Thursday, February 16, 2017

Chewy Influencer review....

Feb. is Teefs Month...  so we thought we would Chews... these...

 It was a GOOD choice...   Merrick Big Brush Bones are DELICIOUS and they are MADE IN THE USA...  which means they are SAFE...   they are gluten free and Easily Digestible... and CHICKEN FLAVORED...        
Ingredients:  Potato Starch Vegetable Glycerin Dried Beet Pulp CANE MOLASSES Chicken Fat and Natural Chicken Flavor with a bit of Parsley and Skim Milk...
      This Picture shows the SIZE of the Merrick Big Brush Bones for 25 + Pounders.

Furst we did a Sniff Test....       and decided that they Smelled Grrrrreat.
This is Ernie.... showing the Pawper method of holding one ...
 And how to go about Chewing it...
 HERE Ernie is showing how to get parts Way Back to help clean those hard to reach teefs...
 He likes to start with the   Right Paw side of his mouf... and then do the Left...
This is ME... Frankie Furter... demonstrating how nice an mobile these Big Bones are...  Once can easily wander AIMLESSLY about WHINING the entire time  about until a Pawfect Location for Action is Found.
 AH YES...  at the Edge of our TOY FILLED Sofa will work Fine...  
 Now Before I Fill my mouf...  let me say that we received NO COMPENSATION fur this review...  CHEWY.COM   sent them to us for a Fair and Honest Review..
 SO  Ernie and I BOTH AGREE fur ONCE  that  MERRICK's Grain Free..Gluten Free 
              BIG BRUSH BONES   are  EXCELLENT...
Mom says our breffs smell good afterwards... and we Liked the Flavor...    
We HIGHLY recommend  Merrick's Big Brush Bones.... and they are Fast and Economically available from our BELOVED FAMILY....   CHEWY.COM    


My GBGV Life said...

We've had those before and they are super yummy, but they just don't last long enough!

easyweimaraner said...

wow they look like the equipment of a pirate... and I bet they are super tasty... and after than bones you can ride all 7 seas...

Leigh said...

Those bones look very tasty - enjoy! Nose licks and love from Moth xx

My Mind's Eye said...

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh you two have made my kitty mouth water with such a great review.
Frankie I think the couch is a purrect place to enjoy a good chew
Hugs madi your bfff

Robin + Christmas said...

OMD I want to dig in!

Noodles said...

OMD Frankie and Ernie
I am going out to buy those MERRICK treats right now. And by "out to buy" I mean going to and ordering them. Those look so delicious. I wanted to review those treats but since I am doing the 30 day food challenge, Molly got the pick something FOR HER. The audacity!
Thanks again. I truly enjoyed your thorough investigation.
Love Noodles

Unknown said...

Looks like you guys gave a through test to your products!! Thanks for the paws up review!

Love, Molly and my Mom @ The Fast and The Furriest

Murphy said...

Great review! Good teeth are so impawtent!

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

Kinley Westie said...

Those look fun to chew on!

The Army of Four said...

Those look interesting! Are they as good as Greenies?

Duke said...

How can you go wrong with these treats! Great review, Frankie and Ernie!

M. K. Clinton said...

We love those chews and the girls love our kissable breath! You should keep some in the copy room, Ernie! 😉

Idaho PugRanch said...

wow great review guys! I love to chew and these look really good!
Bailey & hazel too

Millie and Walter said...

We tried those treats and loved them too. Great review guys.

Unknown said...

These are our favorites! Love Dolly

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

These do look like some totally delicious treats!!!!2
Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo