Thursday, February 24, 2011

Impawtant Information

Dear Furends,
Our furend Richie needs our help. Background: After His Momma Tea's beloved Miss Molly crossed the Bridge... The rescue group that Molly was from asked Miss Tea to take Richie and Ronnii in. The Little Dog Rescue (LDR) was supposed to pay for their Vet Bills. Both Richie and Ronnii have health issues. Well the other day Richie needed to see the Vet and Miss Tea took him... only to be told that the LDR had NOT been paying his bill and that it was impossible to continue to treat Richie... unless the bill was paid. We all understand that the VET can NOT treat anyone fur FREE. Not the Vet's Fault... Miss Tea then contacted LDR and was told that... they are not going to be able to continue... AT ALL. Learning that they are folding... Miss Tea was told that she could leave Richie (and Ronnii also) but that they couldn't guarantee what would happen to them. OR... she could take them... totally. I am sure you are NOT surprised that Loving Miss Tea took them in... Totally. Now... here is where YOU and I (Frankie Furter) and Several other of our furends come in. We need to raise some funds to Pay Richie's Vet so that Richie can continue to receive the care that he truly NEEDS.

Two thingys are being put together... we have to do it FAST... so that we can get the funds to Richie's Vet... before he (Or Ronnii) has some major issue... and does not get the care he/she needs.

Furst.... Blogville's Banquet is going to be putting on a DOOR PRIZE raffle. Tickets are $5.00 each. There will be TWO (2) prizes. They will Both be Valued at LEAST $20.00.
Here is how you do it. If you want a $5.00 chance.... (Or MORE) Send the Cash, Check, or Money Order Payable to L. Price to
Frankie Furter
14980 Twp. Rd. 202 N.E.
Corning, OH 43730
I will number them as they arrive and send your Name to PIP who will put them into a Randomizer. The TWO winners will be "Picked" on Monday MARCH 14th.. The deadline for tickets will be Saturday MARCH 13th mail delivery. (Any money received AFTER 13th. will be returned to the sender.) SOOOOOOO YOU WILL NEED TO HURRY AND GET YOUR GREEN PAPERS TO ME... SPEEDY QUICK! You CAN buy more than One $5.00 ticket. For each ticket you buy... your name will be put in ... again. Sooooo the more $5.00 donations you send in... the more chances you have to be Chosen!!!
The Second thingy that is being done to HELP RICHIE AND RONNII and their Momma Tea
(Who made all of the wonderful Blogville Cabinet Badges, by the way) is an AUCTION.
We NEED... really NEED... LOTS of thingys to auction off. Like WHAT? You ask. Well, we would LOVE to have some PawMade thingys... like Snacks or Toys or Coats or Hats or Ear Warmers or.... well, just about anything you could pawsibly donate. If you don't do any PawMade thingys... you could donate Store Bought versions of any of the above... OR anythingy ELSE you can think of .... EXCEPT Squirrels. Unless they are Stuffie or Squeekie Squirrels that is. hehehe We Need your items. PLEASE!!!
Here is how you do that... send a picture of the item(s) Or a very good description to:
If you can think of anyone who would like to donate... Please PLEASE pass that email addy on to them. (Maybe you could put up a POST about this whole thingy)
NOW where will you SEE the items??? Starting SATURDAY you can go to this blog

Do you remember my Sunday Feb. 20th post... where I showed you Richie and Ronnii and talked about their sweet Momma Tea?? That was the one where I showed you that I had Shaved my Head Furs off in support of Miss Tea who is losing her furs from the "C" treatments that she is having now. Miss Tea just doesn't need the extra stress that this worry about Richie and Ronnii's Vet Bills are causing her. Please join us, as we come together to help Richie Ronnii and Miss Tea. BLOGVILLE IS THE BEST PLACE IN THE WORLD.

PeeS you can visit these blogs to get More information about the Door Prizes and AUCTION

Pip or Slimmer Pugs or Puddles

Don't furget to get your Banquet Posts ready... for Either Sat. or Sunday or.. BOTH and don't furget to bring some foods or beverages... hehehe


AFSocksScylla said...

We will put our heads together and see what we can do to help.

Levi said...

Ok, mamma is getting some things together that we might be able to use to help with the action and gonna be sending in those green papers!! Let's raise some dough- er money :)

The Ladies of Beaglebratz Manor said...

Our mom sez that we iz gonna help out in whatever way we can - hopefully money an'the auction.
~Shiloh'n Shasta~

Pepsi the Lazy Bum said...

Oh geez, do you think I can use paypal to pay fur the ticket? It's gonna take time furs the green papers to get from Singapore to your place..


Anonymous said...

We are getting our envelopes ready. Moms gets her green papers this weekend!! Thanks for organizing all of this!

Woofs and Kisses!
The Fiesty Three

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Da check will be in da mail tomorrows.

And Mom jus' finished crocheting an afghan dat she doesn't knows what to do wit, so will take a foto of it to sends in.

Good vibes to Richie, Ronnii, and Momma Tea.

Nadine, Chewy and Lilibell said...

Of course we will help out! Mom is just finishing up her Easter collection for Lilibell's Couture and we would love to donate one of the dresses for the auction. How soon do you need the picture? We won't be able to get a shot done until this weekend. Please contact us at lilibellscouture(at)hotmail(dot)com to let us know if it's okay we get the picture and description to you by Sunday.

Waggles & Chi kisses, Chewy, Lilibell and the Mom

The Slimmer Pugs, Kitties, and Mama said...

Oh...the help is just pouring in. Wesa think this will be a wonderful auction!!
Much luvums,
The Slimmer Puggums
George, Gracie, Toby, Lily, and Mimi

Road Dog Tales said...

Frankie - Fabulous idea! Think we're gonna need a Red Bull to get energized for all this weekend activity!

The Road Dogs

Barbara said...

You got it Frankie. I'll send for some tickets and I'll dig thru my stuff for an auction item!

Scooter said...

Hey Frankie!
Wow, what a super thing to do. We all love Ronni & Richie and our beautiful badges. I will have Mom send money tomorrow for two tickets and I have a new packet that has two unstuffies in it...I will send a pix so you'll have it for the auction. They are really pawesome, so I know someone lucky bidder will like them.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

We are doing what we can to help Ronnii and Richie and Miss Tea.

Bless you, Frankie, for helping sound the alarm about their situation. xxxxxxxxxx

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We will definitely be doing some raffle tickets, anything to help Ronnii and Richie and Momma Tea.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Corbin said...

Our check is in the mail! But I think Mr. MailMan already came by... so it'll be off and on it's way tomorrow!

The Daily Pip said...

It's so great to see everyone supporting our friends!

Your pal, Pip

Remington said...

Got it!

Scooter said...

This is great to help. I will what my mom can make to donate.
This is exciting!!


Maggie Mae and Max said...

It is too late today fur us to mail out a check, but mom says her will gets it in da mail tomorrow. We luvs Richie, Ronnii and Momma Tea and we will helps out as much as we can. :)

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this impawtant information, Frankie! Me and mom will have to think about what we can donate to the auction.

Have you thought abouts setting up a paypal account for that email address? It's super easy (if mom can do it, anybuddy can) and mom would be glad to help you do it, if you'd like. Just send us an email if you're interested and we can talk to you abouts it.

Wiggles & Wags,

K9 Katastrophie said...

We will see what we can do for our dear furends!

Asta said...

Deewest Fwankie
I will cewtainly send some mowe fwiends to you to help wif this and I'm sending some gween papews wight away
Smoochie kisses

Brandon - The dog with a blog said...

I'm getting ready to send an email now - we'd love to donate some items for the auction!

Rudy's Raiser

Asta said...

pee ess
Fwankie, awe you in sinooating that my sled is not WEAL?
smoochie kisses

Tucker said...

Canz we use paypal? Also, what do I do for the banquet? I'm not sure what my speech is suppose to be abouts?

woof - Tucker

A MilShelb Mom said...

Mom is going to pick up some things this weekend to send for the auction! We are happy to help. We just love Miss Tea! :)
~Milly and Shelby

ps- We're planning to buy 2 tickets, too!

Lorenza said...

It is pawesome, Frankie!
I will send you an email... now!
Kisses and hugs

Wyatt said...

That is a good thing you are doing!
We will help fur sure :)

Wyatt and Stanzie

the booker man said...

mr. frankie,

this is just the grrreatest thingie to do for miss mama tea and richie and miss ronnii! we will try to get some stuffs together for the auction. at the very leastest, we'll be biddin' the green papers like crazy at the auction!! heeheehee.

the booker man

Texas The Doxie said...

You is a really great dachshund Frankie for doin this. YOu makes the doxie community proud!

Marg said...

WE will be sending some money and also put some things up for auction. We sure wish Ronnii and Richie the very best and a big thanks to the gal that is helping them. This is such a great thing to do.

KB said...

Frankie, You are awesome. We'll be sending some green papers. What a heart-breaking story. But, I agree, it's time for blogville to come through for Miss Tea.