Do you all remember my SNOW LOCKER (aka the A.C. unit)??? THAT is where I SAVE all the snow so that in the heat of summer I can just have mom hit the Switch and my house will be all cool and comfy. WELL... I've been getting Worried about the LACK of...
Snow that we have been havin... I mean.. I HATE SNOW.. butt it does have its Use.. in summer... BUTT now the level of Saved up Snow is SOOOOOOOOOO LOW that I am afraid that I will SUFFERcate this summer. I guess I won't be complainin TOO much about this Snow that we have Now...... I have been teaching Ernie how to gather it up and SMASH it in there... fur summer use. Sheesh... SNOW... don't wanta Have it... don't want to NOT. 
SOOOOOO Fellas... are you gonna be puttin on your fancy Monkey Suits fur Valentine's Day Dance and Pawty.. or are you plannin on goin... Casual? I don't want to be the ONLY guy there in a TUX. What about all you Wimmen out there? What will YOU be Wearing???
Have you all had your furs and nails done?
TWO MORE DAYS AND WE WILL ALL BE CROWDIN INTO THE BLOGVILLE COMMUNITY CENTER FUR THE DAY... AND NIGHT... COME ONE... COME ALL. EVERYBUDDY IS WELCOME IN BLOGVILLE. Please be sure to go to everybuddy's blog and leave comments... so we know you are in attendance.
Wow... you got one cold brrrrrrrrrrr seat there in that picture.
Have a great day, but sit somewhere warmer...
pawhugs, Max
Oh that silly snow machine! Either you love the white stuff or ya hate it. I like the sun much better, but right now in FL it's freezing and 34 outside. Guess that means no swimming for me today!
Lily Belle
Woof! Woof! We had some snow Friday ... still on the ground caused its soooo cold. Snow again this week ... for sure you'll have it too. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
No snow action up here in Massachewsits either- otherwise we'd send ya some!
thinking burpday suits are most appropriate fur valentine's day:)
Hey Frankie!
Wow, looks like you have plenty of snow to save up now! I got more last night too. No chance of us running out here. My Bestest Girl Zona and I are wearing matching loveydanas and she has a gorgeous corsage from me. You look great in your tux. See you then!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
Avalanche wants me to ask about this valentines day dance thing. She doesn't know much but she wants to make sure she can go...what exactly does she have to do?
Excuse her ignorance...she's pretty fresh outta the shelter.
Well Frankie, it sounds like you can't live with the snow and can't live without it either! We could give you some of ours that we got the last couple of days just to pack in that AC unit! LOL
We are still very shy of any snow here and I am very sad about that. Thank goodness I am sequestered in a really really snowy area.
As for the dance. No tux for me. My Vickie says she can't afford one big enough to fit.
I guess it wii just be a tie.
Wow you look so handsome in your tux Frankie. Love the little video of you and Ernie running in the snow. Ernie sure does bark load.
We haven't gotten many pictures for my Smilebox but Glacier said we can use whatever is gonna be on his blog.
Mommy's gonna do a post about needing pictuers later tonight.
Ha roo, Frankie! Oooh... saving some snow! What a great idea! We actually might get some tonight. I'll have to see what Dave and I can do about saving a little!
Play bows,
Sure looking handsome there!
Boondocks & The Love Shack Pack
Hey Frankie, would you like me to send you some of our snow? We finally have some decent snow falling today and so far there is about a foot of new stuff on the ground.
We had 85 degree weather all week until yesterday when we had low 60's and a tiny bit of rain. While we love the warm weather, we NEED some rain so our hills can grow back after the Station Fire. We don't like fires... Hope you get some more snows for your locker!
-Bart and Ruby
It's sure gonna be hot at my house this summer. I don't have any snow to smash anywhere!
Love ya lots,
We would love to help you out but we have a lack of it here - if we get some more we'll make sure and post a boxful to you!
Thanks for Louis Motto - he's made up with it (i.e he's really pleased with it ;-)
Yes, we'll be brushing our beards for V Day! Dex and Lou xxx
You look so cooool. In the tux as well as in the snow.
XXXOOODaisy, Bella & Roxy
I Frankie, you look really smart in that tux!!
We certainly are worried too, with no snow here, it could be a very suffercating summer for us too. Maybe some tonight but we aren't counting on much:(
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
Frankie, I am so excited about the dance that I have actually been touching the ceiling while I am walking around lately(walking on air...get it...snickers). I am going to try so very hard not to bite Mom while she is helping me to get ready. I will be freshly bathed and nails will be polished. I am going through my bestest jewelry. I have so much to do. I can't wait to see you there!!
licks and sniffs Sasha
Hey Frankie I was just wondering... does your butt and such get cold packing snow??
Frankie, please send some of that snow over to us? The Sibes have had nothing to play in this winter. They may have to start a snow locker, too, to store some in for bland winters like this one! Thanks, pal! :-)
Chilly seat!!! I will be wearin' my flowery pink collar and my leopard print dress!
Dachshund Nola
I don't own a tux, but I will be wearing a Valentine bandana!
Your Buddy,
PeeS No snow at my house :(
Oh I can't wait fur the pawty! Dis be da furst time me is goin to a Blogville pawty wit a real date...two of 'em. I usually go wit brudder Max (DaOdderWeenie)
It sure looks cold where you are. We are like you and haven't had much snow this year. Do you know where it goes if it doesn't come? Was wondering.
I heard we
ll be gettin' some snow tomorrow!
See you Tuesday !
Don't worry too much Frankie I just gots a feelin that you is gonna gets LOTS more Snow, real soon.
I thinks you look pawsomely handsome in your Tux Frankie. I hope that you have a wonderfully Pawsome time with your wives on Valentines Day.
woos, Tessa
How handsome you look Frank.
Love ya
Ruby & Penny
Benny & Lily
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