DEADLINE to send your info is NOVEMBER 12th. you will get an emailed list on November 19th..
EAST of the Mississippi to me.... frankiefurter(AT)wildblue(DOT)net
WEST of the Mississippi to Indiana fiestythree(AT)gmail(Dot)com
Outside the U.S. to Sprinkles deedeers30(AThotmail(DOT)com
PLEASE... put Holiday Card X-change in the subject line
Include your Blog Name Your Email Addy ALL the names that should be included and.... your FULL Mailing Addy.
You do NOT have to send a card to EVERYBUDDY ... unless you wish to do so. ALSO NOTE: For those who are environmentally conscious... please.... PLEASE.. feel free to send E-CARDS. BUTT you will STILL need to send us your info if you wish to be included in the list. OK????
Please help Indiana and Sprinkles and me to spread the word about this, by putting a little note in your blog post.
ALSO NOTE: You should all remember to THANK INDIANA SHINGO AND MOLLY for thinking of this grrrreat Idea !!! I am just along to lend a helping paw.
REMEMBER the DEADLINE IS... NOV. 12th............
Now on to other thingys.... I seem to have aquired a NEW FOLLOWER. I think perhaps... I have that ORNERY TWIX to ... ummmmmm THANK??? for this. Here is a pic of my New Follower......
is not much different
from the ORIGINAL !!!
What can I say?????
Twix actually INVENTED Mini Puddles and.... Mini Frankie too. I suppose the two of them will be around from time to time... creating mischief and mayhem. I'm just sayin'.
I hope Mini puddles pops over to see me!
I'll put a link up for you at the bottom of my 1st Nov post, I hope you don't mind I did give the link to one of my following furiends in a private message on fuzz book cus I think it is a lovely idea, I am also now following the fiesty three and thanked them, and thank you to for doing this, your are a great pal ;)
See Yea George xxx
nows ya know dat I is vewy diffwent than da BIG Puddles...her BIGGER than I is and her poop is bigger than mines too. Believes dis or not but big Puddles sometimes has a conchus...I don't, but sometimes I do...but rarely...but on occashun I do.
I thinks I needs to come to your house again.
By da way, where is my furiend Mini Fwankie? I miss him, he fun!
Mini Puddles
I think Mini Puddles is bigger than the teeny tiny Miss Pumpkin (the mini chihuahua mommy of 2) that I see every week! How cute Mini Puddles is...but what a naughty one too! I hope you are able to bark some manners to her as soon as pawsible!
Hey, I love the Christmas card exchange idea! I am going to blog about it asap!
Well Mini's just come to see me!!! I don't under stand the lingo!! help me out there pals!!! just who is she, cus shes not giving away to much on the profile!! I like to pay her a vist ;)
I noticed a Mini Puddles lurking here and there too! She hasn't stopped by my bloggie yet though - whew!!
I'll definitely do a post about the card exchange. I'm very excited!
PeeS: Happy Howl-o-ween!!
I wondered about Mini Puddles! She showed up on my blog, too! I thought maybe Puddles herself had created this mini-me to do her dirty work.
Your pal, Pip
We haves that mini-Puddles as a follower too but we were kinda skeered to acknowledge its presence!
Sam and Pippen
Oh dear, you have to watch out for that mini-Puddles, she just might be looking to set you up for that mess.
Happy Howloween!
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
hee hee, love the tissue paper - and it comes in handy for that tiny tootsie turdling! :)
Suddenly, we're very sceert!
Our Mom has lots of those long doggy stuffies from her childhood.
Happy, Yappy Howl-o-ween,
~K and the Pups
Happy Trick or Treat Day, my twin Frankula! Love your mini me's....hope they don't get in as much trouble as you know names here....I am trying to be a gentleman....
Puddles looks like a terror
Happee Halloween
Benny & Lily
Mini Puddles is following me, too. So far, I haven't noticed her with her own mini blog yet, but I suppose it could happen. I didn't know there was a mini Frankie around. I suppose I'm just too much of an original for there to be a mini me!
BWAHAAHAAA! Did you know I have a baby too? Heehee! I became her adopted mommy when Sophie passed away. I will write a post about her!
I was thinking about doing a card exchange on Pet Blogs United, but I don't want to seem like I'm stealing anyone's idea. What do you think oh wise Frankie?
Happy Halloweenie!
Mini Puddles is too funny!
Got your message Frankie, thanks for your input. I figure any doggie lucky enough to get two such beautimous wives, must be pretty smart!
Happie Halloweenie,
Mini Puddles is my newest follower too...
Happy Howl-O-Ween my furiend!
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
Okay, is that your newest follower or your newest stalker? I only ask cuz, well, there's kind of a fine line.
Wiggles & Wags,
We have a mini puddles, too. Bella keeps burying it!
XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella
Frankie! You are just so bad you are good. That mini puddles! Hilarious!
BOL...maybe you need to send Mini Puddles on a home tour to your other blogger friends to see what kind of trouble Puddles can get into. :)
Furry furry funny!
Is there a wee khrate?
Oh-oh! Mini-Puddles!
Happy Halloween!
Kisses and hugs
Hi Frankie, Happy Halloween!!!
You welcome Frankie!!! Now Mom doesn't have to spend hours at it. I was going to award her but ran out of steam.
It is nice to be awarded but then,
there is so much work after that!!!! I understand the reason for awards. People are suppose to follow the links and then you get more followers and more friends and that is good, BUT!!!
Thanks for your visit!!
XXOO, Bambi & Fern
Wow Frankie... taking on the holiday list! You are a super hero! I am BOL at your 'gore may' meal comment Ha ha ha! When we got some trick or treaters I really did wonder what they would have thought if they knew what was on my kitchen counter at that moment! Very halloweeny for people- totally gore-may for moose!
I've seen her following me around too! By the way, I didn't invent her, I just invented mini Frankie! She was on Puddles blog before you guys came to visit my house.
Oh... and can't wait to see what mini-puddles gets into. That was quite and opening act!
Hi Frankie Our Funny Furrend,
We just wanted to say Hi and wish you a very Happy Halloween! We have missed you a lot!
How is married life?
Luuuuv you lots,
Riley and Star.
Happy Halloween Frankie!!
Now 'dat Mini Puddles has been to our place too!!
Hers gets into our tings and eats our food, makes long distance phone calls, gets into our Momma's make-ups and eats our t.p. too!!
'da nerve..
we's got to keep eye on 'da little mini Puddles.. she offers us Kool aids too
We's behind on bloggys during da week, but saw yous Costume!!! SpoOky!!
IzZY, Josie, TriXie and Anakin Man
I suppose I should be relieved that Mini Puddles hasn't started following me or my boys around. That way I won't have to worry about her trying to corrupt them. bol
I agree with The OP Pack, she just might try and set you up for the fall!
Did mini puddles poo on your table!! HOw rude!
woof - Tucker
Oooo Mini Puddles is naughty pooin on the couch like that! Mom would not like that!
She is cute, but I still like the original Puddles :) I can't call her big Puddles cuz she is too small herself, BOL
Haha! We've been seeing comments by Mini Puddles around Blogville! But, she has no BLOG yet! What's up with THAT?
The Road Dogs
Hey Frankie!
What fun...a Mini Puddles. It's also a little scary too I gotta say. Did we really need two???
Grr and an Amused Woof,
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