THIS snowman thingy was made in the little town near my house.

AND THIS is from my furend Angel Barney and his MOM... all the way from AUSTRALIA. See in the bottom left corner... THAT is Australia. Barb made it fur Ernie and Me.. so that we could share it with all of YOU!!!! THANKS BARB. Hugs from my Hill to YOU.

Are you gettin some stories gathered up about your Peeps and How FLAKEY they are??? I hope you didn't furget about this fangtastic thingy that Sarge and the Road Dogs and I have fur after the furst of the New Year!!

Speakin of Sarge... would you just LOOK at what He and ALL of our Blogville PAWlice Dept. put together fur YOU!!!!!

AND just when you thought there wouldn't be any MORE of these Snowmen... POOF..

Now fur those of you who have lived in Blogville fur AGES... like I have... I wanted to tell you that I got a Beautiful Email from the mom of Angel TWIX and sweet Taffy. Miss Teresa says that they are all very VERY much Bizzy.. butt that Taffy WILL come to Blogville again. Miss Teresa's mom is not doing as well as we would all like. She isn't eating like she should.
Miss Teresa said to wish all of YOU a very Merry Christmas.
It's so great to hear from Twix's mum. When we were writing out our cards, we were thinking of all our friends who've moved away from Blogville and wondering what they were doing. We look forward to hearing from Taffy and if her Dad is sharing his ice cream with her.
Lovely of Barb to make that great Christmas sign for you.
XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy
I thinks them snowmen just be coming outta da woodwork at your house.
I just adores dat sign your furiend made...howevers did they think to put a snowman on there?
I was glad to heres from Teresa, I knows they has been havin; difficult times but we is always thinking of them.
Hey Frankie!
Wow, what a pawesome sign from sweet Barb! How cool. I'm glad you like the BPD card. Gosh, it's good to hear from angel Twix's mom and I hope she comes back to Blogville soon.
BTW: Great snowmen today! BOL BOL
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
Morning Frank
Guess What? Only one more sleep until Christmas Eve. Our 2nd as a family.
Love your Snowman from the little town and your card from Australia.
Love ya
Ruby & Penny
Pees - glad you heard from Miss Teresa. Sending rayz for her mom. Hope she is feeling better soon.
Your peeps are addicted to snowmen like mine are to mooses. Except we only have 78 and you have 87 million!!!! Don't give my mom any ideas!
Helloooo Honorable Mayor Frankie we love our BPD card with Zona ~ Bert ~Pip Our Investigator ~ and Mona the Desk Clerk. Sarge was right on the job this morning investigating my pressies from Hoke. But did he take a break at the doughnut shop? We asked The Police Chief to do something! Maybe you can get him on the job.
Sweet William The Scot
Yea Frankie your snowmen are definitely makin more and more and more of themselves!
Your sign by your furiend is fury nice!
I sure was happy that you heard from Angel Twix's Mom. I so fury much miss Twix.
Happy Howlidays
Woos, Tessa
We are so glad you have news from Angel Twix and her Mom, but we are sad to hear about Grandma. We think about her often and Mom always says a prayer for her. We hope to see Taffy soon too.
Now only a few days left for their snowmen, Frankie. Are you sure you really aren't going to miss them a lot?
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
Frankie, I wonder if all of those snowmen will ever melt, or if they will be around furever?
Thank you for the nice Christmas wishes, and I wish the same for you! It has been fun getting to know you this year.
Happy Holidays Frankie. Our Mom is such a flake she forgot all about us tattling on her. We can't wait we has lots of ammo.
Our Mom is such a flake she..........................
So many snowmen
Dachshund Nola
Merry Christmas, Frankie and Ernie! Cute Snowmen. We miss sweet Twix...
I loves that first Snowman.......
So glad you hear from da Twix's mom. I know her must be missing dear Twix this Christmas. We all do.
I also heard a umor dat I was a drunk. Oh wait, dat wasn't a rumor.
Mum has banned me from havin' my own puppy. Her said hers couldn't handle another one if it ended up likes me...I personally founds dat rude. Oh and I still pull Albert's hair and I ain't a puppy no mores...I'm PUDDLES!
I'm really enjoying seeing all of your snowmen and will really miss it when you're done showing them off. Just knowing you'll do it all again next year will keep me going though.
I love the sign your friend made for you, she did an excellent job.
Flaky huh? I'll have to think on this. In the meantime, I wish you and yours the happiest of holidays! woo woo woo!
Only a few more days of those snowmen Frankie, just a few more days. Hope Santa is real good to you!
cool snowmans Franky even though they are multiplying
Benny & Lily
Hi there my little snowman friend!
I'm just popping by to wish you a wonderful, happy christmas. Hope you get lotsa goodies to munch on...:)
With love
Hi there my little snowman friend!
I'm just popping by to wish you a wonderful, happy christmas. Hope you get lotsa goodies to munch on...:)
With love
Hi Frankie and Ernie!! Just wanted to pop by and wish you the happiest of holidays, we're looking forward to getting back to normal and kepping up with everyone's news in the New Year! Dex and Lou xxx
The blogville police card sure is cute and nice of them to post. :)
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