HOLY Gwalk A MOLEY... Did Ernie and I ever have a Wonderful Christmas... THIS is a pic of us Checkin out what Santa Paws had left in our Stockings... Please furgive Ernie... He could NOT wait fur me and mom to get him out of his Jammas.

Ernie Was STUNNED... He just could NOT believe it all...

We got some super stuffs in our Stockings... and we sorta SHARED some of the stuffs.

Ernie was wantin to hurry up and get into the Packages.. butt he still had to get his jams off.

These are out Stockings... I know it is very much hard to see... butt they have OUR names on them... Mine is on the Green Package one... and Ernie's stocking is the one with the SHOVEL.. That is where HIS name is... ONE EACH... BUTT Of Course they had to have... SNOWMEN on them..

Well after I took Ernie out to Pee and stuffs.. he finally got his Jammas off... THANKFULLY and we were READY to WADE Into the Pressies.

I had to help Ernie get some of them Started... butt after THAT.. he was On His Own.

What a BLAST.

HERE is a pic of All BUTT FOUR of our Pressies... We just had to keep Some of them back fur LATER.. so we could start Rippin and Tearin and Chewin and ... Well before NOON.. Mom had to put 4 of our thingys into Ernies Bin of Shame.. I MEAN.. FAME... where she is now keeping all the stuffs that he has .. Gutted and de-squeakered and made ... just Perfect.. in OUR EYES.

OH... I just HAD to go back and see some MORE of the ACTION... WHAT a DAY.

It was sooooo very much fun to have Christmas Pressies to SHARE with my Puppy. Littles Ones are really what it is all about... except when it is all about ME, that is.
NOW... TOMORROW... I am gonna show you what my BRIDES sent to us. I just had to keep them to myself... so that I could Savor them a bit Longer.
PeeS... I hope that you are gettin some GOOD material built up fur our MY PEEP(s) is/are a FLAKE. I know that after hearin MY mom when she opened her pressie from MY GIRRRRRLS.. I have Plenty to Prove that SHE is a M*A*J*O*R ****FLAKE****.
Holy Toledo, what a stash you got! We can tell that you had so much fun opening your prezzies. I'm so glad to see that Santa was so good to you all. He was very good to us too!
Lily Belle
Wow!! Look at the loot. Santa paws came through for us too. Mommy set down the rules though. The red stuff is mine and the green is Mona. Mona's been bad. She destuffed both Her Santa & My Penguine. She was never destuffs but she sure did yesterday.
Sniff ya later.....Weenie
Hey Frankie & Ernie!
Wow, you guys scored huge! Sants really out did himself this time. Such cute pix of you two enjoying your pressie play! I bet you had fun unstuffing! BOL
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
Wow! Look at that big pile of stuffies! My cousin Wrigley is visiting and he likes to de-stuff ALL my stuffies and my sissy's toys - everything has to be put up VERY high so he can't get to it!
Your pal, Pip
Better take anudder look in da chimney....Santa probably got stuck getting all dat stuffs down dere. You sure have lots of cool pressies. Let da de-gutting begin!
Wow! You guys did get fabulous stuff! We did, too!
Having a puppy here is all the proof I need that my humans are flakes! They spent ten minutes last night chasing Kuster to get a bottle cap away from him. He's too smart for them, I tell you!
What a haul Frankie!!!! I can't beeleeve how good you and Ernie must have been this year, in order for Santa Paws to bring you all those pressies!!!!
.......and my momma said to tell you that her absolutely loves that last foto of you and Ernie having a Tug-O-War !!!! Heeeheeeeeeeeee
Franky we can't help laughing that your pressies had snowman wrap
Benny & Lily
WOW...that looks like some FUN stuff that you and Ernie got!!!
Dory, Jakey and Bilbo
Looks like Santa Paws was extra good to you two this year!
What awesome pressies. Merry Late Christmas
Stop on by for a visit
Now I see wot you mean about stuffie guts all ofur the place - that be a lot of stuffies with stuffie guts! You guys made out like bandits.
Gosh Mr. Frankie, you and Mr. Puppy Ernie sure got lots of super nice pressies! How exciting! We got some nice bones (but Dillon ate my second one) and I got some steps so I can walk up onto the couch instead of jumping. We're glad you had a Merry Christmas!
What wonderful presents you received! Looks like a fun Christmas! Nice stockings too, I like the Snowman. :-)
Holy cow...look at all those pressies. How fun!
You two totally scored!
The Road Dogs
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