Gee WHIZ.... we gotted really Bizzy over the Weekend and Mon. and Toozday... it is sort of Spring Cleaning time in the Coop. BUTT the Worstest Pawt was THIS... YESTERDAY was a rather WARM.. day here so MOM
TODAY we are going to see our Dogtor... fur our Annual Physical. NOT lookin forward to THAT.... we think we have some POKES coming along with the Prodding stuffs. GRRRRRRRR
THIS is what we do AFTER our Baffs and GROOMING....

Now TOMORROW will be our 3,000th. Post... YES, furends you saw that Right.... THREE THOUSAND Posts...
We are gonna have a Contestical/Comment A Thon thingy. EVERYBUDDY who leaves a comment (one chance per Blog) will have their name put in fur a Drawing fur a PRIZE PRESSIE... to be sent anywhere in the universe... SO be SURE to stop by... even while we are away at the Dogtor's Place... and Leave a comment.... fur YOUR Chance to win the PRIZE. We aren't Tellin what it IS beclaws it will need to be MADE Just fur the Winner... no matter What Species they are... Just Sayin.
Hari Om
Well, you both look about 87 shades lighter after that baffing! Hope the dogtur's visit is just a standard... and can't wait for tomorrow; how excitimental!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx
Oh you two do look VERY floofy snoozing there....all that Baffings and Groomings has worn you out!!
300th post coming up...WOW!!!!!!!!
Loves and licky kisses
Princess Leah xxx
Good lucks at the Me Vetman's
Bummer with the bath, grooming and vet stuff. NO fun at all! I have no clue how many posts we have, but your 3000 sounds like a lot! We'll be back tomorrow!
oooh the water torture... ummm... guess what? I think I like that... I always try to climb into the bathtub when the mama is inside... only one inch to go then my legs are long enough :o)
I'm so glad you're okay, was getting worried. Baths may not be fun but you guys do look great! Hope the Dogtor visit goes well. Do you get treats at the end of the Dogtor visit?
Tomorrow's post is probably number 3599 but you're running a sale and for today only, it's marked down to 2999.
You boys look exhausted after your baffs. We hope you both get A+ marks from the Vet tomorrow and we will be sure to come back to enter your contest.
Not having your annual physical is one small way you can help reduce health care
Sweet William The Scot
OMD...Aren't baths exhausting!! We just had one this past weekend too!!
Good luck at the dogturs!!
Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo
PeeEss..WAHOO for 3000 posts!!!!
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh FnE I'm sending a ton of kitty vibes for a quick Vet event with a wonderful report. I know your vet will love your fresh, soft furs.
3,000 OMCs. We'll be back
Hope your day is fun after the dogtur
Hugs madi your bfff
F & E
Happy 2999 postie and we will be back tomorrow
for the BIG celebration.
Enjoy your spa day and a kleen bill from the doc's office.
xo Astro
There must be something in the air, Boys because guess what I got this morning?!? A b-a-t-h! GRRRRRR You know I hate the water torture as much as the next dog. BOL WOW!!!! 3000 posts?!? That is huge! I will surely stop by and leave a congratulatory comment for you!
I once got four baths on the same day. FOUR baths! Well, two baths and two showers, but it was awful! Mara said it was my own fault for falling in cow doodoo and getting covered right up to the tips of my ears.
Miss Oswin from Norway
It seems there is an epidemic of Spring Cleaning going round Blogville just now...
2999 posts! Wow! Can't wait to see what tomorrow's post will be!
Lady started some spring cleaning here too . . . . hope she doesn't get any ideas about baths.
We can't wait for your 3000th post. That is pawsome! We will get our comments on!
Should we rest up for this? It sounds like it's going to be so much fun!!!
... no, Maggie. I'm resting up for Frankie and Ernie's 3000th post. Not now!
We bet you both smell and feel so nice and soft. Good luck at the visit for all good reports. We will back for the big #3000 - WOW, that is impressive!!!
Woos - Lightning and Misty
A prize! 2999.87 posts!! Whooooa
Lily & Edward
Bafs......YUCK time 2 = YUCK YUCK... BOL
See ya's tomorrow if our inner nuts are working. :)
Hazel went for her check up today too. she got poked and they stole some blood!!!
We will see you tomorrow for the big 3000!
Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel
Good luck at the doctor's, Frankie and Ernie! I hope they don't poke and prod too much!
I am sorry for the water torture. Can't wait for the big post Good luck at the doctors.
Baffs AND the Dog-tor. On Nose. Your Mom needs to make this up to you right away. I think it should be extra treats - lots of extra treats.
Abby Lab
OMD!!! That's more posts than anyone I Know!! Congrats! I will be back tomorrow.
P.S.: Hope things go well at the doctor's office.
It's so exciting to have such a milestone post! That's another reason to get all spruced up! We will be back tomorrow ❤
Bath, grooming, AND doctor??? Yikes. You boys are getting the whole 9 yards. Good luck.
Love and licks,
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