Here is MY Ernie in Sarge's yard.

This is My Ernie DISCOVERING Sarge's Cool Mountain Stream. He was THRILLED with with it.

This is Ernie and ME (Frankie Furter) in my axillary Office . This is where WE stayed when Sarge was around doing his Pawlice work around the house.

We REALLY REALLY did have a super good time at Sarge's house.
Auxillary office - too good, too good!
How cool! Did you get badges along with the auxiliary office?
How cool!! Did you get to see him arrest anyone?
Looks excellent. And that mountain stream seems huge! Deccy x
We Beaglebratz LOVEZ your auxillary office - lookz so comfy - Sarge made u tu feel rite at home. Did u git tu c Sarge du any real pawlise werk? Or iz that when he co-ersed u tu intu washin'the pawlise croozer?
Shiloh'n Shasta
A portable office, how cool is that? You are very important and have lots of official business out and about, so I see how this would come in handy.
Well I just love that you and Ernie have your own auxillary office! Awesome!
Wow, what a nifty office! I love it.
Sounds like you had fun. Love the cool mountain stream.
This is just so cool! Did you notice that Ernie is almost as big as you, Frankie???
So cool and fun! I can't get over how big Ernie is getting, do you think he'll be bigger then you Frankie?
Dachshund Nola
You guys look really official in your office. Did you have any appointments come in that day?
It looks like you guys really had a great time!
Love ya lots,
I am so glad you had a pawsome time with Sarge. I bet you feel really safe cause you are at his house and no one would mess with Sarge or they would go to jail. Do you have snacks and beverages in your office?? I didn't notice any, well, potty places. Is there a back door for you to get out just in case? Ernie is still kind of young and may not hav as good control as you. Just saying.
Loveys Sasha
We wondered if that play pen.....we mean Auxilary Office was in use at Sarge's.
XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy
Fwankie and Ewnie
That is soooo pawsome that you gots to go explowe in Sawge's special places ( did he depootize bof of you?)
Thank you fow the amivewsawy wishes fow Mommi and Daddi..guess what? Fow the fiwstest time evew,because of how they let me into so many places hewe, I gots to go along on evewy tewwific thing that Mommi and Daddi did today. Lunch, walkies, metwo, cafe, nap, dinnew..all togethew the thwee of us. It was gweat!
Smoochie kisses
You guys have the BESTEST adventures! I loveslovesloves to read about them. Thanks for playing my MATCH up. You did great!
And thanks for the heads up regarding word verification. I pugsonally hate them. So I took them OFF completely. I never see my blog from another's point of view so I HAD NO IDEA!!!!
Love Noodles
The Auxiliary Office looks like a pretty good place to hang out! I'm glad you had a good time. I wonder what Command Central looks like!
I know you had a great time with Sarge!
The Auxiliary Office looks interesting...
Kisses and hugs
Frankie, little Ernie is getting big
Benny & Lily
Cheeseburger, cheeseburger ..I am back!
Your pal, Pip
Why wouldn't you have a marvellous time at Sarge's place. He is totally cool. Aren't families wonderful! No worries, and love, Stella and Rory
I bet you guys left lots of pee-mails for each other too!
You guys are so awesome! Thanks fur posting all your adventures :)
Sounds like a great time! :)
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