Right behind me is a piece of one of my Deer Antlers. I lay on my bear pad and chew on that, too. NOTICE that Santa Paws has his hat BACK ON!!
Thinking Thankful seems to be pretty easy. Jazzi had a good idea here. Today I am THANKFUL for THREE things. First I am THANKFUL that I even HAVE a Santa Paws squeeker Stuffy toy. Next I am THANKFUL that my mom got out the pokey thing and string and sewed Santa Paws' Hat Back ON. Then I am THANKFUL for the bear play mat that my mom made for me a couple of weeks ago. His head sticks out the top and his feet hang out the bottom. I love to lay on it and play with my toys and to chew my snacks and greenies and stuff.
I'm not exactly sure how Santa Paws' hat managed to come off. Humm, perhaps I need some time to think about that.
I had mom make 5 pics. of me on my mat with Santa Paws AND HIS HAT. I thought you might need that many pics to really see everything. Mom says it is hard to take my pic. because of my Shiny Black Hair.
Hey, Frankie Mae.... Are you going to get into Jazzi's PRESSIE X-CHANGE??????
Jazzi needs to be sure if I am the ONLY Frankie that is in on it or not?
Please let me know if you are going to get into the X-CHANGE and I will then let Jazzi know.
It is almost a magic carpet. Your mom is most talented.
Woof! Hi There ... I'm Sugar. just found your blog. WOW! very impressive profile. Great to be thankful for having holiday toys. Looking forward to your visit to my blog and your friendship. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
Welcome Sugar !! I just came back from your blog. I have become one of your followers. I hope you can join my furends in writing your ADOPTION STORY to post on Thanksgiving day. I know everybuddy would like to read how you came to live with your two leggers.
Hi cussin! I will miss you at Thanksdeermas this year, but I will be waiting for Spring when you come back to see me. I can't wait to see all of the stories on Turkey Day! You have a lot of fun friends...I don't because I don't get out much and I live way out in the woods. I like your friends, though and I want to read their stories. I love all of your snowmen, they are fun. I never even chewed on them at all when I was there to visit. I think it is very nice of me to share my Mom & Dad with you for Thanksdeermas while I am away on assignment. I should get extra toys and treats for that!
Grrrrr & howl,
Your cousin, Sarge
Hey Frankie
The snowmen out so soon?? Ours dont come out till after we deal with the Santa dude!!!
Got the Tom turkeys hanging around the house now. I am working on my story and will have it ready for Thanksgiving.
Hey frankie. Mom says it is not looking good for our thanksgiving story. Since the computer is still at the hospital mom does not think there will be time. That is IF we even get it back on mon. .mom apologizes. And says this phone commenting is yucky. We hope y'all have a very good. Thanksgiving and we have so much we r thankful for. Hugs
All of the tx sundogs and jamie too
We love your Santas. Mom is hinting that there is LOTS of neat stuff like that for Christmas. A trip to PetSmart is in the works this weekend since we are doing so well on our new diet!!!! Right now Mom's sewing room is a mess since we cleaned out Dad's garage- all the crates ended up in it!!!
But your shiney black hair is the best part of your pictures!
Nice JOB on the antler! we're still hoping they may be too much for you to handle and you can share some with us! Hey a dog's got to have some hope, no? ;)
wild dingo
Hi, Frankie!
I love to see all your pictures!
Do you play with those Snowmen??
I agree with Mango. Your mom is very talented!
Kisses and hugs
Do those Snow Khreatures walk around when no one is watching?
PeeEssWoo: I'll inkhlude Merdie's story on the Thanksgiving post - won't have any pikhs of her bakhk then but at least she'll get to share her sad tale too!
Ack! Frankie! I'm too late! :( That would have been fun. We hadn't followed Jazzi's blog, but I have entered it in to my follow list now!
Adoption stories on TH day, huh? I'm in. We have had a LOT going on at our house which is why my mom hasn't let me on the blog lately. We have a teenager now, so she says that makes things harder. . . I haven't the foggiest idea what she means by that.
:) We will try to be better about blogging! xoxo Frankie Mae
I really like your mat, Frankie. I should get something like that for Marge to snooze on when she lays in the room with me while I'm on the computer. Right now we have an old green mat for her.
It almost looks like those snowmen are coming to get you!! HEHEHE!! We are ALWAYS thankful for the treat jars!!
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