOOOOOOOOGE garden - hope your mom'n dad help u with it. With your GUIDANCE Frankie - we r shure Ernie will b just great in the garden one day soon altho he never may b az good az u.

We Beaglebratz haf played the nickname game - when u git a chance u shood check it out.
Shiloh'n Shasta

Uji, Angel Izzy, Ziggy, Angel Bean, Angel Hiro and Momma Tea said...

Wee is gonna try n sends yoo some ovs our rain Frankie cos wee has gotted far too much here. Wee wants yor tomaties n Beens to gets all dems needs.

Uji, Izzy n Ziggy
xxx xxx xxx

Millie and Walter said...

You boys sure work hard in the garden. Good thing you get to eat some of it when it is finished growing. Keep up the good work.


Patrice and Higgins said...

Y'all are pawsome farmers!! Great garden work and beautiful straight rows!


Berts Blog said...

WHat a great job on the garden my friend. We just planted our tomatoes but we planted peas in March and they are already four and five feet tall.
sugar snap peas are my favorite.


Anonymous said...

It looks like you have a really HUGE garden, that will make for some real yummies when it starts growing!

Corbin said...

You've got a great lookin' garden! Do you poop there to keep your plants fed?

Bassetmomma said...

You guys sure have a big garden! You must be wore out by the end of the day with all the planting and measuring and stuffs! Good call using Ernie as a ruler! LOL! Have a great weekend!

Matilda the Boxer said...

That's a really really big garden! You must be so busy all the time taking care of it. How do you have any time to blog??

Peggy Frezon said...

You are so helpful in the garden! I can't wait to see how it grows.

The Websters said...

OH WOW! What are you going to do with all those peppers and tomatoes? Does your mom can?

We have a garden too and NO RAIN here either. It is very very sad.


GOOSE said...

Good work in the garden. I am sure with your help Ernie will be a mighty fine worker for you. I could try to send you some of our rain. As I type this it is raining, blowing, lighting and thundering up a storm. But we do need it however it might make my Friday fun group walk with Bert and friends a little wet.

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

You guys are doin a purrty darn good job wit all dat dere plantin and stuffs. Hopes you gets to sample everyting when da time comes fur pickin!


Scooter said...

He's gonna pass out fur sure.
BOL...get a pix for me please.

Noodles said...

Wow Frankie and Ernie, I didn't know gardening required work! When I "garden" with Auntie T I just sit in the sun while she digs, dumps and waters. I help with the harvesting, tho ;-)
Love Noodies (aka Noodles)

Posie said...

wwwoooooah no mutch wunder yoo guyz is busiiee, yoor gardin is hyiooooge, eets gonna have iyke 87million tomators n peppers in it by tha end of summer, heehee, love pdorg xox

Unknown said...

Gardening great remember to inspect every inch of dirt and to have a good roll to make sure it's top notch for planting out.
Best wishes Molly

Scooter said...

Looks like you two are on the job and am doing it just perfect. Dont let those peeps work too hard ok?? Take care of moms foot.


Declan said...

That's a big garden you got there fellas; you sure are going to be busy this summer! Deccy x

Backcountry Brodie said...

You need rain? You should has told me. I could has sent you LOTS of rain from Furginia. We had too much while I woz there and you know me, I is all about sharing.

Garden Centre said...

I am really very impressed from our nice pics that you have shared with us.
Thank you..

Connacht Gold Garden Centre

WFT Nobby said...

Frankie, we are wondering how anyone manages to plant their beans straight if you and Ernie are not around...
Toodle pip!

Maggie Mae and Max said...


We sure has missed you and your Ernie! Our mom has had way too much goin' over da past few weeks. Hopefully we will be back to bloggin' soon, maybe even next week.

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae and Max

Duke said...

It looks like you guys have a nice BIG garden! Your tomatoes and beans are sure going to be yummy when they start producing!

Love ya lots
Mitch and Molly

Two French Bulldogs said...

You guys must be exhausted from all that work. Where are your straw hats? So you saw your shadow, will summer come sooner or something?
Benny & Lily
thank you for all of Lil's well wishes

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

That is one very big garden. Great job helping with the planting and training Ernie. We think Lightning may have had something to do with getting Sarge 87 nicknamers.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Whoah...that sure is lots of work!! You sure are doing a great job at training Ernie!!!


Lorenza said...

It is important that you make all that supervision!
Sure they love you much more for that!
Kisses and hugs

Dachshund Nola said...

You are pawsome supervisors!
Dachshund Nola

Ziggy Stardust said...

Frankie, what a lot of work you have ahead of you. Stay strong, be sure to drink lots of fluids and rest in between. I be Ernie will have it in no time. I am sure that you will be on patrol guarding against unwanted intruders in your mammoth garden estate. Thanks for the info about Puddles, I miss her.

Loveys Sasha

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Blimey Mr Frankie, you sure are hard workers. Your garden looks huuuuge. Luckily you have Little Ernie to help you now. Take care all. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

Anonymous said...

GREAT garden, looks like all is under control, no vermin running wildy through stealing stuff. Me and Bites could have that place destroied in no time, keep up the good work!

Susie & Bites

Sagira said...

Can't wait to see all the cool things you boys grow in that garden.