Thursday, April 26, 2012

LOOK What MOM got....


Would you just LOOK at what Asta sent to my Mom... all the way from Boo Da Pest. She was all thrilled and excited. She has looked at and read every single page of the book. She says it is filled with grrrreat pictures and super words to describe each one.
AND there was that super duper Cool Drool RED Dachshund pin in the package too. Mom wore it to Pencil Vane E Ah and everybuddy just LOVED it.
THANK You ASTA fur sending these wonderful thingys to my mom. YOU are the bestest furend.
PeeS.... the Weather Talkers are saying that we are in for some days of heavy rain and maybe even some storms... so if I'm not around much it will be beclaws the internets beam can't get through the clouds and rain and stuffs.
Double PeeS..... I put this up as a pre-post... Yesterday... I don't know WHY all the others didn't come up when they were supposed to... BY THEMSELVES.... I hope I don't have to do this one by paw again. SHESSSSSSSSH Blogger is really gettin under my furs.    I have switched to the New Interface thingy and I Really am havin a hard time finding stuffs...   I wish Pray that they will get all the stuffs worked out...    PLUS I really don't like all this    boring  WHITE Space   and stuffs.    YUCK.


ShellePenn said...

OMD what a great book and pin. I am sure our mom will be green with jealousy, but right now she is lying down with a sick headache after trying to figure out how to use the new blogger picture feature. It was sad... she was crying, wailing, begging the computer to work.. finally we just took over for her and fixed it. She sniffled, muttered something about the Dachshund being the "Perfect" breed and then went back to bed. I'm pretty sure it was sarcasm, but its still true.

Gonna be pretty here today. OH BTW! We got broccoli from the garden yesterday. Just a little bunch, but OMD it was good.

Have a great day!
Milo and Dixie
(and Shelle the completely illiterate computer person although she is actually a systems admin for a Home Health agency.)

Peggy Frezon said...

How nice to learn about new places through books. That pin is sweet, I bet it looks beautiful on your mom!

Anonymous said...

What a nice gift your friend sent to your mom!! She is a special friend and a special mom!

Bassetmomma said...

Wow! Your Momma got some great gifts! She must love wearing that pin!

Scooter said...

What a great gift fur your mom. We are trying to get used to the new stuff too, so we know what you mean. Posts now takes us about 87 hours instead of 87 mins like before!!


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

That looks like a very beautiful book. Asta and her Mom were so nice to send that to you. Love the pin too.

We are hearing talk of bad storms tomorrow night too - hope they are wrong for all of us, we don't need any stinking storms.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

WFT Nobby said...

Oh wow, a gift from Asta and her Mommi. The book looks great. As does the wee red dachshund. You are so lucky. We just absolutely love seeing all the pictures of Budapest on Asta's beautiful blog. And no I'm not saying that just 'cos Asta's a WFT!
Toodle pip!

Dachshund Nola said...

That is so cool Frankie! I hate the new blogger too, it's a pain!
Dachshund Nola

rottrover said...

What a boootiful book from Booo da Pest! Asta and her mommi are so sweet! Don't let Ernie chew any of the pages, OK? Stay safe during your storms. We're having heavy rain NOW in CA!! Silly weatherman!

-Bart and Ruby

The Websters said...

Puddles and I are picketing blogger. Wanna come?



Scooter said...

Hey F-n-E!
Wow, I saw that pressie fur real and it is really great! What a beautiful place. Of course, that doxie pin is pawesome!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

The Army of Four said...

How cool is THAT?!?!? It was mighty thoughtful of your friend!

animal lover, quilt lover said...

I love love love that pin!!! How are you handsome boys today???? Zoie is board and I am so tired --- been cooking all day!!! Making my soup. I am getting to old to make it but I just don't think I can live with out it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ziggy Stardust said...

OMD how cool it is to get pressies from so far away. I can't even imagine where that place is. I love the little dachsie.

We have some storms coming too, I hope you and Ernie have your storm shelter ready and that it is well stocked with foodables and drinks and a few toys of course. You may need to comfort Ernie so the toys will come in handy to distract him. Be safe my pals. Do you have a portapooper in case you can't go out??

Loveys Sasha

Ziggy Stardust said...

p.s. I hate the new blogger too. Mommy doesn't do well with change and when she isn't happy, nobody is happy. Don't tell her I said that ok??

Loveys Sasha

Duke said...

I bet the book is just beautiful - the pin sure is! That was very sweet of Asta and her mommi, Frankie!

Love ya lots,

K9 Katastrophie said...

What special pressies! Asta is such a sweetie!


houndstooth said...

Those are some very cool presents! You're a lucky dog, Frankie!


STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Mr Frankie, your mum's pressie is just the best. What a wonderful surprise for her from Miss Asta. We love the little red dachshund pin too. Bet your mum will even wear it to bed!! Have a great weekend friends. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

We've been having loads of internet problems...we don't know what the problem is. Very annoying.

Great presents from Asta. SHE went to Budapest a couple of years ago.

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

Love the red doxie.

Declan said...

Aw that's nice of Asta's Mom to send you those... Deccy x

Anonymous said...

How exciting! I love it!

Sagira said...

How cool! Getting pressies in the mail is so much fun.

Sagira said...

How cool! Getting pressies in the mail is so much fun.