Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Today's Events. Raspberries/Tongue curling and Ear Flapping...

OMD    OMC    have you been following all the events???     Have you SEEN how many  87 Carrot Solid GOLD MEDALS  Blogville has?     OMC  OMD   it is AMAZING...

Now TODAY we have two MORE events...

RASPBERRIES/TONGUE CURLING    hosted by NOODLE      CLICK        HERE        to see all the THRILLS and Excitement...


EAR FLAPPING    hosted by  CHESTER      (we are thinking to make it a TRIBUTE to our Beloved Angel Joey Dog)              Click     HERE

We hope that you all are LOVING the PAWLYMPICS of BLOGVILLE   just HALF as much as WE are...          
   We want to    THANK the hosts and hostesses...  and the Pawlympic Committee...  Lexi, Christmas, and Arty fur all their hard work.  

Pee S...      we picked  87 buckets of green beans yesterday... and had mom CAN 7 Quarts   and get  a BUNCH of Bags Delivered to Neighbors who have no garden...  PLUS enough fur mom to cooker up a BIG Pot of       Green Beans   Burger and Busghetti Sauce fur our Supper...    
    TODAY we will be picking PEACHES from our tree... which is SOOOOOO full of peaches that we have had to PROP UP the branches... and Sadly a couple Still broke off...       WE have not yet decided WHAT we are going to have mom make with the peaches...    hope to have SOME to freeze fur a WINTER TIME PIE or two...    and maybe a Fresh Peach Cobbler fur our DESSERT tonight.  JUST SAYIN...

We are about to enter the BIG  Canning Time...     Our Garden Work is PAYING OFF...


easyweimaraner said...

wow so much green beans, bet there will be a lot of firework soon in your area :o) gimme a sign please when you pick the fruits from your milkbone tree :O)

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
OMD guys... I LOVE when it comes round to harvest time at your place - albeit this is first proper one at the flat hill... my word but mum is gonna be busy eh?!! As for the Os and Ps - really, tell me, when is too much sport never enough??!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

My GBGV Life said...

No one at our house, well, maybe cat bro Bert would be an exception, eats green beans. Mom tried giving Bailie and I each one and we spit it out. Mom won't eat them either. We have nose work friends, and their high value treat is always green beans. We always joke and tell them they can't work worth beans! Glad you all enjoy the veggie from your garden since you have lots of it!

Linda said...

Green Beans & Peaches OMD we'll be right over.
Lordy help us if y'all have zucchini there too.
xo Astro

Cowspotdog said...

our peeps love green beans - but we don't :)

The Daily Pip said...

Enjoy all those beans and peaches!

My Mind's Eye said...

Oh my stars you PA garden is showing your former OhiO garden up big time. You will love having all this in the cold winter.
Peaches.....yummy we didn't know you had a peach tree. I say make cobbler
Hugs madi your bfff

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

You are lucky to have such a pawsome gardening mom. Our Lady can only grow body hair BOL!

Two French Bulldogs said...

BOL those are some amazing events! We can't flap nothing but our mouths
Lily & Edward

C.L.W.STEP said...

You have peaches? It's been so hot and dry here that our pear tree dropped almost all of it's fruit. There are maybe two left and we hope the evil squirrels don't get them. Grrrr. We've been feasting on green beans, and yellow ones too. But we got them at the local farm market.

But we're having a great time watching all the wonderful and funny Pawlympic events. Hope to see you there soon!

Kismet said...

Green beans? Our dogs are on the way-they beg for green beans.

stellaroselong said...

We were wondering Ms Lana if we drive over would you sell us a bucket of those peaches................stella rose

Duke said...

Our news peeps tell us that Connecticut has no peaches this year because of the frost in February. hummmm - well, we don't remember that damaging frost but you guys are so lucky to have all of those yummy peaches!

Jans Funny Farm said...

Too bad your mom has all the fun with the beans and peaches. At least you guys will get to eat some. :)

Idaho PugRanch said...

Our Mom & Dad hope to have a good garden next year - they will be-tired and will have the time to take care of it!
Mr Baile, Hazel & Mabel

The Army of Four said...

We wish we could do the ear-flapping thing. But .. .well ... you know.
Yours sincerely,
Margaret Thatcher

Millie and Walter said...

We are having fun competing in the Pawlympics and seeing everyone's entries. You sure didn't loose anything by moving as you still have a great garden to fill you (and your neighbors) up. We bet your neighbors are glad you moved there.

Scooter said...

Hey FnE!
Wow, I saw your entries today and they were great! You'll get gold medals fur sure. Loved the ear-flapping event. BOL. OMD my peeps had your cobbler for dessert and they just raved about the delish-ness.
Grr and a Sporting Woof,
Sarge, Pawthlete

Murphy said...

Wait a minute! Stop the presses! What about canning some of the fruit from the biscuit bush???? Priorities woman!!

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

Robin + Christmas said...

What funny events my furiends come up with!

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

OMD...'tis the season for a busy Frankie and Family!!!

Dory, Arty, Jakey & Bilbo

sprinkles said...

My neighbor has peaches. Sometimes I'm tempted to reach over the fence and snag one for myself. I don't think she'd appreciate that much though. One day I could see her tree shaking from my kitchen window. Looked a little closer and there was a tree rat shaking it to get some peaches for himself.

Anonymous said...

Lucky ducks to have so many peaches! After eating peaches at a pick-your-own-farm, Mom says store peaches are gross. I am afraid of peaches because they are too juicy.

Love and licks,

M. K. Clinton said...

We have been so impressed with your entries in the Pawlympics but that pales in comparison to your gardening skills! Green beans and peaches has our mom drooling! She votes cobbler!