I am CERTAINLY glad that I didn't stick that Crazy Yellow Constructionable Hard Hat down.
Wow is this Master Chews Sits place ever BUSY. The only Bad pawts so far are that the TALL Guys keep Peeing on me and I thought Anakin ate one of my Milkbones butt it was one of his peanut butter snacks instead. Other than that... it has been really exciting and educational and CONSTRUCTIVE. I think I am gonna have blisters on my Paws. I didn't think that Judges had to do MANUAL Labrador. I thought they just sat around and talked about RULES and Stuffs. I wonder what we are gonna be doing today? I hope we get BREAKFAST furst.
Now on with the TOUR...
This is a copy and paste of an email I got From my Mom and Dad!!!! They MISS me!!!
Price to me
show details 4:29 PM (0 minutes ago)
Dear Frankie,
Your dad and I miss you very much. Please hurry home!!!
Love, Mom and Dad
Reply Forward
show details 4:29 PM (0 minutes ago)
Dear Frankie,
Your dad and I miss you very much. Please hurry home!!!
Love, Mom and Dad
Reply Forward
Note: Several of our furends need Power of the Paw.. Please keep them in your thoughts.
I hope you are leaving comments fur the Cats/monkeys that I told you about yesterday.
?????? Do any of you have Super Glues Remover??????
Holy moley, Frankie! I didn't know you were such a decorated fellow! Look at all of those ribbons!
I don't have any superglue remover. Have you tried beer? I have lots of that! (Don't tell Puddles. She'll think it's waste of good beer!!)
Oh noes Frankie!! That glued wig may pull you bald!! We better get to callin' some mad scientists to get that thing off!!
Woofs and Kisses!
The Fiesty Three
Hi Frankie,
Nice toy room:) Sorry about the superglue, hope you got it all off.
Hey Frankie!
Wow, that's really stuck on there? Well, it'll keep you warmer when you go out in the snow! Just don't let Mamaw dunk your head in a bucket and scrub the floor! BWAR HAR Just kidding, she'd never do that to your honor the judge. Great pix of your room!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
Just wanted you to know dat I has been enjoyin' your Toy Room tour!
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
Bribes? Never, would you like us to trim your hair for FREE so it doesn't get stuck in crazy glues
Benny & Lily
mr. frankie,
you have the coolest toy room evarrr! i love that you have your own trophy shelf thingie. you sure have won lots of awardies 'n stuff, but then i wouldn't expect anythingie less from you! :)
sorry about that superglue stuff. mama says nail polish remover might work! i bet cussin francine might have some lyin' around. heehee.
the booker man
Well, Frankie...when u's get back home again, your Mom can always turns you upside down and mops her floor. Den da Super Glue won't go to waste entirely!
Frankie, I would NEVER consider a bribe fur you......even though you are THE most handsome and wonderful and smartest and funniest and talentfulest and sweetest and bestest Judge I can think of (did I kiss-up enough there?). And the fact that Lucy is providing you with AVON fur life and you and Rooney are practically Paw-In-Laws (cuz of Francine) show never be construed as my attempt at bribing you!
PeeS.......me and my momma are still cracking ups at your Rent package to your wives!!!!!!
OMD too funny!!
I don't think we do have any super glue remover. Hopefully we don't have to shave your furs. I don't think your wives would like that!
I think I'm glad I'm not a judge this year!
Mom said to try acetone nail polish remover - but we aren't so sure you want to do that:(
Very well-decorated walls you have there with your wonderful certificates and ribbons.
So do you think you can tell us what the humans are doing down in Mango's basement - he has been wondering for a while now.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
We actually think you are quite sharp looking with that mop on your head. Just saying! I'm glad Twink is working on bribes, not brides, because I think I'm too young to get married! ;-)
*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus
You have the coolest toy room! I hope Beth doesn't hear about that super glue stuff....
Hmmm dis tour ovs your has gots mee finkin Frankie, Da Momster has a room upstairs dat her just puts junk in maybe mee should perswade her to makes it into a dogs own room.............. wonder ifs her would go fur it.
Yoo sure nuff has a most pawesome room my furiend.
Fank Yoo so much fur all your healin vobes yoo did sends me, dey sure did helps lots.
Dere be two surprise badges been made n ready fur collectin
I always knew you were a winner, Frankie! That blue ribbon and the MM2010 certificate prove it.
You sure you don't want another bride? They always say more is better! BOL
Your room is very cool!
I love all this sekhret sharing stuff!
Hi, Frankie!
That "judge wig" you are wearing for the MM is.... is.... interesting!
Bribes?? For you?? Please say you are not even considering it??
That wall in your Toy Room is pawesome!
Happy saturday!
Kisses and hugs
Hi Frankie! The monkeys are just doing their commentathon to raise green papers on Wednesday and for each comment left they will donate 50 cents.
By the way, how are you going to get that green paint out of your fur?
Much luvums,
The Slimmer Puggums
George, Gracie, Toby, Lily, and Mimi
Thats a pawsome display you have! We love the MM2010 Certificate!
Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo
Ya know? I can read in Yellow too! Tsk tsk. I did NOT expect you to accept bribes or any more brides. I'm shocked!
In any case, I won't keep you any longer. You needs to get your superglues off. Good luck (bol)
Judge Twink
Mr. Justice Frankie Furter, Abby is most relieved that your judicial ethics remain above reproach! Please keep it that way. Some of Your Honor's fellow judges are less reliable, which makes a lot of extra work. It is a joy & a relief to have such a sterling Chief Judge setting a good example for Your Honor's weaker brethren.
Your Honor has such a lovely Toy/Trophy Room and two lovely brides, both well deserved.
Jed & Abby, L.B.E.
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