I just could NOT wait any longer to show you what Our FURENDS sent to Ernie and to Me (Frankie Furter). Even though we will have to WAIT a few more days.. to see if Ernie spits out any more teefs... before we set stuffs up fur the Visit from the Teefs Fairy..
FURST... THIS is what Mona and Weenie sent... Green Papers to help out the teefs fairy with her work.. Isn't that Grrrrreat of them??? Look what I made with some of Ernie's Teefs..

OH... I furgot to tell you..... Yesterday... we said Good BYE and Good Riddence to the DRAIN and the Stitches and stuffs... and HELL-O to FUN PLAY TIMES. WHEW!!

Now THIS is what Mollie Jo and BoBo Sent.. the Chewie Snacks are fur Ernie.. and the Dachshund Loofa toy is fur ME. How Cool Drool is THAT???? Darn I hate to Wait to play with my new toy... butt a guy just has to do that now and then.

THANK YOU... Mona, Weenie, Mollie Jo, and BoBo. YOU are such Wonderful and thoughtful furends. I will be SURE to have Pictures of the NIGHT we pawpare fur the Fairy and the Morning that she has traded Teefs fur Toys.
What a toothful celebration you are having over there. Glad Ernie is now back to normal... Let the play begin.
pawhugs, Max
Woof! Woof! WOW! You got some $$$. Glad to know no more drain n stitches ... Woof! Woof! Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
Oh Wow!1 Can't wait to see what the real toof fairy brings Ernie.
Bet you boys are ready to rock & roll?
Earnie, are you going to the party?I know a little girl that would love to go with you. She's older but you know what Grandma always said says. It's Brooklyn, Aunt Judy's tint Piebald.
All good things, all good things!
Wow! Money! Ernie is getting some great stuff! It's nice that you get something too! Well, Ernie has been through a lot but thank goodness that is over! Whew!
That was so nice of your friends! Is Ernie gonna share those snacks???
Tail Wuggles, Rubie
I still don't know what this tooth fairy is. But it sounds like something I should investigate. Waiting to play with toys is so hard. Glad the Ernster is better.
I'm glad Ernie's drain came out and don't you just have an awesome bunch of friends who keep sending you gifts!
What nice presents! We got a present this week from Mrs. Master. 5 lint brushes. HOW LAME!
Dat will be quite a celebration! Maybe me should knock out a few of brudder Max (DaOdderWeenie's) teef so wee can have a toof pawty too! Ya tink????
It's always fun to get extra special stuffs!
haha! Ernie's teethies are SMILING! That's funny!
And yay for Ernie's tube comin' out. And yay for pressies and super wonderful furends!
Wiggles & Wags,
What? There's a tooth fairy? That gives moneys? Pippen and I will have to start pulling out our teethers for some extra cash!
Thanks for sharing this great idea!
Sam and Pippen
I hope the toofie fairie is good to little Ernie after all he has been through these last couple of weeks.
We will be thinking about him (and you, Frankie)
Stella, Zkhat and Jo
Hey Frankie!
Wow, you and Ernst are really cleaning up! Blogville furiends are the bestest ever. Love the treats and toys. Glad Ernst is all recovered now.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
Ernie did very well! Glad he is back to normal! Play time!
We like your smiley teef picture. So glad to hear that all that drain and stuff is gone and Ernie is READY TO PLAY!!!
XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy
NOTE From Allred
Oh Frankie....
I'm coming
How cool!
Dachshund Nola
He is so very lucky! :)
We gave you a blog award! :D
It's on my blog! :D
Nice pressies, Frankie. Ernie is so lucky, we don't think the tooth fairy ever stopped by our place when we were little and losing our teefs.
Thanks for asking about Mom. She is doing OK.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
Yahoo that the nasty drain is out!! Pressies are awesome, even if you has to wait, it will be worth it. Be careful of that fairy coming, I am always suspicious of strangers. Check id.
licks and sniffs Sasha
I'm glad the drain and the stitches are history, Ernie!
What supernice gifts!
Love ya lots,
Wee is so happisome dat Ernie has hads hims stitches n drain fingy outs n hims is all goods to play again. Happi days arr here again YIPPEEEEEEE
Izzy, Ronnii & Uji
xxx xxx xxx
I'm Glad Ernie that your feeling good and your still in our prayer Ernie, your so blessed to have a friend like them, they love you so much Ernie!
It's all About Pet Fences | Dog Fence
Wow! That is just Pawsome news about that drain being gone... Poor Ernie... Ouchie!
Frankie my friend, you are such a Kool big Bro to wait to play with your new toy :o)
Neeko :o)
you are on the road to recovery little one
Benny & Lily
Nice gifts from nice friends!! That that you are A-ok Ernie!!
Jazzi and Addy
Mr Frankie, you have the best friends. They are so kind and thoughtful. We're glad Little Ernie is all fixed now and ready for action. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory
I still can't get over that you found so many of Ernie's teefs! I got Shiver as a puppy and never found a one of his.
How nice of your furends to send you such sweet and thoughtful gifts. Just one of the many reasons I love Blogville.
You all have the most thoughtful friends. You're so lucky! :)
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