PeeS..... TOMORROW Sarge and Ernie and I (Frankie Furter) are going to have very SPECIAL POSTS... We are gonna be talkin and Showing somethingy that our WONDERFUL Furends from AUSTRALIA will Really be interested in. We are doing these posts... Fur THEM, butt fur everybuddy Else too, of course.
Monday, April 9, 2012
Ernie's Furst EASTER Bunny Visit
OMD OMD..... the BUNNY really DID bring us YELLOW marshmallow Peeps!! The Yellow ones are the bestest flavored.. don't you think? HERE I am showing ERNIE what to do with one... He was just stunned beclaws he had no idea what the Bunny could and would do fur us.
See Ernie??? You just start right in biting off chunks. DROOOOOOOOL.
Ernie didn't know WHAT he wanted furst... the squeaky toy of his YELLOW Peep.
So I had to say.... EAT the YELLOW peep FURST so it won't get STALE and stuffs.
HERE we are lookin at the grrrrreat stuffs that we FOUND out in our Yard... We got a squeaky BUG and a Tan Sheep and a Black and White Sheep and a super Squeaky Skunk thingy. All of THAT PLUS... YELLOW Peeps!!!
The Bunny just Left us the Stash of TOYS and Peeps... and Hopped on to leave stuffs fur all our furends. Ernie has already decided that he thinks the BUNNY is Fangtastic.. right next to Santa Paws.
PeeS..... TOMORROW Sarge and Ernie and I (Frankie Furter) are going to have very SPECIAL POSTS... We are gonna be talkin and Showing somethingy that our WONDERFUL Furends from AUSTRALIA will Really be interested in. We are doing these posts... Fur THEM, butt fur everybuddy Else too, of course.
PeeS..... TOMORROW Sarge and Ernie and I (Frankie Furter) are going to have very SPECIAL POSTS... We are gonna be talkin and Showing somethingy that our WONDERFUL Furends from AUSTRALIA will Really be interested in. We are doing these posts... Fur THEM, butt fur everybuddy Else too, of course.
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Can't wait! We didn't get any marshmallow peeps...we think we'd like them.
Good thing Ernie didn't meet the Charcoals...might've changed his mind about the Bunny.
XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy
YUMMMM! Can't wait to see what tomorrow brings!
Boy!! the Easter Bunny sure left you a bun ches if neat stuffs.
We got to have 1 easter egg and 1 peep apeice and Uncle Sonny snuck us some honey backed ham under the table at lunch yesterday.
Sniff ya later.......Weenie
Ya'll gots PEEPS? My Girl likes those too. What I wanna knows is how comes ya'll gots more stuffs then me? I was good dis year. Okays, I was almost good dis year.
Wow your easter bunny is really nice that you got peeps, I heard pink was the best :)
Im so glad ernie loves the easter bunny!!
Boy you guys scored big on Ernie's first Easter! Yummy!
Hey F-n-E!
Wow, what great loot! I think my peeps have some of those yellow peeps too, so I'm going to have to find out exactly why I haven't gotten any of them! Humph. Great new toys too. I bet the squeek alot. Hope you didn't get any peep fluff stuck in your fur.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
I think I'd like to get stuck into those yellow peeps!
I'll stay tuned on the edge of my sofa until the aussie post tomorrow - can't wait to see what you come up with!!
Tail Wuggles, Rubie
That bunny sure does like you guys.I still have never had a peep. So the bunny just left all that stuff outside for you to find. Glad the squirrels didn't get to them first.
Hmmmm...what you REALLY meant to tell Ernie is "eat da peeps furst....before me does"! BOL
Me no got yellow peeps (or any udder color eider) probably cause me eated da Easter bunny before he could come to my house.
Wow the bunny loves you two :)
Happy belated Easter, mom been a toe rag and not letting us on the laptop as much so we are missing out, what could these posts be about hope she'll let me back on to see.
Have a good week
See yea George xxx
Looks like an absolutely special Easter. Have fun with your new toys!
Your peeps (the human ones BOL) let you have peeps?! MINE said no! Not fair
Dachshund Nola
Oh wow. Did he hide them so you could find them in the yard.
You know what I'm getting for Easter? A new garden hose.
we are coming over next Easter
Benny & Lily
I am so jealous! You think your mom will 'dopt me to your family??
Texas The Doxie
That bunny sure was nice to you! I'm sure you both deserved it. :)
yummss!!! moms says I cant have peeps she says they would make me go crazzzzyyy....
wags and licks
keiko (and tess)
What a great introduction to Easter for Ernie. The bunny was good to both of you.
Sounds exciting, can't wait to see what it is!!
Happy Belated Easter!!
WAHOOZIEZ COOL-DOOZIEZ! Thoze toyz r NEETO-SWEETO! We Beaglebratz haf seem a few doggiez gitten new stuffz on Easter an'even EASTER BASKETZ! All us Beaglebratz got wuz left at home while our mom went tu a family dinner. X-cuze us all tu heck an'bak BUTT ain't we family tu?
Shiloh'n Shasta
WOW.......theEaster Bunny wasn't so generous at our lucky guys!! I'm going to write the Bunny a letter right now and ask him to bring peeps to our house Next Year!!
your furiend,
Whoopziez - we Beaglebratz made a boo-boo - that'z s'poze tu say seen a few doggiez gitten'new stuffz.
WOWZERS! You had an awesome Easter! Can't wait to see what's up!
Wow, you guys did great with pressies and specially peeps. The yellow ones are the best I totally agree followed by pink. I did good too, all that worry for nothing. My Mommy is dying to go to Australia so we will be back tomorrow for sure. She says to put some shrimp on the barbie or something. Why are you putting shrimp on Sisters old dolls??
I don't get it, but we will be back
Loveys Sasha
I've never had a peep, but something tells me it would be gone in one gulp in my case.
Wow, you guys got some REALLY great Easter gifts, didn't you?? And our human loves the purple peeps, by the way. ;)
Does them peeps gets stuck in your teefers? Does they makes you burp or fart? I needs to knows these things just in case I may happen to borrow one from da Girl...and IF I do then I can't be burpin' then my peeps will knows I borrowed one.
PS: I wonders if My Girl goes to school tomorrow.
Looks like you had a wonderful Easter!
Howdy Mr Frankie and Little Ernie, everyone seems to be talking these little yellow peeps and so we just must get mum to buy some so we can try them. We're glad Little Ernie had such fun on his first Easter.
OMD we can't wait till your next post cause its about Australia. Hang on. We are in Australia! Now we can't wait even more to see what you are going to show us. See ya soon mates. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory
The bunny missed our house this year :(
Stop on by for a visit
I could sure go for more yellow peeps! They're delicious! Everybody should be able to eat them!
Love ya lots,
Gee.....I didnt get a yellow peep. that really stinks!!!
OMD Fwankie
You have vewy wondewful Eastew buns at youw house..Ewnie must have been in heaven. You awe a soopawb instwuctow..youw whole yawd looks like an Eastew wondewland
Yellow peeps and sooo many toys..youw bunny wocks!!
Smoochie kisses
Wait a minute, you get your very own peeps!!! My sissy had some of those in her basket, but she said they were for little girls, not dogs! I guess she was just pulling my paw!
Your pal, Pip
P.S: I am going to use your pictures as proof that peeps are for DOGS!
Looks yummy!
Some lady was selling marshmallow shooters at our trial this weekend. LOL
But, Frankie, peeps are at their best once they go stale!
Critter Alley
You guys sure had a fantastic Easter. In fact, two fantastic Easters! We're happy you had so much fun. That Ernie sure is a fast learner, isn't he?
Jed & Abby
Yummilicious Peeps!
Lots of fun!
Kisses and hugs
Wow! The Easter Bunny must really like you two! Lookit that good stuff he left you. He kinda passed by our house. I think it's cuz sometimes we chase bunnies in our yard but we would NEVER chase the Easter bunny. Honest!
Wiggles & Wags,
Wow, that looks like an amazing stash! And we are getting the droolyness just by looking at those yellow peeps. We need to talk to our mom about adding those to our diet. Yum!
alven, flash, dottie
WOW our bunny dids not bring anyfings likes dat
Yoo is so luckisome
WHAT ARE these peeps everyone is talking about! Deccy x
I got yellow Peeps for Easter too! And purple ones. Didn't share them w/ the chi's though.
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