Monday, November 14, 2016

Super Moon...

OMD OMD   did you see it?   SOOOOO Big and BRIGHT and it looked really CLOSE...

Here it comes... Up through the Bare Tree Branches..

Butt WAIT.... there's MORE... of the big Sky Show...

It has been 68 years since the moon was This CLOSE and FULL..  (1948)...  that was Way back when our Mom was Whelped..  
    If you Missed it LAST NIGHT...  Give it a Look See Tonight...    It is pretty Cool Drool.
        Just Sayin.
WE want to Congratulate the upcoming Blogville Administration TEAM... and we DO mean TEAM...    in the Best of Blogville Traditions...  our Mayor Elect    ARTY...  has worked with Mabel to CHEWS the BEST of the BEST... to fill their Cabinet and other assorted Pawsitions...  OMD Dear Furends...   did you know that ARTY asked Christmas and Oreo to take a Pawsition?    THAT is SO...      BLOGVILLElike.            We pity the PEEPS in the U.S.A.  who really CAN NOT GET IT RIGHT...  they do NOT know how to Work Together and they act like a BUNCH OF SQUIRRELS.
    NOT IN BLOGVILLE though.     

The OTHER thingy we want to say is a   BIG Thank You to  Miss Diana and Miss Kristen fur all the work ... HARD and Time Eating  WORK that they did fur US... on the Annual Christmas Card List...     We all REALLY appreciate it...        ANOTHER TIME when WE of Blogville can RUB OUR PEEP's NOSES in... "IT".    Baaaaa Waaah...   Let the CARD COUNT Begin...


Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Sadly our weather is hiding the supermoon... I got all excited at the idea of seeing it (especially as it is 18 years till the next time!); need a big wind to blow all the cloud away by tonight!!! Oh yes, Blogville is in very fine shape indeed... Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

The moon sure looked super on our walk this morning. Happy Monday!

My GBGV Life said...

We noticed it already on Saturday night, but last night it was amazing outside. Almost like daytime out there.

The Daily Pip said...

I am up early this morning and can see the moon out our west-facing windows. It is indeed HUGE and BEAUTIFUL! We have missed a couple of years on the holiday card thing, but are excited to be participating again this year!

Doggie's Doing A Comedy Turn said...

Yes the Super Moon looks pretty super, smashing, great indeed. Enjoy!

easyweimaraner said...

we saw it last night, but the mama took no photo... her moon-photos end always like a different thing what's called mooning too LOL

Unknown said...

What a beautiful moon. We did not get good photos of it ourselves. *sigh* I am very excited for our new Mayor and his cabinet. Blogville election and government is way better than what the peeps have for sure!

Linda said...

We haven't seen the moon yet.
But hope tonight we can get outside and look for it.

I need to say a Extra Big Thank You
to Kristen and Diana they did a super job!!!

Blogville has a lot to celebrate let the party begin.

Kismet said...

A bunch of squirrels would be a promotion for them.

My Mind's Eye said...

Ohhhh mom got a pic but it had some moisture rings around it she kept snapping as the clouds moved over it. It was raining last night when we went to bed and this am..and will be cloudy most of the day. WE surely needed the rain
Hugs madi your bfff

Two French Bulldogs said...

Even mom wanted to howl
Lily & Edward

Mara said...

I think I would have to fly up way high to see a moon tonight. The weather here has been awful all day and the rain doesn't seem to be stopping any time soon.

Mara from Norway

C.L.W.STEP said...

We've been watching the super moon too. Wow! You can see it again tonight too.

Sketching with Dogs said...

Wow, that moon is incredible!
Elliot and Cricket x

Idaho PugRanch said...

WE had some clouds but could still see the big moon!
We think that Arty is going to be a great Mayor following in the great tradition set by you Frankie and then Madi and then the Doods!
Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

The super moon was SUPER!!! Mom and dad got a really good glimpse of it on their way to dinner last night as it was just starting to rise. We are going to check it out again tonight.

And ditto from us on all the congrats and thanks.

Woos - Lightning and Misty

Julie said...

YAY fur the SUPER moon…Chester and I can chat on the moon phone for like 87 hours!!!!
Loves and licky kisses
Princess Leah xxx

Scooter said...

I saw that moon too! It was very howl-worthy. Bol

Braeden and Seth said...

We have clear skies...just waiting for the moon to rise! Thanks for stopping by our bloggie, it's good to be back!
Braeden, Seth and Riley

Cowspotdog said...

we had low clouds all night so we didn't get to see it

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Mama and Dory re very annoyed because the clouds keep getting in the way when they go out to look at the moon!!
Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

Millie and Walter said...

We saw that super moon last night too. It's too cloudy to see it tonight.

M. K. Clinton said...

We are so proud of the Blogville election. The peeps could learn a lot. We aren't able to participate in the Christmas card list this year because we are planning on moving far, far away. ☺

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Sydney was cloudy, but SHE did get to see the Supermoon a few times as it peeked out occasionally. We of course, were in the kennel, so didn't notice. We're home now...

Duke said...

We had too many clouds last night to see the supermoon. We do need the rain so we are enjoying your beautiful photos☺