Oh, just LOOK at what my WIVES gave me fur our FURST Anniversary. THAT is US ... RIGHT THERE in the CLOCK... The Time isn't Right.. butt the GIFT certainly IS!! {{{{{SIGH}}}}}

And there was a beautiful CARD and the envelope had ME on the front!!
I just can hardly believe my EYES! 
Do you see that I am wearing my Wedding Jacket?? YEP.. after 365 days.. it STILL Fits me. And notice I am ALSO wearing my Wedding Tag and Love tag.. BOTH.. I've Never slept a wink without them!! NOT ONE!!

I told Mom and Dad I wanted it put in MY room... butt guess WHAT?? Once my mom quit CRYIN.. she said, "No, Frankie.. It needs to go were EVERYBUDDY can see it ALL the TIME. The place that is the
HEARTBEAT of every HOME... the KITCHEN." Can you believe it?

So dad got BUSY... Out went the ugly plain blue clock and Up went the TIMEPIECE OF THE CENTURY!
I know that the glare is bad, so PLEASE allow me tell you what it says:
To HAVE and To HOLD...
The Wedding of Ruby
& Penny & Frankie
August 21,2010

I couldn't WAIT fur dad to put the battery in... I just told him to move the hands so that you could better see the Face. Once I wrote the THANK YOU NOTE and got my picture taken, I took my TIE and JACKET off.. and helped dad get it all set up RIGHT!
Post # 1,111 I like that fur today. 1+1+1= 1 Happily Married pack of Dachshunds.
Now THAT is an equasion that I can Relate To! I ask you to come with me now to the WEDDING BLOG.
Click HERE. There is MORE to see. Respectfully, Frankie
Happy Furst Anniversary Frank.
We are so happy today.
Happy you are happy.
Happy we are happy.
Happy we have such a happy pack.
Happy you like your clock.
Love ya
Ruby & Penny
xxooxx xxooxx
What a beautiful anniversary gift! Happy anniversary, friend!
What a pawfectly beautiful and thoughtful gift!!! That clock looks great on the wall there and Mom is right, it really does belong right there in the heart of your home.
Happy Anniversary!
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
Hey Frankie!
Wow, that pressie is amazing! I know exactly where you put that and I can say it will be stunning there in the kitchen! It's totally beautiful and I think the girls got this just right!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Former Best Dog
Happy Anniversary Frankie, what very romantic wives you have. The clock is very touching, we knows you will treasure it always.
Happy Furst Anniversary to the very bestest "couple of three" that I know!!!!
That's a very thoughtful anniversary pressie! You have the bestest wives! You lucky dog!!!
Happy Happy Happy 1st Anniversary to you and your wives, handsome Frankie.....we are purring y'all will have many more years together.
What a fantastic clock!!!!!!!!!!
Love to y'all.
I guess I am just a sentimental dog but that is the most beautiful post ever.
I love it when you hear about true love.
I wish you and your wives total happiness for ever and ever.
Gosh, if I wasn't just a little bit of a wandering eye kind of dog, I might be tempted to ask Annie for her hand.
You are my inspiration.
Mmmmmm Annie, or could there be another for me. Annie? Another?
well I guess I am not ready to commit yet.
Have a wonderful day
Happy Anniversary Frankie!! That sure is a wonderful pressie from your Byoo-T-full wives.
We are VERY impressed you still fit in your wedding jacket.
Sugar the Who
Happy Anniversary to the Mister and Missusses Frankie Furters! With that clock in your kitchun, your peeps will nefur has any eggkooses fur being late with your noms! Those grate wives, always looking out fur their Frankie!
Woof! Woof! Happy Happy Anniversary. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
Frankie, Ruby &
Penny - we are at an undisclosed location for a few days, but we just had to stop by and wish you the HAPPIEST of ANNIVERSARIES! Wow, a whole year of wedded bliss. You are some lucky pups to have found each other. We remember your beautiful wedding a year ago and are so glad to see you are just as happy together a whole year later!!! That is the most thoughtful and wonderful gift ever! Your brides are amazing!
The Road Dogs
mr. frankie!
happy happy 1st anniversary to you and mrs. ruby and mrs. penny!!! your anniversary clock is way super duper spiffy! your mama had a grrreat idea to put it in the kitchen where everybuddy will see it!!
the booker man
Beautiful Frankie....we also love your shirt!!
Benny & Lily
Oh Happy anniversary!!!!!!
Happy Anniversary Frankie and the lady's, what a beautiful gift its soo special.
Will pop over and see them, I can't believe its a year that I was over there with you all, wow how time flies!!
Have a good week
See Yea George xxx
Awww, happy anniversary to the Furters! We just LOVE a good romance and you guys are obviously so happy - sigh - it's just wonderful!
And we love that our humans have their anniversary on the same day!
Thanks so much Frankie for arranging the flash fur-mob for our humans - they loved it! What a wonderful surprise!
Schnauzer snuggles - JD and Max
Oh Fwankie(Asta wipes a tear from her eyes)
that is soooo bootiful!!!! and I agwee it should be seen by all
Happy aminevewsawawy to you and Penny and Wuby! Youw love is inspiwing and I wish that all of us could find the twoo love and devotion thata the thwee of you have.
many mowe wondewful happy yeaws fow all of you
wif love and smoochie kisses
Oh, what a sweet and romantic gift! You are one lucky dachshund, Frankie!
P.S. Dad says he doesn't know how you do it! He can barely keep one wife happy! :P
What a nice gift. Time is forever. Me likes dat!
Hi Mr Frankie, you are the luckiest dog ever. Your new clock is perfect. Happy happy anniversary to you all. No worries, and love, Stella
Awww... you have the sweetest brides of all time! I think the kitchen is a GREAT place for such a perfect pressie!
Happy anniversary!!
Happy Anniversary, dawgs!!
So sweet!!
Boondocks & The Love Shack Pack
Thanks so much for sending a new friend my way, I appreciate it. :)
Yes, we know about Woofstock. But we are not going to that one. Next weekend is going to be busy, busy. Friday night in old town Westerville there is Dog Days of Summer. We get to walk through the streets and see all the art work and dog tables, it is so much fun and so many woofies there.
Saturday is Wagfest...if you're not doing anything you should come! Mom's rescue will have a booth at this event. They are expecting around 10,000 people to attend. Can you believe it? It is in Hilliard, Ohio at Praire Oaks Metro park and is all free. Plus, Bokeh and I are both doing shows, Bokeh will be doing his disc dog stuff and I will be doing my agility. Our show times are 12:30 B, 1:30 S, 2:30 B and 3:30 S :)
Woofstock is nice, but they charge $15 to get in and that is out of our price range right now.
Happy anniversary, dude! That is a very cool clock! Did your Mama fix the time for you?
Happy Anniversary, Frankie! This is just the first of many more happy years to come.
What a thoughtful and beautiful gift from your wives!
Happy Anniversary Frankie, Ruby and Penny!!
That was one Snazzi gift there Frankie.You have such wonderful wives!!
jazzi and Addy
What a great gift!
Nubbin wiggles,
Very cool gifts from your wives Mr. Furter :) I visited your wedding site and WOW! what a cool album of great times! :D Happy Numero Uno pal :D
Waggin at ya,
PeeS: Glad you washed your shorts ;)
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