Email your pics of where you have seen DUCK TAPE used to ME frankiefurter(at)wildblue(dot)NET
Email your Artsy Fartsy Duck Tape CREATIONS to roaddog(at)road-dog-tales(dot)COM
Be SURE to say DUCK TAPE in the Subject line... AND.. include YOUR NAME(s) and YOUR URL (Blog Addy)... so we can link you to us.
Deadline fur ALL pictures is NOVEMBER 4th.. Winner will be announced on Nov. 14th.. Hey... did you know that Veterans Day will be on 11/11/11 ???
How Cool Drool is THAT???
Do you ever feel like you have a MILLSTONE 'round you neck???
I know that I do.... sometimes....
Millstones are VERY MUCH HEAVY and HOOOOOOOGE... havin one hangin round your neck is not much fun... fur SURE. SIGH
So I still have time to play in the duct tape thingy? Let me know cause it sure looks like a lot of FUN!
Hope you get that millstone off your neck soon. I hear they roll. Maybe just give it a big push? ;)
Waggin at ya,
Hey Frankie!
Wow, I'm glad there's still lots of time for Ducky Tape fun! This will be so funny. Mom is laughing her butt off about the Millstone! Some family joke I think...
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
We are trying hard to come up with something good for that duct tape contest. Maybe we can use it on the Lightning Bug who wants to play,play,play.
Don't let that millstone hang on to you Frankie. Rally the troops and we will all help get it off:)
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
We saw a giant mill stone at New Salem that had to be turned by oxen! That thing was huge! I sure hope we wouldn't get caught by that thing.
Frankie! Got your message. Try the YouTube link. or if that doesn't work, try updating your flash player - see button below my photo (left side) on Pet Fiction Theater site.
Let me know if none of these work and I'll try and think of another option for ya pal :)
Waggin at ya,
Thanks for telling us about millstones. We saw you had trouble over at pet theater. If you have scripts turned off on your computer you might have to fix it were it allows all the scripts on the page.
hello frankie its dennis the vizsla dog hay wow that is wun big alka seltzer in that pikcher!!! ha ha ok bye
Wish we had some of that famous pottery your state is known for :)
That is one big stone, dude!
Thanks for the duck tape update, too :) You're the best!
The Road Dogs
Hi Mr Frankie, thanks for the updates. That mill stone could come in handy mum says cause my legs are like springs and it might slow me down. I don't know what she is talking about. I just like to jump around about 87 times every minute. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory
You have one of those big things hanging around your neck? Yikes!
We don't use duck tape...but anxious to see all the photos you receive. :)
That's a lot of potteries!
XXXOOO Daisy, kendra & Bella
Mee finks DML has one ovs dem fings sometimes but her does gets rid ov dem maybee yoo shood try slingin it away yoo wood get awfully bouncier wivouts it mi furiend.
if we put it on moms mouth will that count?
Benny & Lily
Mee always wondered what a millstone was. Tanks for clearin' dat up for mee! Neckwear...OK!
Still tinkin' bout da duck tape tingy! Is you sure me can't tape brudder Max (DaOdderWeenie) to da wall????
Oh, nuts!
I has to start lookin' fur some creative ways to use duck tape.!
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
Where have Ibeen. I didnt even know about this. I better get to thinkin. MY Vickie uses duct tape to help start fires when we are camping. But I don't figure that is what you have in mind.
I'll figure something
What a big stone that is!
I should get my daddies on to some ducky tape fun, hehe..
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