Ernie seems Better.... at least so far. I know it was the power of all of your Paws and your good VIBES and best wishes. My mom was FREAKING OUT.... I kinda went into Shut Down Mode.. I just stayed back and let the Peeps do what needed to be done. I was freaking... inside though.
I know by now you have all heard that the Bridge has called another of our dear furends. Run Free and Fast Maggie.
And CORBIN... he has had His share of Emergency Vet vitist...
Ernie needs LOTS of Watching and Resting... so I may not be leavin comments fur Everybuddy.. BUTT... I Will be READING..
I will close with some GOOD NEWS... there is going to be a WEDDING in Blogville.
Best Wishes and Congratulations to Izzy and JD.
Hi Frankie.
Oh I am pleased that Ernie seems to be doing better. But I'll still keep my paws crossed for now just in case.
Thanks for the reminder about the King and Queen photos.
I have a small request. You know I am taking Addy to the Valentine Party. Well today on my blog I have put up a readers' poll to help me choose the best vehicle to use to drive Addy to the dance. I wonder if you could let your friends know about this, and encourage them to visit my blog and cast their vote? The poll closes next Sunday, and I have located a number of interesting vehicle from which readers can choose...
Toodle pip!
Frankie... glad to hear that Ernie is doing a little better. We will continue to purrrrr for him though. We want him to be all better before we stop the purrrrs.
You have a good day watching over Ernie, pal... hope he just continues to progress.
pawhugs, Max, Bugsy, Knuckles and HH
Frankie yoo jus concentrates on lookin afta Ernie n don't worry bouts leavin comments. Ernie has to bee da priority rite nows n wee all understands dat .
Wee is glads hims is doin okays pleese givs hims hugs from all ovs us here, wee is sendin hims lots ovs our bestest healin vibes n pawsitive forts.
Lotsa Lovs
Izzy Uji n Ronnii
xxx xxx xxx
Jus Izzy here to fanks yoo fur yor congratoolayshuns. Mee is most happisome n finks mee is a very luckisome girl to havs a wondyfuls fellow likes JD
Hey Frankie!
Wow, that's the greatest neews for Ernst! I'm so glad he is feeling better. Hurray for POTP!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
Woof! Woof! Glad to hear about Ernie. I will continue to send my Golden healing Thoughts. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
Poor little Ernie and poor Mom. We are glad to hear he is doing better and will keep crossing those paws for him to continue to heal well.
We were all very saddened by the news of Maggie's crossing - too many lately. And we are all hoping to hear a good report on Corbin today.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
Oh, we are so happy to hear Ernie is on the mend. We are sure you are doing everything in your paws to keep him quite and comfortable. Sniffs, The HoundDogs
Ernie is feeling better ~ Yeah! That makes us all so very happy.
We are sorry to hear about your friend Maggie.
Lily Belle
don't you worry at all about leavind comments. you hav enough on you plate for now.
please keep giving us updates on Ernie though.
we love ya
Take good care of your Little Ernie. Give him a kiss from us.
Love ya
Ruby & Penny
We are keeping our paws in prayer for Ernie, he is lucky that you are taking care of him. We hope that Corbin will be alright.
How sad that Maggie has gone to rainbow bridge...
Mocha Barney, Ashley Pumpernickel and Winniechurchill
Hi Frankie,
I am glad little Ernie is feeling a little better. I actually put up a funny post today to cheer you up - Cousin Francine helped me with it. Bawhahahahaha!
Your pal, Pip
Glad to hear Ernie is doing better. Keeping the healing thoughts coming your way.
So glad to hear little Ernie is feeling better. But my paws are still crossed for him. MOM keeps asking if I have to go outside because my paws are crossed all the time for the little guy. Silly MOM. Keep taken good care of him.
sending scottie and bulldog vibes to Ernie!!
Jazzi and Addy
I'm sorry to hear about your friend Maggie, take comfort knowing she will be waiting at the bridge.
Glad to hear that little Ernie is feeling a bit better. Keeping everything crossed for you!
Hi Frankie! We're glad to hear that Ernie is doing better. We'll continue to keep him in our thoughts.
Your pals,
-Bart and Ruby
Just take care of Ernie and help him heal up fast!
You just keep lookin' after your puppy and get him all better. We'll keep the good vibes comin!
Hope he keeps getting better!
Stop on by for a visit
We are praying for Ernie everyday!!
We want the very best for him!!
Frankie thank -you for being such a great brother!!!
xx, Zoie & Fern
So happy Ernie is fweeling better, we all needed sum good news today!
So glad he's doing better and keeping my paws crossed. Run free sweet Maggie
Dachshund Nola
We're happy Ernie is feeling better. We're still thinkin' about him and sending healing vibes. We're thinking about Corbin, too.
Also, Mitch and his parents.
After all that sad news we're all excited about the wedding and dance.
XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy
We're so glad Ernie is doing better. Here's to a full recovery!
We don't know about this valentine party. I'll need to do some research.
We won't feel better until Ernie is 100%. The AireZen is still coming your way, Ernie and it's 10 times stronger coming from the Rainbow Bridge. That's what Maggie says!
Love ya lots,
Mitch and angel Maggie
We have had our paws crossed for tha baby. Sending lots of licks
Benny & Lily
Lots of doggies need the power of the paw in Blogville! Keeping Corbin and Ernie in my prayers.
Sorry, mum has been gone most of da day but I hads to check in on da little Ernie. I knows your mom has been very worried but we is heres to takes some of dat worry of hers...at least my mum will...hehehehe. I hopes her has gotten some rest. It can be physically and emotionally draining when pup gets da sickies.
We has Ernie, Corbin, and Maggie;s family in our thoughts and we send our healing vibes.
We are keeping our paws crossed for Ernie, and for Corbin. Ernie is going to feel a lot better once that drain comes out. We know you and your pawrents are taking the very best care of him.
Mazel tov to Izzy & JD! We had no idea Izzy had reached a marriageable age!
Jed & Abby
That's a great news for us, were so happy that Ernie is feeling better and we will still keep Ernie in our prayers :D
dog fence | It's all about Pets
Hello dear Frankie :o)
Meee is happy to read the update on your little Bro. Humans do panic when anything goes wrong with us...
Meee and my Pack will be praying for all that need our healing vibes sent to them.
Neeko :o)
P.S. BTW you are a very good big Bro to little Ernie :o)
Oh I is glad Ernie is doing ok, paws are still crossed for him.
woof - Tucker
Hi Mr Frankie, we have Little Ernie in our thoughts and send him gentle hugs and kisses. Get well soon Little Dude. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory
I'm glad to hear that Ernie's doing a little better! Poor Pup!
Ernie please get well. Have you called Dr. Remington?? I know my sweet will be able to help. I love weddings, I can't wait. I hope there is cake.
licks and sniffs Sasha
Hi Frankie! We have mentioned you on our blog today because we are beyond excited that we have dates for the Valentines Pawty!!! Sending along prayers for Ernie!!
xoxo Chloe and LadyBug
Thanks for the reminder, Frankie. We're still praying for Ernie.
Congratulations to the happy couple! :)
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