OMD OMD O M D..... my Miss Patty the Letter Lady brought me TWO (2) pressie packages today!!! I almost FAINTED... it isn't my Birfday or ANYTHINGY. TWO PRESSIES>>>>> Furst......
THIS came from my furends Ginger, Tasha, Chip and Thai.. Remember they are my furends that I got to meet in the Furs.. at the Warther Museum???? OMD OMD OMD...
It is a QUILT... and it has ME (Frankie Furter) right on there. I just FAINTED when I saw it.

THIS is me Reading the Letter that they sent to me... It says that that had their mom (What's Her Name)... make this Quilt ... Just fur ME!!!
I LOVE IT.... there are dachshunds all OVER IT.... and it is even YELLOW in honor of Ruby and Penny's Favorite Color!!! OMD OMD... It is Soft and comfy and I can even cover MYSELF up in it!!! 
KISS KISS KISS.... I just LOVE IT!!! THANK YOU to my furends the Dachsies with Moxie!!! and YOUR MOM!!! YOU are the BESTEST!!!

Look at the pawt under my Chin.... that section actually LOOKS like the CURLS that I have there. IT REALLY IS ME... FUR SURE.
NOW.... fur the SECOND Pressie Package...
Can you BELIEVE this???
My dad helped me open the package... beclaws it said.... be CAREFUL... and I was ALREADY all Wound up like a Squirrel on Steroids...
HOLY GWALK A MOLEY...... IT WAS FROM THE ROAD DOGS.... AND... THEY SENT ME MY VERY MUCH OWN... PAWsonal Private.... SNOWMAN!!!! kiss kiss kiss... I have a Snowman... and it is going up right NOW!!!
See that on the BACK??? It is MINE >>> ALL MINE!!!! My NAME (Frankie) is right there... KISS
KISS.... I beat mom... I got the FURST SNOWMAN UP... BaaaaaaWaaaaaah...

It is just Super Duper GRRRRRREAT!!! My mom doesn't have one... even Close to being this special... NONE with HER name on them... Just ME....
Keep AWAY ... woman!!! My DAD will hang this up fur me... 
I am in Dachshund HEAVEN.
THANK YOU AGAIN to the Dachsies With Moxie and to the Road Dogs... fur makin this a mostest WONDERFUL DAY. SIGH I am sooooooooo lucky to have such super furends.
I'm just SAYIN.
Hey Frankie!
Wow, what pawesome pressies! Lucky pooch. That quilt is amazing and your own snowman is too cool! Get it, cool?!? BOL
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
Wowser Bowsers!! That is one handsome quilt and one cute snowman. Wesa so jelly beans with envy...but wesa are happy you gott'ums it. You are a super special pawson to us'uns Mayor Frankie!
Much luvums,
The Slimmer Puggums
George, Gracie, Toby, Lily, and Mimi
Brillianrt - what a lucky chap you are today!! The quilt is just breath taking and the Snowman - bwah ha ha - you beat your Mom!! Dex and Lou xxx
Oh my word Frankie, we love it
Benny & Lily
WOWSERS Frankie dat be da most pawesomest quilt dat dere eva was. it looks jus likes yoo too even da curling ear floofs. Plus yor own snowman even better cos yoo dids beat yor Moms wivs dat one.
WOW OH WOW OH WOW!!! We love your blankie so much! You are a lucky little devil there. And your momma doesn't even have her own snowman and you got one?!!? Showing her who's boss, I tell ya! Nice, very nice! What could be better?!?
WOW Frankie
I would say that you hit the daschound jackpot!! what a cool blankie and we laughed to see the snowman!! bol
Jazzi and Addy
What a lovely blanket for you to snuggle in. And we knew you would eventually fall in love with them Snowmen. BOL Sniffs, The HoundDogs
Wow, those are just wonderful pressies, Frankie. Very thoughtful of everyone!!! And that is because you are such a nice guy and you have wonderful pawrents.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
That quilt is just...just...gorgeous!
Some dogs have talented peeps...we're not one of them..but!
And how funny you getting the jump on your Mum and getting up the first snowman of the season. Bwahhahha!
XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella
You're getting the jump on the others with the Christmas lights, too.
You are really loved, Frankie!
We got so excited over your pressies, Buddy wee-weed on floor! :)
What wonderful pressies, Frankie! They're really special since they're made from the heart.
What great presents!
You are one lucky puppy! :D
That quilt is just super awesome amazing! I am green with jellyness! I need a quilt with me on it! I'm waving as we drive past Zanesville right now!
Those Road Dogs are awesome!
Oh My Dog Mr Frankie. You have had the best day ever! What a fabulous quilt with your picture. And the snowman with your name on it. Your day could not have been any better. No worries (for sure) and love, Stella and Rory
Wowsers, sure haves some pawsome furends dere. Dos are really great pressies!
That blankly is so cute and looks just like you. Those road dogs are some special pups- you are very cool to have friends like that!
you deserve that and so much more frankie because you are a snooper dooper furryend. we are happish to see you happish
pibble sugars
the pittie pack
Those are two really cool presents to receive in the mail. a quilt to keep you warm and a snowman to look at inside, so you don't have to go outside when winter comes.
Which by the way, has already come to our place. We are getting snow now.
Hi Frankie,
You are one lucky lucky pup - what wonderful presents....a lot of work went into that quilt to make it look just like you! It's lovely.
And to get one up on your ma with the snowman......BOL!
Tail Wuggles, Rubie
What a great surprise Franky, I love the snowman, it really cool, and your new quilt, you really look alike! Woof!
It's all About Pet Fences | Dog Fence
Frankie - That quilt looks JUST like you! That is some amazing artwork! And it's sure to keep you warm when the temps turn cold!
Glad your snowman arrived safe and sound :)
Looking forward to seeing what your Mom brings home from the craft fairs - bet there are some snowmen! BOL
The Road Dogs
I am so jealous. i want a blanket for each of my 4!
Wow! Wow! WOW!!!! OMD, Frankie! BOTH of those pressies were so super duper MOST Amazing! That quilt was bee-you-tee-full and what a very much special snowman to have your name right there on it. Gosh! Isn't it the best to have such kind and luving furends?
Wiggles & Wags,
super cute quilt! i'm sure you'll burrow into it very nicely.
OMD...I am SOOOOOOO Jealous of your quilt. That is just BEAUTIFUL!
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