the Auction Closes at 12 NOON GMT on Dec. 12th.. You can email the design directly to them schnauzerandschnauzer(AT)googlemail(DOT)com
We want to thank you in advance fur this.
AND...we want to remind everybuddy to go over to the auction site and do some generous shopping!!!!!!
Just so you wouldn't get us confused and stuffs... That is Miss Pattie the Letter Lady on the Left. I (Frankie Furter) am at the bottom of the Left side.
Hey Everybuddy,
These are some of the pics that my mom took of ME (Frankie Furter) with Miss Pattie the Letter Lady. I don't know if these are the x act ones they will use in the mag. article or not. Miss Pattie had mom take some pics. with HER camera too and they ALL got sent in to Miss Kathy Lucas who works in Columbus. She said that she will send a copy of my article. If it is goooood I will copy and post it on my blog... I have Already asked pawmission and she say I CAN!!!!
PeeS... to Amber Da Weenie... The OP Pack and I BOTH just love your comments... BUTT.. we can't find a way to leave them on YOU blog and we don't have an email addy fur you. Anyway... THANKS fur being our furend and sayin such nice thingys.
Fwankie, you is a BIG cele-bri-t now. Mag pics and a story and everyting! Me and my brudder Max (DaOdderWeenie) is so x-cited. By da way, I saw all those snowguys before you even mentioned them. HeHeHe
I feels SOOOOOO special now. I am mentioned in Blogville. We all have a website of our own but da Mama doesn't trust us to start a blog yet. She's afraid we'll do too much online shopping. One day soon we'll have a blog too. Thank you fur being our furend too.
You rock, Frankie! And of COURSE the snowpeeps had to get their big heads in the picture too, BOL.
Brutus & Carmen
Miss Pattie isn't boxing you up in the last pic is she???
Those are some great pictures there Frankie!! You two look very nice together, hey maybe on that one picture, you guys should move just a tad to the left and then non one would see your snowman fix BOL!! ;-)
Oh, Frankie, you really ARE famous! Yay! Hope you post your article. You must be so excited!
The Road Dogs
How very cool! You must post the article!
Frankie, thank you so much for clearing up the mystery. I really couldn't tell who was who - and those snowmen in the background made things even more confusing.
I don't know anything about creating a countdown clock, sorry!
Your pal, Pip
I love your Santa outfit, Frankie!
You're going to be too famous for Blogville soon! Look at YOU Frankie!
Morning Frankie
We love those pics. Can't wait to see the newsletter.
Love ya
Ruby & Penny
Congratulations Frankie. Give your mom my love and tell her we miss you both.
Oh my dogness, Frankie! Those fotos are grrrreat! And I am glad you pointed out which one was Miss Pattie and which one was you! It was a bit confusing, with your matching outfits!!
PeeS........You must go to my blog and see what my momma did....or DID NOT do! her is so embarassed (and dorky, if you ask me)
Frankie...check your email for the countdown clock!!
We're doing a dog food drive for homeless dogs on my blog. Anyone who wants to help would be appreciated!!
Miss Pattie looks like a really nice postal lady. We never get to meet ours, they leave our mail in a box across the street and always stay inside the truck. We bet that magazine article will be the best of the year.
Thanks for the shoutout to Amber. We see her comment her and so hope she will start a blog soon.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Hiya Frankie - Barbara has just sent us a pawsome countdown clock - it's now proudly displayed on the auction site. Thanks for the woof-out!
We're glad you pointed out your pal to us - we were getting a bit confused, what with you wearing the same outfits and all! Super-cute!
Schnauzer snuggles - JD and Max.
Thoze iz sum nifty-wifty pikchurz Mr. Frankie sir - u iza famus fer shur; now we can say "we nu u when" (not shur y humanz say that - nu u when huh?
Shiloh'n Shasta
I think this is how that Frosty fella got his start!
We noticed that audience of Snowmen, Frankie. We can hardly wait for that article to come out. You are going to be such a celebrity. Are you going on any shows?
XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella
You are so lucky to have such a wonderful postal lady....we have to pick up our mail at a Superbox...don't even know who brings the mail
You are going to be a pawsome celebrity...we can say we knew you when... lol!
(((hugs)) Oskar, Schatzi & Xena
Wow, Frankie!! You had your very own photo shoot modeling session. Gosh, will you promise to remember us all when you're even MORE famous than you are now?
Oh, and I'm very much glad that that you told us who was who. I was kinda confused when I first looked at the picture.
Wiggles & Wags,
Frankie, you woz lissening so intently to Miss Pattie the Letter Lady (the one on the left, rite?) that you must know efurrything there be to know about postal stuffs now. That do be furry impressive and will look so nice on your resoomay.
You are famous! Yep Famous Frankie! I still like all of your mommys snowmen!
You is gonna be famous, Frankie!!! i likes your sweater! Heehee! Our new postlady looks very nice!
Aren't you special hangin with Ms Patti. We almost didn't know who was who since you have the same clothes on but then we noticed your brown hair. Cute!
Benny & Lily
You both look so festive in your matching red coats! Did you shop together for them or did the great Wal E Marte design them special for your photo shoot? I can't wait to see the article!
I always bark at my lady which makes her scared she says! I'm just trying to ask her in and thank her for bringing so many nice things. I get too excited to remember to lower my voice!
I can't wait to see your article.
Nubbin wiggles,
Santa Frankie, you look adorable! The picture in the magazine is going to be great!!
Guess what? You know that snowman behind you? Umm... I should be more specific.... the white one. What? Okay... the white smiling one with a carrot nose? Still more? Okay you know the round pillow snowman with the carrot nose and ball on the end of his hat?? My two-leggers have that one too. He stopped singing this year. Mom says he probably needs more friends like yours has!
PeeS: I'll go see if JD and Max have a countdown calendar yet!
I just love your santa suit :)
Your mail delivery lady seems like a nice lady! I've never met mine since my mail stays at the post office until I check my box.
Thanx fur your very sweet and kind comment yesterday.
OMD! I just realized you are a total twinner for a little gal in my CGC skool. Like I totally always knew you kind of looked alike, but I never really realized you were so, er, SMALL (unless that lady is a GIANT).
Oh look so cute in your santa outfit. :)
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