Thursday, October 26, 2017

Khamp Barks A Lot PAWt.2

OKAY.... you Met... TURBO... and you now know why we have him coming to INVADE "Visit" us.
    Butt before we begin...  Mayoress Emeritus Madi asked yesterday....  WHERE DOES TURBO SLEEP...     Ernie goes in the other bedroom with DAD while Turbo is here... and Turbo sleeps in the room with Mom and me.   Sometimes he is on the bed with us... all snuggled up... and sometimes he gets down and sleeps on the carpet at the foot of the bed.  
           Ernie would HATE sleeping with Turbo... (YES I WOULD< Frankie) butt he misses sleeping with ME...  (YES I DO< Frankie).  
So now we will tell you about some of the stuffs we have done to help keep his mind off the sad and worrisome stuffs....
   Now Turbo is an INSIDE dog...  he only has a LONG chain to be on when he goes outside...   and WE have this hooge FREE ROAMING Safe Fenced yard...  and let us tell you that Turbo LOVES it.     We had to teach him the good spots to look around and see fun stuffs...   he learned that FAST...
  We had to teach him the Shady spots to nap in during the Hot days... and the Sunny Spots fur other days...
    AND where he would have his PICK NICK Suppers every day...  
     No problem with THAT lesson.

Where to PEE.... and where NOT TO...    he likes to pee on BOTH of our Hydrants...   he likes our RED one SO much that he even had his peeps get one fur HIS yard.     Just sayin.

 OH and Ernie taught him Who to Mess with...
 And who NOT TO...                         Just LOOK at how BIG he is...     BUTT trust us....  Ernie kept him totally under control...           Turbo was TRYING to TALK to Ernie... butt Ernie was havin none of that...      
 And that he was welcome to play with HIS TOYS... Inside and OUT...   He loves chasing this toy when mom takes him out and throws it really FAR...    You should see him JUMP and grab it mid air...     can't get a pic of that beclaws mom can't hold the Phone and throw the toy at the same time.
Wait until you see some of the OTHER thingys that we did with him.      OH... did we mention that he calls US... the KHAMP   Count Sellers ....      and he does everythingy that the Count Sellers tell him to.      Just sayin.


easyweimaraner said...

oh how cool that Turbo will get his own hydrant... and thanks for the idea I will put on on my wishlist for santa too.. if I find some room LOL

Little Miss Titch said...

Turbo looks a fun chappie to play with,xx Speedy

Julie said...

That there Turbo sure is a fast learned and you two are just the pawfect teachers, well done!
Loves and licky kisses
Princess Leah xxx

My GBGV Life said...

I'm sure he misses his home and parents, but I know he totally loves having some friends to hang out with and the yard has to be wonderful for him. Being on a chain is no way to have to live. He is a lucky dog to have your family to take care of him.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Oh Ernie, even you can surely see that Turbo is just one great big ball of Love and goofiness??? It's fair enough to have boundaries, but don't be grouchsome about it. I just Love that Turbo had the KHAMP to come safely to during his furmily's difficult time. Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

stellaroselong said...

We have met Ernie so we understand just how he wants his boundaries...on the other hand that Kamp sounds so wonderful we were a wondering if we could come visit.....stella rose

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Khamp BarksAlot sounds like the best camp EVER!! You guys are doing a great job showing Turbo a good time!
Jakey, Arty & Rosy

Millie and Walter said...

That sure is nice of you to help Turbo out by having him over when his pawrents have to be away. We think maybe we should get a hydrant for Walter so he won't pee on so many of dad's plants.

Linda said...

You are so nice to have Turbo at your house.
All the world should take care of each other
when times get tuff.
xo Astro

Duke said...

I know all about having to be tied out and then miraculously, having a yard to run and play in. It is HEAVEN! I am so happy for Turbo!

Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

it is very nice that you took Trubo into your home. He looks like he is a nice guest. It is good that Ernie is hard on him. You can play good cop bad cop with him. Praying for Turbo;s Dad.

My Mind's Eye said...

Turbo is one lucky G.S. to have such loving and caring neighbors as your peeps and he is smart tooooooooo realize that no matter Ernie's size....Ernie is in C O N T R O L!! PERIOD.
MOL I probably would not be a very hospitable kitty if I had another kitty here so I can totally understand how Ernie feels. OMCs Turbo sleeps in Ernie's spot YIKES!! Them's fighting words. MOL
Hugs madi your bfff

WFT Nobby said...

Gosh Frankie, you guys know how to treat a guest like royalty.

C.L.W.STEP said...

Turbo is a lucky pup that you are taking care of him. There's nothing better than a big yard to explore!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Despite Ernie's concerns, it looks like you and Turbo have a great time together. Maybe his peeps will get him a nice fenced yard like yours too.

Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Turbo sounds like a hoot. You know Fenris is HUGE, we bet Turbo and Fenris are about the same size.

Idaho PugRanch said...

Bet that Turbo really loves the fenced yard - we love ours. Good thing that Turbo is respectful of your things - he is big
Hazel & Mabel

Ruby said...

Oh BOYZ! what FABulous Camp Count Sellers you are! OMD, Ernie, looks like you told HIM what's what!!! Turbo looks like a fun chap, I bets you guys had a most FABulous summer teachin' him how to run free in your back yardie!
Ruby ♥

Kismet said...

I imagine that the red hydrant is now yellow.

M. K. Clinton said...

Wow! You look so fierce, Ernie! BOL! It was very nice of you to teach your visitor the ins and outs of living with you.