This is me... when we got home... I had mom get us Pumpkin Cheese Cake for our evening Snack.
This is Me... having some Deeeeeeelishous.....
This is where I got my milkshake. Pumpkin Junction!!
OHHHHHHH are these thingys ever fun to eat.
This is where I got my Taffy and Fudge. I had a Pumpkin "Brownie" Tooo , butt It got eaten soooooooo fast that there wasn't even time for pictures of that fabbo thingy. And did I tell you about all of the PoPo that were around... lookin' for... You Know Who???
Doesn't it look Yummy in the pan??? Well you should just TASTE it... Slobber Drool
This is my Pumpkin Waffle. It was all crunch and greasy and sugary and scrumptious.
I also had a Southeastern Ohio Favorite.... Fried Bologna and mustard sandwich.
Of course my mom had my waters bowl with us and I had that whenever I wanted.
I'm telling you , my furends... the Fair Foodables were WONDERFUL.
Next time I'll show you some pictures of the dawgs that I saw... Or thought I saw... Like Anakin and IzZy and Josey and Mango and Dexter... BUTT now matter HOW many times the PoPo asked... I just kept sayin... "No Sir... I have NOT seen Her today."
Frankie, those foodables sound pawsome! Most especially the pumpkin cheesecake. We had pumpkin ice cream last Thanksgiving and it was soooo good. My human brother celebrated the season with pumpkin beer. I bet wherever that's being sold is where you'll find you know who!
Oh, and also I just love your visor. It looks great on you, too. Can't wait for the doggy pictures.
lotsa licks, Lola
Frankie - We're surprised you didn't TURN INTO a pumpkin eatin' all those pumpkin foodables! Mom's got a thing for the sweetables and she's drooling over that fudge and the waffles and . . .
The Road Dogs
Wow Frankie, I can feel my waistline expanding as I read this! You boy dawgs are soooo lucky, you can eat almost anything and don't have to worry about your 'figure'!
All da foods looks sooooooo yummy!
(momma, is it breakfast time yet??)
Gotta go eat.......
I had no ideas that there were so many pumpkin foodables!! I loves pumpkin and that waffle looks so yummy. Glad the PoPo was thrown off the track... for now!
geepers frankie, woo have to try efurrything at the fair! otherwise it's toola hard to choose one or two.. now i'm gonna have to talk mom into making somethang pumpkin!
happy sunday,
Wow, Frankie, you sure did have a lot of pumpkin - and pumpkin is good for us too. We would love to try those pumpkin waffles, they looked so good. Mom says the fried bologna and mustard brought back memories of when our human brothers and sisters were little - they LOVED fried bologna. Glad you had so much fun. And very glad the PoPo didn't find her.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
OMD, my mouth is watering just thinking about all these pumpkin treats! I love waffles so I am thinking I would really like pumpkin waffles and of course, the pumpkin sloppy joes ...
Your pal, Pip
Mom is now hungry for something pumpkiny - that's for sure!
We have a great pumpkin festival here, too! I had delicious pumpkin ice cream this year. It's really good with caramel on it, just so you know! Mom makes great pumpkin cheesecake. Now I might have to get her to make some!
Now that I wiped the doggie drool off...... you had some really fun snakin there!!! Fudge no matter what flavor always sounds scruptious!! Oh and that flower sprinly greasy flower shure looks beautiful!! Oh and that milkshake ~ lots of good licking there!!! Oh I do need to stop! I think I gained 5lbs just thinking about all the scrumpties you had!!!! I do agree that the yellow house should have a gimormous sign that says "The infamous Frankie was born here!!!"
Hugs & smoochies!! XOXO
I agree with Lola, keep the popo away from the pumpkin beer booth!
I can't believe you ate all that stuff Frankie! You don't seem like a picky eater to me at all!!!! I sure wish I coulda been there with ya, cause you know, I will eat anything. I bet you found some yummies just laying on the ground too!!!
What is up with your birthplace not being a national monument???
Frankie we had to wipe the keyboard down after drooling overs all the pumpkin foods. Mmmm that waffle looked really good!!!
That pumpkin waffle looks SO GOOD!! Lucky you Mr. Frankie!!
My doggies all dat foods looks so good! Youz a lucky pup to be able to taste all of dat. :)
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
Frankie! Your gonna gain weight!
Frankie you need to make sure that your folks have LOTS of room at your house. After showing all those foodables we is ALL moving to your house!
Dang you live like a king!
King Frankie Furter!!!
woo woos, Tessa
pee sss, whats ur address I'm buying a bus ticket right now! BOL
All pumpkin!
I had never heard about pumpkin milkshake! Sounds delicious!
Kisses and hugs
How could you even walk after having all that fabulous food! We vote for the waffles...we'd like to eat that!
XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella
PeeS: You'd think they'd have a plaque up if not a statue at your birfplace!
I like your Skull hat. Where can I get one of those?
Holy cow, what a wonderful place to go! This made my mom person decide to whip out her recipe for pumpkin cheesecake with ginger snap crust. YUM-EE
Nubbin Wiggles,
Wow Frankie who knew yu could gets so many yummy nommies from pumpykins......... not me or sista Ronnii dats fer sure. Looks likes yu had a pawesome day my furiend
Richie ( & nu sista Ronnii )
xx xx
the pumpkin waffles sound good to me!
I think my mom drooled fur the entire post -
PeeEssWoo: Sorry woo didn't know to say HI to Tom H ;-)
Wow Frankie, those were some nummie looking are so lucky your mom let you taste them. My mom is a meanie and would probably eat them all by herself. She does give me treats all the time but sometimes she is a pig and
ignores my best "please I'm starving" look.
Frankie if we ever ate all that good stuff we wouldn't stop poopin
Benny & Lily
That waffle was really pretty. With the powdered sugar, it almost looks like a snowflake!
You're very lucky, I hardly ever share people foods with my boys. I'm afraid they'll get sick if I eat too much of it.
Good thing I didn't read this post on an empty stomach because just hearing about all those goodies would've made me hungry for all the wrong foods.
I've never had a pumpkin milkshake before. Oh, it sounds wonderful!
Those foodables sound & look GREAT!!!
YUMMO! I don't think I can stay much longer, Sarah won't want drool all over the computer.. oppies, too late.
Geesh Frankie - yous a pig to eats ALL that. I'm very interested in the pumpkin milkshake. mmmmm
woof - Tucker
Oh Frankie!! What are yous doing to us's!! We's soooooooo hungry now!!!!! We's place our food order wits you!!!
Next time yous go to 'da fair bring 'da Elgins!!!
'da Josie
Love yous digs yous grow ups in's!!!
Josie Posie
Hey Frankie!
Great eats! Yous must have been very full after such a food-filled day. The treats looked very yummy. Mom says she is drooling over the fried bologna sandwich. That's a classic! What about those PoPo? They weren't after you were they?
Grr and Woof,
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